[EL] Need for truth commission in the U.S.

Suresh S. suresh_surya at protonmail.com
Tue Apr 16 22:53:43 PDT 2019

Dear Mr. Nagl,

Your quote on U.S. Institute of Peace (USPI) website brings me to write this note. I am also a military veteran with service in the Army National Guard (2005 - '11).

Before entering military service, I had about a decade experience as a embedded software engineer developing communication systems that enable public/private network connectivity. I preface my civilian career to convey what I describe below relies only on my civilian experiences and no classified information from my service in the military as an E4 with PMOS: 11B10 and SMOS: 19D10. Though I was offered to enter Commissioned Officer cadre, having just entered military service, since I cherish not being second guessed kept me in the Enlisted cadre. I separated from the National Guard after 6 year Enlistment with Honorable discharge to pursue this advocacy. Much as I derived self worth from military service, I separated since (a) bound by the chain-of-command and (b) this subject matter affects civil society.

A method that impoverishes rule of law, when common sources emitting powerful electromagnetic (EM) energy are re-purposed for malice[1], there are no forensic tests (material, biomarkers). This permits extralegal means to compromise competition (induce dysfunction in intellectual and physical abilities) in every endeavor pursued in civil society.

Background, after occupational health experiences working among outdoor high power Line of Sight transmitters at Motorola Corp. in 2007 caused a doctor to suspect cancer, I set out to survey how civilian technologies using potent EM energy when re-purposed for malice is apprehended by law.

After 11+ years of communicating this concern to civilian administrators and academics, there is reticence to advance law. The most recent instance of attempting to appraise legal professionals (a mailing list administered by professors in law at UCLA and UCI :https://department-lists.uci.edu/pipermail/law-election/2019-April/date.html) who by not criticising convey agreement with this concern for rule of law, but the reticence to recommend legal remedies gives me the impression that fear of retribution for speaking truth is a limiting factor.

Unfortunately fear breeds silence, as Dr. Mishael Caspi's article (https://www.bates.edu/news/2001/10/11/scholar-silence/) in the aftermath of September 2001 conveys, those who thrive on fear prevent people with the ability to reconcile from exercising free speech.

It is in this context, if possible, I request your efforts to initiate a truth commission under the auspices of the USPI (or another apt institution) for extending legal protection when common sources emitting potent energy are used for malice.

Best Regards,
Suresh Kalkunte

[1] Unidirectional RF energy from an emitter causes harm up to some distance measured in terms of Spectral Power Density (SPD). hintlink.com/power_density.htm is a SPD calculator used by HAM radio hobbyists. Locating a victim involves radar principle (Ling H, Ram S. "Detecting Human Activities Through Barriers: Doppler Radar Signals Become Animation". www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080925094719.htm).
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