[EL] Help Prevent Premature Elections and Offer Better

D. A. Holtzman d at LAvoteFIRE.org
Fri Aug 17 15:50:37 PDT 2018

Dear Election Law List Person,

With measures E&EE, Los Angeles voters are being asked to have city and 
school district elections that can end in March, ostensibly to boost 
turnout. Yet more people vote in NOVEMBER, and winners don’t take office 
until December!So, on behalf of Los Angeles Voters For Instant Runoff 
Elections (LAvoteFIRE), I’m arguing *NO*, and offering a better way to 
elect officials.

The City Council designated me to write the arguments against E&EE.The 
main arguments are already in.Now *I’m looking for NEW NAMES to sign 
rebuttals* that will be in the ballot book voters get in the mail.

*Would you like to sign?
If so, please let me know, and I’ll send you the rebuttals along with 
simple instructions *(you can use your smartphone camera), and links to 
measures E&EE and the arguments that have already been submitted.

Please at least consider signing!

- David Holtzman
Exec. Dir., LAvoteFIRE
(310) 826-7398

/p.s. If E&EE lose, there will be a strong incentive for the L.A. City 
Council to let voters decide during the statewide presidential primary 
in March 2020 to have instant runoff, Ranked Choice Voting, regular 
elections in even-year Novembers.////The incentive?////Avoiding having 
to hold (and pay for) the misleadingly-named city/school "primary" 
election that's currently scheduled for June 2020./


Simple Instant Runoff Election Ballot

Acceptable candidates, in the order you prefer them:

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