[EL] Law-election Digest, Vol 60, Issue 8
John Fogarty
fogartyjr at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 12:16:15 PDT 2016
In Illinois, we enjoy an adversarial system of determining whether petition
signatures are valid. In essence, any petition is presumed valid unless an
objection is filed within 5 days of the last day for filing that petition.
That objection, if properly drafted, sets off a legal procedure by which
signatures are validated, and ultimately litigated. The process kicks off
at 10 ILCS 5/10-8. It is generally a highly adversarial process.
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 2:00 PM, <
law-election-request at department-lists.uci.edu> wrote:
> Send Law-election mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions (weichpm at earthlink.net)
> 2. Re: Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions (Richard Winger)
> 3. Re: Verification of Signatures on Candidate
> NominatingPetitions (weichpm at earthlink.net)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 09:53:27 -0700
> From: <weichpm at earthlink.net>
> To: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>,
> "'Richard Winger'" <richardwinger at yahoo.com>, <
> law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> Message-ID: <B132A571A0624BAD9046C1FDD5EE3E29 at LenovoPWPC>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> http://bit.ly/ConstPartyVCortes
> ___________________
> --Law Offices of Paul Weich--
> (480) 759-1983
> Paul.Weich.Law at gmail.com
> www.PWLawArizona.com
> From: Greenberg, Kevin
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 9:16 AM
> To: 'Richard Winger' ; mailto:law-election at uci.edu
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> Thanks. You don?t happen to know if Judge Stengel?s 2015 opinion is being
> published, do you?
> Kevin Greenberg
> (215) 279-9912
> From: Richard Winger [mailto:richardwinger at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 11:56 AM
> To: Greenberg, Kevin; 'law-election at uci.edu'
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> I am virtually certain that the 3rd circuit decision in Constitution Party
> v Aichele says that Pennsylvania's system is unique (and it is). That
> decision remanded the case back to the US District Court, and that 2015
> opinion almost certainly says Pennsylvania is unique. The US District
> Court decision of 2015 invalidated that system for general election
> petitions.
> Richard Winger 415-922-9779 PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>
> To: "'law-election at uci.edu'" <law-election at uci.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 8:37 AM
> Subject: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating Petitions
> Does anyone have a list or a reference that identifies how each state
> verifies candidate petition signatures?
> I have a brief due today and I?m trying to find some evidence to back up
> my claim (or disprove it) that Pennsylvania?s process that relies on
> adversarial litigation is unusual.
> Although it did give Adam Bonin and I a chance to go head-to-head last
> week. I was sorta hoping Rick would have covered that trial. ;)
> Kevin Greenberg
> Flaster/Greenberg PC
> 1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Second Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
> 19103
> Phone: 215-279-9912 Fax: 215-701-1151
> Email: kevin.greenberg at flastergreenberg.com
> email l bio l offices l v-card
> NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may constitute an
> attorney-client communication that is privileged at law. It is not intended
> for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If you have
> received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from
> your system without copying it, and notify the sender by reply e-mail or by
> calling the sender, so that our address record can be corrected. We inform
> you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication (including
> any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used,
> for the purpose of promoting, marketing or recommending to another party
> any transaction or matter addressed herein.
> _______________________________________________
> Law-election mailing list
> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
> http://department-lists.uci.edu/mailman/listinfo/law-election
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Law-election mailing list
> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 17:00:06 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Richard Winger <richardwinger at yahoo.com>
> To: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>,
> "'law-election at uci.edu'" <law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> Message-ID:
> <514661547.2702340.1459875606524.JavaMail.yahoo at mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> 116 F Supp 3d 486 (e.d. 2015).
> Pennsylvania is unique, not because it is adversarial, but because there
> is no administrative method for determining if a petition is valid; the
> only method is judicial.?Richard Winger 415-922-9779 PO Box 470296, San
> Francisco Ca 94147
> From: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>
> To: 'Richard Winger' <richardwinger at yahoo.com>; "'law-election at uci.edu'"
> <law-election at uci.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 9:16 AM
> Subject: RE: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> #yiv4894733955 #yiv4894733955 -- _filtered #yiv4894733955
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> anks.? You don?t happen to know if Judge Stengel?s 2015 opinion is being
> published, do you? ? ? Kevin Greenberg
> (215) 279-9912
> ? From: Richard Winger [mailto:richardwinger at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 11:56 AM
> To: Greenberg, Kevin; 'law-election at uci.edu'
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions ? I am virtually certain that the 3rd circuit decision in
> Constitution Party v Aichele says that Pennsylvania's system is unique (and
> it is).? That decision remanded the case back to the US District Court, and
> that 2015 opinion almost certainly says Pennsylvania is unique.? The US
> District Court decision of 2015 invalidated that system for general
> election petitions. ? Richard Winger 415-922-9779 PO Box 470296, San
> Francisco Ca 94147 ? From: "Greenberg, Kevin" <
> Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>
> To: "'law-election at uci.edu'" <law-election at uci.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 8:37 AM
> Subject: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions ? Does anyone have a list or a reference that identifies how
> each state verifies candidate petition signatures? ? I have a brief due
> today and I?m trying to find some evidence to back up my claim (or disprove
> it) that Pennsylvania?s process that relies on adversarial litigation is
> unusual. ? Although it did give Adam Bonin and I a chance to go
> head-to-head last week.? ?I was sorta hoping Rick would have covered that
> trial.? ;) ? Kevin Greenberg Flaster/Greenberg PC ? 1600 John F. Kennedy
> Boulevard, Second Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Phone:
> 215-279-9912 Fax: 215-701-1151
> Email: kevin.greenberg at flastergreenberg.com ? email lbio l offices l
> v-card ? NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may constitute an
> attorney-client communication that is privileged at law. It is not intended
> for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If you have
> received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from
> your system without copying it, and notify the sender by reply e-mail or by
> calling the sender, so that our address record can be corrected.? We inform
> you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication (including
> any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used,
> for the purpose of promoting, marketing or recommending to another party
> any transaction or?matter addressed herein. ?
> _______________________________________________
> Law-election mailing list
> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
> http://department-lists.uci.edu/mailman/listinfo/law-election
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 10:07:30 -0700
> From: <weichpm at earthlink.net>
> To: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>,
> "'Richard Winger'" <richardwinger at yahoo.com>, <
> law-election at UCI.EDU>
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate
> NominatingPetitions
> Message-ID: <1E9ACC56147541379C2BE591DA98CCF6 at LenovoPWPC>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Key quote: ?Pennsylvania is the only state which venues petition
> verification in the judiciary. Other states shoulder the costs of petition
> verification, and the task is conducted by the employees of an executive
> branch agency. Id. The process is quite different in Pennsylvania.?
> I?ll now clarify my earlier answer re: Arizona. Arizona requires an
> adversarial proceeding to trigger a county/state verification process.
> Thanks?Paul
> ___________________
> --Law Offices of Paul Weich--
> (480) 759-1983
> Paul.Weich.Law at gmail.com
> www.PWLawArizona.com
> From: weichpm at earthlink.net
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 9:53 AM
> To: Greenberg, Kevin ; 'Richard Winger' ; law-election at uci.edu
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate
> NominatingPetitions
> http://bit.ly/ConstPartyVCortes
> ___________________
> --Law Offices of Paul Weich--
> (480) 759-1983
> Paul.Weich.Law at gmail.com
> www.PWLawArizona.com
> From: Greenberg, Kevin
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 9:16 AM
> To: 'Richard Winger' ; mailto:law-election at uci.edu
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> Thanks. You don?t happen to know if Judge Stengel?s 2015 opinion is being
> published, do you?
> Kevin Greenberg
> (215) 279-9912
> From: Richard Winger [mailto:richardwinger at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 11:56 AM
> To: Greenberg, Kevin; 'law-election at uci.edu'
> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
> Petitions
> I am virtually certain that the 3rd circuit decision in Constitution Party
> v Aichele says that Pennsylvania's system is unique (and it is). That
> decision remanded the case back to the US District Court, and that 2015
> opinion almost certainly says Pennsylvania is unique. The US District
> Court decision of 2015 invalidated that system for general election
> petitions.
> Richard Winger 415-922-9779 PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>
> To: "'law-election at uci.edu'" <law-election at uci.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 8:37 AM
> Subject: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating Petitions
> Does anyone have a list or a reference that identifies how each state
> verifies candidate petition signatures?
> I have a brief due today and I?m trying to find some evidence to back up
> my claim (or disprove it) that Pennsylvania?s process that relies on
> adversarial litigation is unusual.
> Although it did give Adam Bonin and I a chance to go head-to-head last
> week. I was sorta hoping Rick would have covered that trial. ;)
> Kevin Greenberg
> Flaster/Greenberg PC
> 1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Second Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
> 19103
> Phone: 215-279-9912 Fax: 215-701-1151
> Email: kevin.greenberg at flastergreenberg.com
> email l bio l offices l v-card
> NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may constitute an
> attorney-client communication that is privileged at law. It is not intended
> for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If you have
> received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from
> your system without copying it, and notify the sender by reply e-mail or by
> calling the sender, so that our address record can be corrected. We inform
> you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication (including
> any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used,
> for the purpose of promoting, marketing or recommending to another party
> any transaction or matter addressed herein.
> _______________________________________________
> Law-election mailing list
> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
> http://department-lists.uci.edu/mailman/listinfo/law-election
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> Law-election mailing list
> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
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> End of Law-election Digest, Vol 60, Issue 8
> *******************************************
Law Office of John Fogarty, Jr.
4043 N. Ravenswood, Suite 226
Chicago, Illinois 60613
(773) 549-2647
(773) 680-4962 (mobile)
(773) 681-7147 (fax)
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