[EL] Analysis of the Supreme Court's North Carolina Racial Redistricting Decision

Justin Levitt levittj at lls.edu
Mon May 22 11:54:52 PDT 2017

If you're looking for a reaction to the NC redistricting case from 
someone not named Rick, I'll offer my version, now up on the Election 
Law Blog <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=92700>.

Though I agree with a lot of both Ricks' assessment, I pretty strongly 
disagree with Rick Hasen that the Court just conflated race and party.  
Indeed, I think that's the same sort of overly blunt, 
back-of-the-envelope assessment that got the legislators in North 
Carolina (and several other states now 
<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2487426>) in trouble.

Instead, I think the Court "just" reiterated the notion that whether 
tribally partisan 
motivations are themselves permissible (more to come in both the 
Wisconsin case and in Part 6 of the North Carolina CD12 saga), it's 
unlawful to intentionally use race as the predominant and unjustified 
means to that end.  I put "just" in scare quotes because it's a concept 
that in the dilution context is quite old, but legislators seem to need 
fairly constant reminders.  And the fact that the Court issued yet 
another forceful reminder isn't a small thing.

(Much) more on the blog, here <http://electionlawblog.org/?p=92700>.


Justin Levitt
Professor of Law
Loyola Law School | Los Angeles
919 Albany St.
Los Angeles, CA  90015

On 5/22/2017 9:32 AM, Pildes, Rick wrote:
> I have been asked to contribute to a SCOTUS blog Symposium on today’s 
> North Carolina decision.  Here is the piece I have submitted, which I 
> wanted to circulate to the list while it is in the editing process at 
> the SCOTUS blog, for those who are trying to digest the decision now:
> **
> *The Court Continues Winding Down Unnecessary Racial Redistricting *
> The main take-away from today’s decision is that the Supreme Court is 
> continuing the project of winding down unnecessary racial 
> redistricting.  The decision reflects the Court’s effort to modernize 
> the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and ensure it adapts to the way the 
> dynamics of race and politics have changed, in some parts of the 
> country, in the many decades since the Act first was passed.  The 
> crucial fact in today’s decision is that 30-40% of white voters in 
> parts of North Carolina are willing to cross-over and vote for the 
> same candidates that African American voters prefer – and that the VRA 
> must reflect and recognize these changing realities.
> The Court today shored up the constitutional constraints limiting the 
> use of race in redistricting, which has been the main development in 
> the law of redistricting this decade.  That development began with the 
> /Alabama /cases, /Alabama Legislative Black Caucus v. Alabama, /and 
> has now been extended to Virginia and North Carolina.  And the Court 
> also opened up a new avenue of constraint by holding that if white 
> voters now vote for candidates black voters prefer at high enough 
> rates, the intentional creation of majority-black districts is no 
> longer required – and indeed, is unconstitutional.
> Let me situate today’s decision, before turning to its specifics, in 
> the broader context of the Voting Rights Act and how race came to play 
> the role it currently does in the modern era of redistricting.
> The regime of Voting Rights Act-required racial redistricting began in 
> the 1990s, in the wake of Congress’ 1982 Amendments to the VRA and the 
> Supreme Court’s 1986 decision in /Thornburg v. Gingles. /But almost 
> immediately after the start of that regime, beginning with the /Shaw 
> v. Reno /line of cases, the Court has been struggling to cabin in and 
> constrain VRA-required race-based districting to circumstances in 
> which it is truly necessary.  In an opinion by Justice Souter back in 
> 1994, /Johnson v. DeGrandy, /the Court wrote that race-based 
> districting under the VRA relies “on a quintessentially race-conscious 
> calculus aptly described as the ‘politics of the second best.’”  A 
> majority of the Court – confirmed by the parts of today’s opinion that 
> are unanimous – has acted on that view ever since.   If the VRA truly 
> requires race- based districting in certain circumstances, that is 
> fine. But the Court has been extremely wary of extending the regime of 
> race-based districting anywhere beyond those circumstances.
> Over the last 30 years, the Court has held that the VRA does not 
> require maximizing the number of minority districts, but only ensuring 
> that minority voters have an equal opportunity to elect their 
> candidates of choice; it has held that the VRA does not require (and 
> the Constitution prohibits) using irregular district shapes to create 
> “minority opportunity” districts; it has held that the VRA does not 
> apply if minorities cannot be made into the majority  in a district. 
> And with ever more force – as in today’s decision – the Court has held 
> that the Constitution is violated if jurisdictions use the VRA to 
> engage in race-based districting unless it is clear that the VRA 
> clearly requires doing so.  I viewed  developments as moving in this 
> direction back in a 2007 article, /The Decline of Legally Mandated 
> Representation, 
> <https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1028607>/ and 
> since then, the Court’s efforts to constrain unnecessary race-based 
> districting have become only more forceful.
> The most important aspect of today’s decision is the Court’s 
> /unanimous /conclusion that Congressional District 1 (CD 1) is an 
> unconstitutional racial gerrymander.  It would be easy to miss that 
> this part of the opinion is unanimous, because the Court divided 5-3 
> on a second district at stake, CD 12.  But I have always said 
> <https://electionlawblog.org/?p=92393> the most important issue in the 
> NC case was that involving CD 1, and there, the Court was indeed 
> unanimous.  And here, what is critical is that the Court rejected 
> North Carolina’s argument that the VRA required it to create a 
> majority-black district to make sure black voters had equal political 
> opportunity.  More specifically, the Court concluded that voting in 
> this area was not racially polarized enough to require the remedy of a 
> majority-black district.
> What does it mean for voting to be racially polarized (RPV)?  This has 
> been a key concept under the VRA, and yet the Court has given the 
> concept almost no significant attention – with today’s decision being 
> the Court’s first and thus most significant opening up of questions 
> about this concept.
> When RPV first entered this area of the law, the idea was simple: if 
> 90% of blacks vote for one candidate and 90% of whites vote for the 
> opposing candidate (especially when the former candidate is black), 
> there is a clear pattern of RPV.  But what happens when – as in North 
> Carolina today – roughly 30-40% of whites are willing to vote for 
> minority candidates?  Since the VRA is only triggered in the 
> redistricting area when voting is racially polarized, should RPV still 
> be considered to exist in NC when there is this level of white 
> cross-over voting support?  If the VRA still applies, how does it 
> apply when we no longer have in NC the extreme and stark racial 
> polarization of earlier decades?
> Here is how the Court resolves these issues as they come to bear in CD 
> 1: for the last twenty or so years, there was enough white cross-over 
> voting support that even though the district had a black population of 
> only 46-48%, it overwhelmingly and repeated elected a black member of 
> Congress – typically, with 70% of the vote.  Yet North Carolina took 
> the view that the VRA required pump up the black population above 50% 
> to be sure the district was “safe” in ensuring for black voters an 
> equal opportunity.  But the Court held that voting cannot be 
> considered racially polarized if there is enough white cross-over 
> support that black candidates are being elected from districts that 
> are less than 50% black.
> This conclusion is of great significance in further unwinding 
> unnecessary racial redistricting.  It means that the mechancial 
> creation of majority-minority districts will no longer be 
> constitutionally tolerated.  If a cohesive black community can get its 
> preferred candidates elected in districts that are, perhaps, only 
> 35-40% black, then pumping those districts up to more than 50% black – 
> on the view that the VRA requires it – will be unconstitutional.  This 
> opens up much more space for the creation of what I have called 
> coalitional or cross-over districts 
> <https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=304587>, in which 
> black and white political coalitions unite behind the same candidates. 
> Indeed, as the Court today recognized, it would turn the VRA on its 
> head if the law actually required – as North Carolina insisted it did 
> – that these kind of effective coalitional districts had to be turned 
> into majority-black districts, just to ensure they are sufficiently 
> “safe.”
> Put in other terms, the decision confirms that States must adhere to 
> the view that the intentional creation of majority-minority districts 
> is a “second best” remedial device, to be used only where clearly 
> required.  Indeed, important parts of the opinion further emphasize 
> that, when engaged in race-based districting, States must do a 
> thorough job of demonstrating that doing so is necessary – “the State 
> must carefully evaluate” whether the facts support this, and the State 
> must engage in a “meaningful legislative inquiry” about whether doing 
> so is necessary.
> There are other aspects of today’s decision that will also be 
> important in enforcing constitutional constraints on the excessive and 
> unjustified use of race in redistricting.  The Court said, once again, 
> that  the setting of “a racial target” that has a direct impact on the 
> design of a district means that strict scrutiny is triggered and the 
> district can survive only if the VRA requires it.
> Once again, the Court confirmed that if the State intentionally sorts 
> voters by race into districts, the State cannot hide behind the 
> argument that its ultimate goal was to pursue an effective partisan 
> gerrymander.  To the extent partisan gerrymandering is constitutional, 
> States can sort voters by their voting patterns, but not by their 
> race.  As the Court has said before, race cannot be used as a “proxy” 
> for political voting preferences.  To be sure, this can create a mess 
> for the lower courts if a State does not directly and obviously use 
> race to sort voters; the courts then have to sort out whether it was 
> “really” race or partisan factors that drove the district’s design (I 
> have long argued that it makes little sense for the Court to impose 
> constitutional constraints on racial gerrymandering, but not partisan 
> gerrymandering).
> There is still more in today’s decision:  The Court held that 
> plaintiffs in these /Alabama /cases do not have provide their own 
> alternative map (which can be a costly and time consuming venture) in 
> order to be able to prove that a jurisdiction has engaged in 
> race-based districting.  And there had been a confusing couple of 
> sentences in an earlier case, also from North Carolina, that had 
> befuddled the lower courts; the Court today confines those sentences 
> to the particular facts of that one case, as Justice Thomas, who 
> joined the majority, pointed out.  That is all to the good as well.
> In every respect of today’s decision today, then, the Court built on 
> the /Alabama /line of cases further and made it all the more clear 
> that the Court will aggressively police the role of race in 
> redistricting, not permit the VRA to become a vehicle for excessively 
> packing black voters into districts, and will continue the project of 
> unwinding unnecessary race-based districting.
> Disclosure:  I argued one of the /Alabama /cases and continue to 
> represent plaintiffs in that case, which remains pending in the lower 
> courts.
> Richard H. Pildes
> Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law
> NYU School of Law
> 40 Washington Square South, NY, NY 10012
> 212 998-6377
> **
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