[EL] Curious if a single person on this list would back up President-Elect Trump on 2 assertions today

Lorraine Minnite lminnite at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 21:26:47 PST 2016

Just to be clear: Are you suggesting that it is plausible that 834,318 
non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton?

Lori Minnite

On 11/28/16 3:50 PM, Richman, Jesse T. wrote:
> Since some in Trump’s team seem to be attempting to use my coauthored 
> 2014 study on non-citizen voting to support their claims, I think it’s 
> worth walking through the extrapolation from those results to show how 
> they do not support the argument that Trump would have won the popular 
> vote were it not for illegal votes.
> Donald Trump recently suggested that his deficit in the popular vote 
> to Clinton might be due entirely to illegal votes cast, for instance 
> by non-citizens.  Is this claim plausible?  The claim Trump is making 
> is not supported by our data.
> Here I run some extrapolations based upon the estimates for other 
> elections from my coauthored 2014 paper on non-citizen voting.  You 
> can access that paper on the journal website here 
> <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261379414000973> and 
> Judicial Watch has also posted a PDF 
> <http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Do-Non-Citizens-Vote-in-US-Elections-Richman-et-al.pdf>. 
>  The basic assumptions on which the extrapolation is based are that 
> 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted, and that of the non-citizens who 
> voted, 81.8 percent voted for Clinton and 17.5 percent voted for 
> Trump.  These were numbers from our study for the 2008 campaign. 
>  Obviously to the extent that critics 
> <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261379415001420> of 
> my study are correct the first number (percentage of non-citizens who 
> voted) may be too high, and the second number (percentage who voted 
> for Clinton) may be too low.
> The count of the popular vote is still in flux as many states have yet 
> to certify official final tallies.  Here I used this unofficial tally 
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/133Eb4qQmOxNvtesw2hdVns073R68EZx4SfCnP4IGQf8/htmlview?sle=true#gid=19> linked 
> by Real Clear Politics.  As of this writing Trump is 2,235,663 votes 
> behind Clinton in the popular vote.
> If the assumptions stated above concerning non-citizen turnout are 
> correct, could non-citizen turnout account for Clinton's popular vote 
> margin? *There is no way it could have.*  6.4 percent turnout among 
> the roughly 20.3 million non-citizen adults in the US would add only 
> 834,318 votes to Clinton's popular vote margin. *This is little more 
> than a third of the total margin.*
> Is it plausible that non-citizen votes added to Clinton's margin. 
>  Yes. *Is it plausible that non-citizen votes account for the entire 
> nation-wide popular vote margin held by Clinton?  Not at all.*
> If the percentage of non-citizens voting for Clinton is held constant, 
> roughly 18.5 percent of non-citizens would have had to vote for their 
> votes to have made up the entire Clinton popular vote margin.  I don't 
> think that this rate is at all plausible.   Even if we assume that 90 
> percent voted for Clinton and only 10 percent for Trump, a more than 
> fourteen percent turnout would be necessary to account for Clinton's 
> popular vote margin.  This is much higher than the estimates we 
> offered.  Again, it seems too high to be plausible.
> Jesse Richman
> Jesse Richman
> Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies
> Department of Political Science and Geography
> Old Dominion University
> BAL 7028
> Norfolk VA 23529
> 757-683-3853
> http://fs.wp.odu.edu/jrichman/
> *From:*law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] *On Behalf Of 
> *Jon Sherman
> *Sent:* Monday, November 28, 2016 11:31 AM
> *To:* Rob Richie <rr at fairvote.org>
> *Cc:* law-election at UCI.EDU
> *Subject:* Re: [EL] Curious if a single person on this list would back 
> up President-Elect Trump on 2 assertions today
> The President-elect's comments at least have the virtue of 
> consistency. Why should massive voter fraud only be real when 
> Democrats win and suddenly mythological when Republicans prevail? Rob, 
> I suspect no one on this list will take up your challenge and try to 
> be as consistent in their myth-making as the President-elect. But if 
> they do, have them also answer: why do illegal voters uniformly align 
> with the Democratic Party? Presidential elections split every group 
> and subgroup of voters but illegal voters seem to only vote Democratic.
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Rob Richie <rr at fairvote.org 
> <mailto:rr at fairvote.org>> wrote:
>     Just affirming that no takers on this challenge of defending the
>     two assertions made yesterday by Donald Trump?
>     Thanks,
>     Rob
>     On Sunday, November 27, 2016, Rob Richie <rr at fairvote.org
>     <mailto:rr at fairvote.org>> wrote:
>         Folks,
>         President-elect Donald Trump has a quick thumb on Twitter, it
>         seems. See report in New York Times,
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2016%2F11%2F27%2Fus%2Fpolitics%2Ftrump-adviser-steps-up-searing-attack-on-romney.html&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=l%2Fs4SLF27Ty5OCpzTKTcHDIcSBdRSBpGEWqfjKn1mu8%3D&reserved=0>
>         and see three tweets in a row at the bottom of this email,
>         which put together result in this text:
>         "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide,
>         I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people
>         who voted illegally. It would have been much easier for me to
>         win the so-called popular vote than the Electoral College in
>         that I would only campaign in 3 or 4 states instead of the 15
>         states that I visited. I would have won even more easily and
>         convincingly (but smaller states are forgotten)!"
>         So this list has participants with a full range of political
>         opinions. But I'm curious to know if a single person on this
>         list would attempt to back two claims in this statement:
>         1. Trump in fact won the popular vote this year "if you deduct
>         the millions of people who voted illegally."
>         2. With a national popular vote, he would have campaigned in
>         only 3 or 4 states instead of the whopping 15 states that he
>         visited out of the nation's 51 (counting DC).
>         When making your  argument, keep in mind the latest data in
>         from Dave Wasserman as he tracks the national popular vote here:
>         https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/133Eb4qQmOxNvtesw2hdVns073R68EZx4SfCnP4IGQf8/edit#gid=19
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F133Eb4qQmOxNvtesw2hdVns073R68EZx4SfCnP4IGQf8%2Fedit%23gid%3D19&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=2dE1nfM52TpLnuHkua6tOWNkKPOi%2FXn2SYBbe5f%2BCqQ%3D&reserved=0>
>         With votes still being counted and finalized, Clinton's lead
>         is up to more than 2.2 million (48.2% to 46.5%). It is
>         expected to rise to more than  2.5% and about two percentage
>         points. So let us know where that many illegal votes were cast
>         this year -- seems important to have that information!
>         Also, keep in mind the math of our nation's states when
>         defending Trump's prospective campaign tactics with a popular
>         vote. Mike McDonald's spreadsheet on turnout is  here
>         https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VAcF0eJ06y_8T4o2gvIL4YcyQy8pxb1zYkgXF76Uu1s/edit#gid=2030096602
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F1VAcF0eJ06y_8T4o2gvIL4YcyQy8pxb1zYkgXF76Uu1s%2Fedit%23gid%3D2030096602&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=RAiFer7Swfyweht4ANic%2BJJE4%2FRpbqSKtQhM7mtWoNg%3D&reserved=0>
>         Assuming comparable turnout of eligible voters across state, a
>         candidate could win 100% of the vote in the 4 largest states
>         (California, Texas, Florida and New York) and have only 31% of
>         all votes in the nation. In, fact, you could win every cast in
>         the 9 largest states and still be well under 50% of votes in
>         the entire country - -and those states include a mix of
>         strongly Democratic and Republican states, showing how still
>         it is to suggest getting much more than half of the vote in
>         those states in a nationally close election.
>         So suggesting that campaigning in 15 states was due to our
>         current Electoral College rules seems, well, a stretch. You
>         can see how often he campaigned in those states, by the sway,
>         at our tracker
>         https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Lxw0vc4YBUwQ8cZouyewZvOGg6PyzS2mArWNe3iJcY/edit#gid=0
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F14Lxw0vc4YBUwQ8cZouyewZvOGg6PyzS2mArWNe3iJcY%2Fedit%23gid%3D0&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=KlyyTIZUyMfKYBTZ%2FqVBPf74HMS0qjpBvpY%2BhEtI3TA%3D&reserved=0>
>         Post-convention, Trump did well over half of his campaign
>         evens in the four largest swing states - 26 campaign events in
>         Florida, 16 in North Carolina,  13 in Ohio and 14 on
>         Pennsylvania. Of our 13 states (counting DC) with 3 or 4
>         electoral votes, he campaigned in only two -- 8 events in New
>         Hampshire, and 3 in Maine
>         Thanks,
>         Rob Richie
>         1.*Donald J.
>         Trump* ‏@realDonaldTrump<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=Qj%2BHpt7NhpYiRIXzZYs9WQX5S10o1S%2BZQwhiZDjkRzw%3D&reserved=0>3h3
>         hours ago
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump%2Fstatus%2F802975667197386752&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=yXnKAfQ%2Bkjj2%2Fcs3dXpw5TDo0z%2BwtuzcvXYbe0DqgiQ%3D&reserved=0>
>         states instead of the 15 states that I visited. I would have
>         won even more easily and convincingly (but smaller states are
>         forgotten)!
>         *0 replies5,702 retweets23,008 likes*
>         Reply
>         Retweet
>         *5.7K*
>         Like
>         *23K*
>         More
>         2.*Donald J.
>         Trump* ‏@realDonaldTrump<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=Qj%2BHpt7NhpYiRIXzZYs9WQX5S10o1S%2BZQwhiZDjkRzw%3D&reserved=0>4h4
>         hours ago
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump%2Fstatus%2F802973848022847489&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=649WGGzyNMH5oyMmcUfXZJGJY9YTWgs9JiGxtTQs8Hk%3D&reserved=0>
>         It would have been much easier for me to win the so-called
>         popular vote than the Electoral College in that I would only
>         campaign in 3 or 4--
>         *0 replies6,324 retweets23,768 likes*
>         Reply
>         Retweet
>         *6.3K*
>         Like
>         *24K*
>         More
>         3.*Donald J.
>         Trump* ‏@realDonaldTrump<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=Qj%2BHpt7NhpYiRIXzZYs9WQX5S10o1S%2BZQwhiZDjkRzw%3D&reserved=0>4h4
>         hours ago
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump%2Fstatus%2F802972944532209664&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=FVD1%2Fq8cHKdT58jI5lmlo12TEh0YC9xSNwtqPidX0Gg%3D&reserved=0>
>         In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I
>         won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who
>         voted illegally
>         -- 
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         Rob Richie
>         Executive Director, FairVote
>         6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
>         Takoma Park, MD 20912
>         rr at fairvote.org <mailto:rr at fairvote.org> (301) 270-4616
>         <tel:%28301%29%20270-4616> http://www.fairvote.org
>         <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fairvote.org&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=46sb6f87vmG9l9Nzp2IXLkzFWDZyw6n5DeufG%2F%2BSocI%3D&reserved=0>
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>         /Thank you for considering a donation
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>         our video on ranked choice voting
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>         /(Note: Our Combined Federal Campaign number is 10132.)/
>     -- 
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Rob Richie
>     Executive Director, FairVote
>     6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
>     Takoma Park, MD 20912
>     rr at fairvote.org <mailto:rr at fairvote.org> (301) 270-4616
>     <tel:%28301%29%20270-4616> http://www.fairvote.org
>     <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fairvote.org&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=46sb6f87vmG9l9Nzp2IXLkzFWDZyw6n5DeufG%2F%2BSocI%3D&reserved=0>
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>     our video on ranked choice voting
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>     /(Note: Our Combined Federal Campaign number is 10132.)/
>     _______________________________________________
>     Law-election mailing list
>     Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
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> -- 
> Jon Sherman
> Counsel
> Fair Elections Legal Network 
> <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fairelectionsnetwork.com%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cjrichman%40odu.edu%7C7bf27b2d3f7643f1aef308d417ac5562%7C48bf86e811a24b8a8cb368d8be2227f3%7C0&sdata=HSoqploZl4OBG8ThBn8lSW2%2FUxMCQxvcDzL9SVvGBvM%3D&reserved=0>*
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