[EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating Petitions

John Fogarty fogartyjr at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 13:02:55 PDT 2016

We use a similar process.  The line-by-line objections are vetted by
election board workers flanked by representatives of the candidate and
objector.  Those representatives can object to the election board workers'
"rulings," thereby preserving a party's ability to present further evidence
pertinent to that signature before the electoral board, or a hearing
officer designated by the electoral board.

Objections in Illinois are similarly un-amendable, once filed.  Our statute
sadly does not allow for a sketch artist -- we may try to sneak that into
the next omnibus election bill....

On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Adam Bonin <adam at boninlaw.com> wrote:

> So we're clear: the way it works in PA is that Objectors file a Petition
> to Set Aside within seven days, listing by page and line the objections
> they have to various lines. (Voter not registered in the district, not
> registered in the party, line information omitted, line signed by someone
> other than the voter, illegible, etc.)  You can't add objections to new
> lines after the seven-day window, but you can under certain circumstances
> amend your objections to specific lines (e.g., a line once thought
> illegible, once read clearly, is now open to challenges on a voter's
> registration status.)
> A hearing is promptly set in court, during which objectors (with the
> assistance of local election officials hooked into the online voter
> registration database, plus other live witnesses), have to prove their
> objections, line by line --though the parties are also required to resolve
> as many line disputes in advance as possible, again with use of the state's
> online voter registration records. Objectors also need to supply the court
> reporter and, though Kevin didn't last week, they *can* pay for a
> courtroom sketch artist.  (Really: just once in my career?)  Appeals are
> fast-tracked as well.
> Is Illinois like that?
> --Adam
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 3:16 PM, John Fogarty <fogartyjr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In Illinois, we enjoy an adversarial system of determining whether
>> petition signatures are valid.  In essence, any petition is presumed valid
>> unless an objection is filed within 5 days of the last day for filing that
>> petition.  That objection, if properly drafted, sets off a legal procedure
>> by which signatures are validated, and ultimately litigated.  The process
>> kicks off at 10 ILCS 5/10-8.  It is generally a highly adversarial process.
>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 2:00 PM, <
>> law-election-request at department-lists.uci.edu> wrote:
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>>    1. Re: Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
>>>       Petitions (weichpm at earthlink.net)
>>>    2. Re: Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
>>>       Petitions (Richard Winger)
>>>    3. Re: Verification of Signatures on Candidate
>>>       NominatingPetitions (weichpm at earthlink.net)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 09:53:27 -0700
>>> From: <weichpm at earthlink.net>
>>> To: "Greenberg, Kevin" <Kevin.Greenberg at flastergreenberg.com>,
>>>         "'Richard Winger'" <richardwinger at yahoo.com>, <
>>> law-election at uci.edu>
>>> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
>>>         Petitions
>>> Message-ID: <B132A571A0624BAD9046C1FDD5EE3E29 at LenovoPWPC>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> http://bit.ly/ConstPartyVCortes
>>> ___________________
>>> --Law Offices of Paul Weich--
>>> (480) 759-1983
>>> Paul.Weich.Law at gmail.com
>>> www.PWLawArizona.com
>>> From: Greenberg, Kevin
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 9:16 AM
>>> To: 'Richard Winger' ; mailto:law-election at uci.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [EL] Verification of Signatures on Candidate Nominating
>>> Petitions
>>> Thanks.  You don?t happen to know if Judge Stengel?s 2015 opinion is
>>> being published, do you?
>>> Kevin Greenberg
>>> (215) 279-9912

Law Office of John Fogarty, Jr.
4043 N. Ravenswood, Suite 226
Chicago, Illinois  60613
(773) 549-2647
(773) 680-4962 (mobile)
(773) 681-7147 (fax)
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