[EL] state history's of election law

Yael Bromberg Yael.Bromberg at law.georgetown.edu
Mon Feb 26 14:14:44 PST 2018

This may be what you're looking for --

Josh Douglas has a helpful law review article
<https://uknowledge.uky.edu/law_facpub/299/> on the right to vote in state
Additionally, the Campaign Legal Center just put out a related report

Yael Bromberg | Supervising Attorney, Clinical Teaching Fellow
600 New Jersey Avenue NW | Washington DC 20001
Office: (202) 662-9546
Twitter:  @YaelBromberg


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On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 5:06 PM, Hess, Doug <HESSDOUG at grinnell.edu> wrote:

> After teaching Keyssar’s book, “The Right to Vote,” I wonder if
> list-members are aware of research on the history (ideally regarding the
> last half of 20th century) of election laws in a particular state? I ask
> here, as I assume a search may not turn up some less known monographs or
> other “gray literature.”
> Thank you for any leads.
> Douglas R Hess
> Assistant Professor of Political Science
> Grinnell College
> 1210 Park Street, Carnegie Hall #309
> Grinnell, IA 50112
> phone: 641-269-4383 <(641)%20269-4383>
> http://www.douglasrhess.com
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