[EL] Update on Freedom Path challenge to IRS's "facts and circumstances" test
BZall at aol.com
BZall at aol.com
Mon Dec 5 10:57:48 PST 2016
Here's a quick update on a pending case that's gone mostly under the radar,
but has the potential to be an earthquake in the ability of the IRS to
regulate political speech and association. Freedom Path v. Lois Lerner, No.
3:14-CV-1537-D (N.D.Tx). Note: I'm not part of the case, but I've been
following it.
In 2011, Freedom Path applied for tax-exemption as a 501(c)(4)
organization, and was immediately ensnared in the IRS scandal. It filed suit in
federal court in Dallas, and having survived motions to dismiss for mootness and
standing, has now moved for partial summary judgment on its challenge to the
IRS's use of a "facts and circumstances" methodology to determine whether
it is engaged in political campaign intervention or, as Freedom Path
claims, issue advocacy. A copy of the Motion is attached.
The IRS's "facts and circumstances" test has been applied for decades, and
is basically a "know it when you see it" test that permits an individual
IRS employee to determine, based on all the facts and circumstances of a
situation, whether an organization is engaged in political or non-political
activity (the test is also used in a variety of other situations, usually not
involving core First Amendment rights). The IRS has never been able to
articulate a simple compliance test, and usually ends up offering multiple
"examples" and repeating the facts and circumstances test. In my training and
classes, I suggest a "Three T's" test: the IRS decision between political
and issue advocacy depends on a shifting set of three factors: Timing,
Targeting and Text. How close to an election? Was the advocacy directed to an
electorate? Did the text deal with an issue or with an individual,
particularly an individual's character or fitness for office? But there's always the
facts and circumstances test under which the IRS can make any choice it
pleases, no matter the argument made by the taxpayers. In other words, there's
never any certainty about what the IRS will do.
The facts and circumstances test has been roundly criticized, including by
the Bright Lines Project, which proposed replacing the test (except for
about ten percent of organizations) with "bright line" rules supposedly more
easily understood. After the IRS scandal, the IRS proposed new regulations
defining campaign-related political activity in ways similar to the Bright
Lines proposal, but after receiving hundreds of thousands of opposing public
comments, withdrew the proposal, and Congress has since barred the
Treasury from re-issuing the proposal. During the course of the IRS scandal and
after, Congress, outside groups, and the IRS and Treasury themselves
repeatedly described the facts and circumstances test as ambiguous, confusing and
impossible for lay persons to understand and comply with. See, e.g.,
then-IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel's Charting a Path Forward At The IRS, June 24,
2013, P. 28.
This case is the other shoe dropping.
The legal theory behind the challenge, articulated, inter alia, by Chris
Gober of the Gober Group and Jason Torchinsky of Holtzman Vogel Josefiak
Torchinsky, is pretty simple: if the IRS itself has declared its own rules
ambiguous and too confusing for compliance, aren't those rules
unconstitutional under the First Amendment's rights of speech and association? After all,
the Supreme Court laid down some clear and straightforward rules in FEC v.
Wisconsin Right to Life, 551 U.S. 449 (2007), essentially all of which are
violated by the facts and circumstances test, and the IRS's rules violate
the Supreme Court's ruling against the FEC's "two-part, twelve factor" test
for issue advocacy in Citizens United v. FEC, 558 U.S. 310 (2010).
The traditional IRS defense is that the IRS is entitled to ignore the First
Amendment because it administers a "tax subsidy" and the Treasury must
stand apart from subsidizing political speech. Regan v. Taxation With
Representation of Washington, 461 U.S. 540 (1983). But in recent years that
defense has broken down, most famously in Z Street v. Koskinen, 791 F.3d 24 (D.C.
Cir. 2015), where the IRS was accused of treating pro-Israel groups
differently. And in Agency for Int'l Development v. Alliance for Open Society
Int'l, 113 S.Ct. 2321, 2328 (2013), the Court limited the subsidy argument to
specific activities being paid for by government funds, and blocked the
argument for penalties against the entire organization. After all, political
speech by exempt organizations is not subsidized, since it is taxed at the
highest corporate rates under IRC section 527, meaning that 501(c)(4)s are
the worst examples of penalties against the entire organization for
non-subsidized speech. Moreover, with the relentless publicity about (and decisions
against) the IRS targeting scandal, the IRS's claim of being a neutral
broker of tax rules has taken a beating.
Even Paul Streckfus, editor of EO Tax Journal and famously supportive of
aggressive IRS enforcement of rules against political intervention, wrote in
today's EOTR: Freedom Path "may be right." I would not want to be the
IRS's defense counsel in the next four years.
Barnaby Zall
Law Office of Barnaby Zall
685 Spring St. #314
Friday Harbor WA 98250
bzall at aol.com
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