[EL] my latest op-ed in THE HILL/Trump is right: The election is rigged — but in his favor

Schultz, David A. dschultz at hamline.edu
Sun Oct 23 05:58:58 PDT 2016

A nice piece Ilya.  Good job.  To embellish upon your point, there are fine
lines between an election system being rigged and one that is not perfect.
No election system or democracy is perfect.  Our election system recognizes
errors and therefore allows for election judges to serve as front line
checks.  We then have the election officials who review them, then
canvassing boards and then there are options for protesting and contesting
elections and then there is the possibility for judicial review at the
appellate level, and at the presidential level, we finally have the checks
of Congress.  My point is that  there are multiple checks built into the
system to guard against explicit rigging.  And keep in mind how
decentralized the election system is and we can see the difficulty of mass
conspiracy to rig elections.

In addition, there are fine lines between a candidate doing poorly because
of his own performance versus others out to get him.  If candidates are
performing badly in debates, have failed to reach out to new voters, or
otherwise lack a compelling narrative that broadens their political base
the problem is not rigging but in reality the idea that in a democracy such
as ours it is about something approaching majority rule in elections.

Finally, as I pointed out in my piece in THE HILL, the rigging of the
system is not partisan so much as structural.  The structural "rigging" or
bias is really one based on race and class or even one based on a bias in
favor of the two major parties.  There is powerful if not overwhelming
political science evidence and scholarship regarding a structural class or
racial bias in American politics.  This is a bias that transcends party.

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 12:24 AM, Ilya Shapiro <IShapiro at cato.org> wrote:

> Since we're sharing our views on the election's riggedness, here's mine in
> Forbes:
> http://www.forbes.com/sites/ilyashapiro/2016/10/22/theres-
> plenty-wrong-with-our-political-system-but-the-elections-not-rigged/
> Ilya Shapiro
> Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies
> Cato Institute
> 1000 Mass. Ave. NW
> Washington, DC 20001
> Tel. 202-218-4600
> Cel. 202-577-1134
> www.cato.org/people/shapiro.html
> twitter.com/ishapiro
> On Oct 22, 2016, at 11:40 PM, Benjamin Barr <benjamin.barr at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> My latest op-ed in the Daily Caller about how Democratic operatives rig
> the election--but in their favor.
> http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/22/project-veritas-i-filed-
> an-fec-complaint-against-the-clinton-campaign-and-the-dnc/
> Forward,
> Benjamin Barr
> Counsel
> Project Veritas Action Fund
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Schultz, David A. <dschultz at hamline.edu>
> wrote:
>> Trump is right: The election is rigged — but in his favor
>> http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/
>> 301747-trump-is-right-the-election-is-rigged-but-in-his
>> --
>> David Schultz, Professor
>> Editor, Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE)
>> Hamline University
>> Department of Political Science
>> 1536 Hewitt Ave
>> MS B 1805
>> St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
>> 651.523.2858 (voice)
>> 651.523.3170 (fax)
>> http://davidschultz.efoliomn.com/
>> http://works.bepress.com/david_schultz/
>> http://schultzstake.blogspot.com/
>> Twitter:  @ProfDSchultz
>> My latest book:  Presidential Swing States:  Why Only Ten Matter
>> https://rowman.com/ISBN/9780739195246/Presidential-Swing-
>> States-Why-Only-Ten-Matter
>> FacultyRow SuperProfessor, 2012, 2013, 2014
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David Schultz, Professor
Editor, Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE)
Hamline University
Department of Political Science
1536 Hewitt Ave
MS B 1805
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3170 (fax)
Twitter:  @ProfDSchultz
My latest book:  Presidential Swing States:  Why Only Ten Matter
FacultyRow SuperProfessor, 2012, 2013, 2014
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