[EL] Maricopa County, AZ polling place consolidations

Paul Gronke paul.gronke at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 10:48:52 PDT 2016


Great point.  It would be fascinating to find out how many citizens understood this.  You could take a run at this by examining the geographic locaions of home addresses at the vote centers.  Could also look at whether or not Maricopa had “live time traffic report” on lines like some counties have put in place in Florida (for early voting) to try to redirect voters to places where lines are shorter.  

Also would want to know the impact on total capacity—voting locations x machines.  An increase in number of locations may coexist with a reduction in total voting stations.

Where’s Bob Stein (Rice) when you need him?
Paul Gronke	

Professor, Reed College and
Daniel B. German Endowed Visiting Professor, Appalachian State University

Director, Early Voting Information Center
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland OR 97202

EVIC: http://earlyvoting.net

> On Mar 24, 2016, at 1:12 PM, David Becker <dbecker at pewtrusts.org> wrote:
> Without expressing any opinion on what occurred in Maricopa County this week, or whether the change would have been subject to a Section 5 objection pre-Shelby, it’s important to note that this was not a “reduction in the number of polling places,” or “polling place consolidation,” per se, but rather a switch from single-polling-place precincts to vote centers, where any voter countywide could cast a ballot. Thus, while the overall number of voting locations was reduced, the number of locations where each voter could cast a ballot was increased, as each could vote at any vote center in the county.
> <image001.png>
> David J. Becker
> Director, Election Initiatives
> The Pew Charitable Trusts
> 901 E St NW, 10th Floor | Washington, DC 20004
> p: 202.552.2136 | dbecker at pewtrusts.org <mailto:dbecker at pewtrusts.org>
> www.pewtrusts.org <http://www.pewtrusts.org/>
> Sign up <http://outreach.pewtrusts.org/ElectionInitiativesRegistration> for our monthly newsletter to receive the latest election updates.
> From: law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>] On Behalf Of John Tanner
> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 12:29 PM
> To: Rick Hasen
> Cc: law-election at uci.edu <mailto:law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: [EL] Maricopa County, AZ polling place consolidations
> For those who are interested in the basis for Section 5 objections to the reduction in the number of polling places, pdfs of all objection letters are now on line at https://www.justice.gov/crt/section-5-objection-letters <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.justice.gov_crt_section-2D5-2Dobjection-2Dletters&d=CwMFAg&c=2qwu4RrWzdlNOcmb_drAcw&r=rN5rVT8Yp2mR5l9MiFbXS7Jfj1A01BLBW2RNVMqASpg&m=3kKvuOwCFKSm7M6DBP-cMtfbNsClIZugc2MTiygtmXA&s=0iawB_pikWUz5nJWYfK2TdelyUfQjlVJiTnqs6KX0HQ&e=>  Note that the large majority of polling place objections were to the selection of an inconvenient site rather than the consolidation of precincts.  I went through quickly (using command/control-f) and found 11. 
> One objection, the most recent, is available in html at https://www.justice.gov/crt/voting-determination-letter-35 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.justice.gov_crt_voting-2Ddetermination-2Dletter-2D35&d=CwMFAg&c=2qwu4RrWzdlNOcmb_drAcw&r=rN5rVT8Yp2mR5l9MiFbXS7Jfj1A01BLBW2RNVMqASpg&m=3kKvuOwCFKSm7M6DBP-cMtfbNsClIZugc2MTiygtmXA&s=IMAYs-xzViIZAAFezAxWI9OSsysYRliUELxIZ6JNxsw&e=>.  There was a follow-up enforcement action, details of which are at https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/crt/legacy/2010/12/15/nharrismont_comp.pdf <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.justice.gov_sites_default_files_crt_legacy_2010_12_15_nharrismont-5Fcomp.pdf&d=CwMFAg&c=2qwu4RrWzdlNOcmb_drAcw&r=rN5rVT8Yp2mR5l9MiFbXS7Jfj1A01BLBW2RNVMqASpg&m=3kKvuOwCFKSm7M6DBP-cMtfbNsClIZugc2MTiygtmXA&s=3DKSx5luR2BuamqYP2VaWDPpCcWD9JN96-lrYVBNZCg&e=> and https://www.justice.gov/crt/judgment-and-order <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.justice.gov_crt_judgment-2Dand-2Dorder&d=CwMFAg&c=2qwu4RrWzdlNOcmb_drAcw&r=rN5rVT8Yp2mR5l9MiFbXS7Jfj1A01BLBW2RNVMqASpg&m=3kKvuOwCFKSm7M6DBP-cMtfbNsClIZugc2MTiygtmXA&s=ip0dEui5rx69QgynUnvm8lLzsSKmmn4IFdv-ThswH_E&e=> 
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