[EL] A Russian walks into a meeting bearing info

Steve Klein stephen.klein.esq at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 11:11:16 PDT 2017

> I was counting the minutes until some ideologue would spout some
> libertarian tripe about the First Amendment.

Slow day?

> So its ok for a foreign national to give opposition research to your local
> school board candidate?

As opposed to just dropping it off anonymously at the *New York Times*? If
*Bluman* is going to stand for regulating down to the foreign penny of
“value,” at least punish the foreign meddlers, not the recipients of the
information. Really creeping toward “the press is an entity, and an
exception,” here. No, and no.

How about a five figure check?

No. At least that’s quantifiable and understandable and, thus, reasonably
regulable. (If silly as a matter of public policy given disclosure is so

> We’ve seen this movie before.

 Yeah, and it’s finally been dethroned
<http://caselaw.findlaw.com/wi-supreme-court/1708047.html> as the most
careless campaign finance saga.

Remember Citizen Gene, the Ambassador from the Revolutionary French
> Government, and the 30,000 French emigres in Philadelphia threatening to
> overthrow the Washington Administration over the Jay Treaty?

Somehow, the republic endured. I imagine the diversity of journalism in the
city at the time helped.

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 2:00 PM, John Farrell <
jfarrell at mccandlishlawyers.com> wrote:

> No more phone calls, please, we have a winner.
> I was counting the minutes until some ideologue would spout some
> libertarian tripe about the First Amendment.
> So its ok for a foreign national to give opposition research to your local
> school board candidate? How about a five figure check?
> We’ve seen this movie before.
> Remember Citizen Gene, the Ambassador from the Revolutionary French
> Government, and the 30,000 French emigres in Philadelphia threatening to
> overthrow the Washington Administration over the Jay Treaty?
> John W. Farrell
> Attorney at Law
> <http://mccandlishlawyers.com/>
> 11350 Random Hills Road | Suite 500
> Fairfax, Virginia 22030-7421
> tel (703) 934-1182 cell (703) 507-1182
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> On Jul 11, 2017, at 1:40 PM, Steve Klein <stephen.klein.esq at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> How does a legal theory that could penalize simply taking a meeting with a
> foreign national--implicating the First Amendment in a number of
> ways--overcome vagueness, overbreadth, and basic tailoring analysis?
> https://pillaroflaw.org/2017/07/11/donald-trump-jr-and-the-
> censorship-of-meetings/
> It doesn’t.
> --
> Steve Klein
> Attorney*
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenrklein
> **Licensed to practice law in Illinois and Michigan*
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Steve Klein

**Licensed to practice law in Illinois and Michigan*
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