[EL] Judge Merrick Garland: A Moderate Liberal on Election Law Issues, With Questions About Boldness
Rick Hasen
rhasen at law.uci.edu
Thu Mar 17 10:06:27 PDT 2016
Judge Merrick Garland: A Moderate Liberal on Election Law Issues,
With Questions About Boldness <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=80981>
Posted onMarch 17, 2016 10:02 am
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=80981>byRick Hasen
I have now had a chance to review the substantive election law decisions
of Judge Merrick Garland that my research assistant and I have
identified (listed after the jump). With the caveat that the job of a
lower court judge is to implement the Supreme Court’s rulings and the
job of a Supreme Court Justice is to make those rulings not bound by a
higher court, my view is that a Justice Garland would be moderately
liberal on election law issues, probably voting with the four more
liberal Justices in most election cases. I suspect he will be very
willing to uphold challenged campaign finance regulations, especially
disclosure regulations; that he would support relatively strong readings
of the scope of the Voting Rights Act in protecting minority voting
rights and voters’ rights in general; and that he would carefully
balance the First Amendment rights of political parties and government
interests in party cases, but not be very generous to third party
claims. The big question is how far he would be willing to go in
overturning or greatly extending precedent. For example, I am unsure
given the kind of judicial restraint and cautiousness he has shown so
far whether he would be a fifth vote to overturn/Citizens United/. I
don’t know what he would do about partisan gerrymandering. And I do not
expect him to be bold on voting rights: witness his decision on a 2-1
district court panel rejecting the right of D.C. residents to vote in
U.S. House elections. Below is a bit more detailed analysis on these
/*Campaign finance*/. YesterdayI noted
<http://electionlawblog.org/?p=80929>that we should not read too much
into Judge Garland’s vote in the /SpeeechNow/case, the case which
established Super PACs. As I explained that unanimous ruling was
compelled by the Supreme Court’s /Citizens United/decision. Far more
important to understanding Judge Garland’s views in this area are
/Wagner v. FEC/(2015), a case upholding the ban on government
contractors making campaign contributions to federal candidates, and
/NAM v. Taylor/(2009), a case upholding disclosure provisions relative
to lobbyists. /Wagner/was a majority en banc decision, meaning liberals
and conservatives signed on to the opinion and so the result was not all
that controversial. But the /way/that Judge Garland wrote the decision
indicates that he accepts Congress’s role in crafting reasonable
campaign finance regulations aimed at protecting government interests.
Judge Garland could have written the opinion in a reluctant way, noting
that Supreme Court cases like /Citizens United/and /McCutcheon /may have
undermined the constitutionality of total bans on contributions by any
class of contributors. But Judge Garland did not write such a decision
(as we recently saw another DC panel do in a disclosure case). He wrote
an opinion which was thoughtful, meticulous, and a full-throated
endorsement of the ban on contractor contributions. This reads to me as
an opinion of a judge who believes in reasonable regulation. The same is
to be said for his /NAM/decision, which carefully applies precedent, and
is not reluctant to uphold disclosure requirements in the face of
unsubstantiated claims of harassment. the judge also signed a 2008
decision, /Shays v. FEC/, which required the Federal Election Commission
to craft tougher regulations to implement the campaign finance law.
The harder question is what a Justice Garland would do, if faced on the
Supreme Court with the opportunity to overturn /Citizens United/. On the
merits, I have little doubt he would have been in the dissent in the
original /Citizens United/case. But the question is one of /stare
decisis /(respect for precedent) now. Would he be willing to overturn
such a case, just a few years after the controversial ruling? My guess
is that his would be a struggle for him, less about the merits of the
case and more about the proper role of the Justice (particularly if he
becomes the new swing Justice) on a Court that is ideologically and
politically divided.
/*Voting rights.*/Judge Garland has not decided many voting rights
cases, but one that is important is /Florida v. U.S./(2012). In that
case, the question was whether Florida, which was partially covered by
the Voting Rights Act, was entitled to preclearance for its cutbacks in
early voting (as well as for some other changes). Judge Garland sat on a
three judge district court that issued a per curiam (unsigned) opinion,
so we do not know if he was an author. But I would suspect he had a big
hand in crafting this opinion which again is erudite and careful. The
judges reached the conclusion that Florida’s cutbacks in early voting
violated the Voting Rights Act because Florida could not show that the
changes would not make minority voters worse off. The court essentially
told Florida it had to keep the same number of hours of early voting as
it had offered before to get preclearance. The court approved other
changes to Florida election law, finding they would not make minority
voters worse off. The Supreme Court eliminated preclearance the next
year in the /Shelby County/case, and so this precise holding would no
longer have direct relevance. Nonetheless, the tone of this opinion is
one who takes seriously to protect voting rights.
Judge Garland seems much less likely to go out on a limb, however. He
was in a majority in a 2-1 per curiam case,/Adams v.
Clinton/(2000), rejecting D.C. residents’ attempts to get courts to
declare they have the right to representation in Congress. Again we have
a very scholarly opinion, but this is one that leaves the question of DC
representation to the political process. The dissenter read the
Constitution to require DC representation in Congress. (The Supreme
Court affirmed the Garland position.)
*/Political Parties./*//Judge Garland does not seem overly protective of
third party voting rights, deciding in /Libertarian Party v. DC Board of
Elections /(2012) that a third party had no right to have the number of
write-ins tallied for its candidates. (Richard Winger, who cares deeply
about third party issues,disagrees strongly
Garland’s position in this case, but sees his overall record on third
parties as “mixed”.). But the liberal Justices on the Court have not
always been great protectors of third party rights, and I don’t expect
that to change no matter who is chosen for the Court. Perhaps more
interesting, given the current machinations over a possible constested
Republican convention this summer, is Judge Garland’s opinion in
LaRouche v. Fowler (1998). The case involved various challenges that
fringe candidate Lyndon LaRouche brought against the DNC for how it
conducted its convention. Much of the opinion deals with whether
political parties are subject to preclearance under the (now-moribund)
Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. But in the latter part of the
opinion, Judge Garland address constitutional claims against the
Democratic party, and specifically whether the delegate rules at a
convention are subject to judicial review. The opinion was careful and
thoughful, balancing the hybrid nature of political parties as state
actors and as private actors entitled to First Amendment rights.
Ultimately he sided with the party’s rights to decide its own
nominees. Here’s a snippet:
Moreover, the Party’s interest is not merely legitimate. Here, the
associational rights of the Democratic National Party are at their
zenith. The Party’s ability to define who is a “bona fide Democrat”
is nothing less than the Party’s ability to define itself.
In/Eu,/for example, one of the challenged state laws “prevent[ed]
party governing bodies from stating whether a candidate adheres to
the tenets of the party or whether party officials believe that the
candidate is qualified for the position sought.”489 U.S. at 223, 109
S.Ct. 1013.
Court struck the law down. “Freedom of association,” Justice
Marshall said, “means … that a political party has a right to
‘identify the people who constitute the association’ … and to select
a ‘standard bearer who best represents the party’s ideologies and
preferences.’ ”/Id./at 224, 109 S.Ct. 1013
U.S. at 214, 107 S.Ct. 544,
F.2d at 601
J., concurring));/see also//LaFollette,/450 U.S. at 122 n. 22, 101
S.Ct. 1010
‘Freedom of association would prove an empty guarantee if
associations could not limit control over their decisions to those
who share the interests and persuasions that underlie the
association’s being.’ ”) (quoting L. TRIBE, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL
LAW 791 (1978))…
The answer to this aspect of LaRouche’s complaint is that the
Party’s First Amendment rights extend not only to defining itself,
but also to determining how to define itself. The Supreme Court made
this point in both/Cousins/and/LaFollette/by upholding the Party’s
right to determine who could select its delegates, notwithstanding
the states’ views that a different process would be more
appropriate./See, e.g.,//LaFollette,/450 U.S. at 124, 101 S.Ct. 1010
political party’s choice among the various ways of determining the
makeup of a State’s delegation to the party’s national convention is
protected by the Constitution.”). The Court faced a similar question
again in/Eu,/where the California Elections Code dictated, among
other things, the organization and composition of the state parties’
official governing bodies. To ensure fairness to the state’s various
regions, the Code required that the position of party chair rotate
between residents of northern and southern California./See/489 U.S.
at 216, 109 S.Ct. 1013.
its decisions in/Cousins/and/LaFollette,/the Court struck the law
down, saying: “[A] political party’s determination … of the
structure which best allows it to pursue its political goals is
protected by the Constitution. Freedom of association also
encompasses a political party’s decisions about the identity of, and
the process for electing, its leaders.”/Eu,/489 U.S. at 229, 109
S.Ct. 1013
quotations and citations omitted). “[A] State cannot,” the Court
said, “substitute its judgment for that of the party as to the
desirability of a particular internal party structure.”/Id./at 233,
109 S.Ct. 1013
This court reached the same conclusion in/Ripon,/where we rejected
the contention that the Equal Protection Clause required the
Republican Party to allocate its national convention delegates on a
one-person, one-vote basis. In letting stand the Party’s practice of
awarding “victory bonuses” to states voting Republican in prior
elections, we observed:
A party is …. more than a forum for all its adherents’ views. It is
an organized attempt to see the most important of those views put
into practice through control of the levers of government. One party
may think the best way to do so is through a ‘strictly democratic’
majoritarianism. But another may think it can only be done (let us
say) by giving the proven party professionals a greater voice….
/Ripon,/525 F.2d at 585
A party may, of course, pay heavily at the polls for the perception
that it treats its members, delegates, or candidates unfairly. But
that is a matter for the party to weigh, and for the people to
decide in the general election. It is not a basis upon which a court
can intervene as long as the party’s processes rationally advance
its legitimate interests.
Rule 11(K) and the Fowler letter were issued pursuant to the
authority duly granted to the DNC and Chairman Fowler by the Charter
and Bylaws of the Democratic Party.^35
LaRouche disputed Fowler’s authority or conclusions, the place to
take that dispute was to the national convention’s Credentials
Committee and, if he received no satisfaction, to the floor of the
convention itself.^36
<http://electionlawblog.org/#co_footnote_B036361998172755_1>As the
Supreme Court said in/O’Brien,/“[i]t has been understood since our
national political parties first came into being as voluntary
associations of individuals that the convention itself is the proper
forum for determining intra-party disputes as to which delegates
shall be seated.”409 U.S. at 4, 92 S.Ct. 2718.
the First Amendment protects the decisions made by defendants in
this case, we are unable to afford plaintiffs the relief they seek.
/*Conclusion.* /Judge Garland, more than anything else, appears to be a
thoughtful and scholarly judge who takes serious claims seriously and
who shows liberal, but not radically liberal, leanings in election law
cases. Whether he would pass a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton litmust
test to overturn /Citizens United/is highly doubtful. If faced with the
chance, he could well become a bold Justice; who knows? But his record
of caution and incrementalism says that would be no sure bet.
Continue reading→ <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=80981#more-80981>
Posted incampaign finance <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=10>,political
parties <http://electionlawblog.org/?cat=25>,Voting Rights Act
Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
949.824.0495 - fax
rhasen at law.uci.edu
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