[EL] Accepting the results of the election

Benjamin Barr benjamin.barr at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 17:50:30 PDT 2016


Reading my complaint also entails reading exhibits, which consist of
communications from third parties.  These third parties are not Benjamin
Barr, so, no, you're not taking me at my word.  It also entails reading a
transcript of third parties engaged in what appears to be a criminal
conspiracy.  Go ahead, give it a read.  I promise it's not heresy.

I can't speak to the evidentiary claims of voter fraud.  I have too many
other criminal violations of HFA, DNC, and AUFC to work on right now.  But
I encourage you to stay tuned as we work through our evidence and release
helpful  exposes.

Be well, Doug.


Benjamin Barr
Project Veritas Action Fund

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Hess, Doug <HESSDOUG at grinnell.edu> wrote:

> That’s all interesting and should be explored, but the claims of voter
> fraud was what I was asking about.  That some people dreamed up a way to
> commit fraud is not evidence unless you are really stretching things.  BTW,
> isn’t reading your complaint also taking your word? J
> -Doug
> *From:* Benjamin Barr [mailto:benjamin.barr at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 20, 2016 3:42 PM
> *To:* Hess, Doug <HESSDOUG at Grinnell.EDU>
> *Subject:* Re: [EL] Accepting the results of the election
> Doug,
> For the present moment, what I'm most concerned about was evidence
> suggesting the parties involved were actively violating federal
> coordination laws in a knowing and willful manner.  We have a large body of
> evidence that we're analyzing and may have additional material in the near
> future about the areas that concern you.  I was certainly surprised that
> Democracy Partners and Americans United for Change had on-the-spot answers
> about how to rig voting in Indiana and Wisconsin, and had an already
> assembled plan for using car auction companies to move people in undetected
> to vote.
> On the coordination end of the equation, this is a doozy.  Remember
> there's a three prong coordination standard set forth by the FEC.  One of
> those prongs involves conduct, so if a candidate/party is materially
> involved in the creation of communications, assents to them, has
> substantial discussions, etc. then the conduct prong is satisfied.
> Notably, we have many instances of outside groups, Americans United for
> Change and others, ready to do birddogging, run electoral messaging, and
> they seek approval for the content of the messaging from Hillary for
> America or the DNC.  Not too smart.
> Then there's the content prong.  Public communications issued within 120
> days of an election featuring a candidate meet this standard.  From the
> evidence we uncovered, use of placards featuring Donald Trump and shared
> electoral communications would seem to meet this requirement.
> Lastly, let's not forget payment.  Most of the funding streams we
> uncovered involved cross-support between various non-profits and the like
> to pay for electoral communications or activities.
> But why take my word?  It's all in the complaint and exhibits I filed
> yesterday.  http://www.projectveritasaction.com/news/
> james-okeefe-files-fec-complaint-against-clinton-campaign-and-dnc
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.projectveritasaction.com_news_james-2Dokeefe-2Dfiles-2Dfec-2Dcomplaint-2Dagainst-2Dclinton-2Dcampaign-2Dand-2Ddnc&d=DQMFaQ&c=HUrdOLg_tCr0UMeDjWLBOM9lLDRpsndbROGxEKQRFzk&r=xr_OjwGHtP-zw6I-DJj_MQ4cusLbiVT1bScGa0c8ZJo&m=VTrqhwXJQfKA6jD5ZT4NoPsTe9OUY1U-KKdSTU5JI-w&s=m4up_zdxXagH7Fk-W47IR1l-OiyGGnBuEZhQyRdgE5o&e=>
> Forward,
> Benjamin Barr
> Counsel
> Project Veritas Action
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 1:48 PM, Hess, Doug <HESSDOUG at grinnell.edu> wrote:
> Ben,
> What evidence of voter fraud is there in your (PVAF) reports? What I read
> sounded more like unethical election-related behavior, and bizarre levels
> of bragging, but I didn't see anything about fraudulent voting or about
> voter intimidation, etc. Is that right? I don't know if all of the material
> is out or not.
> -Doug Hess
> Subject: Re: [EL] Accepting the results of the election
> Message-ID: <52690CE1-9786-4C97-8586-D61B2C0181C3 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> If you elect not to review salient information concerning voter fraud,
> like the Veritas evidence this week, then the ostrich position of seeing no
> voter fraud is sensible, Professor Hasen.
> But since the White House and CNN are discussing our reports, maybe you
> should review them?  Especially after Bob Creamer, longtime buddy of Obama,
> has resigned from Democracy Partners and his co-conspirator, Scott Foval of
> Americans United for Change were also pushed out.
> Seems like our reports illustrating Democratic operatives engaged in this
> very pursuit is noteworthy and might merit your attention.
> Forward,
> Benjamin Barr
> Counsel
> Project Veritas Action Fund
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