[EL] ELB News and Commentary 8/26/19
Rick Hasen
rhasen at law.uci.edu
Sun Aug 25 21:04:02 PDT 2019
“Trump Allies Target Journalists Over Coverage Deemed Hostile to White House Image”<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107061>
Posted on August 25, 2019 9:01 pm<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107061> by Rick Hasen<https://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>
A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to President Trump by publicizing damaging information about journalists.
It is the latest step in a long-running effort by Mr. Trump and his allies to undercut the influence of legitimate news reporting. Four people familiar with the operation described how it works, asserting that it has compiled dossiers of potentially embarrassing social media posts and other public statements by hundreds of people who work at some of the country’s most prominent news organizations.
The group has already released information about journalists at CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times — three outlets that have aggressively investigated Mr. Trump — in response to reporting or commentary that the White House’s allies consider unfair to Mr. Trump and his team or harmful to his re-election prospects.
Operatives have closely examined more than a decade’s worth of public posts and statements by journalists, the people familiar with the operation said. Only a fraction of what the network claims to have uncovered has been made public, the people said, with more to be disclosed as the 2020 election heats up. The research is said to extend to members of journalists’ families who are active in politics, as well as liberal activists and other political opponents of the president.
Posted in social media and social protests<https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=58>
“Virtual Caucus at Risk After DNC Experts Hacked Conference Call”<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107058>
Posted on August 24, 2019 5:29 pm<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107058> by Rick Hasen<https://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>
The Democratic National Committee<https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/0857648D:US> has raised substantial cybersecurity concerns over virtual caucusing, potentially dooming the effort just five months before Iowa begins its process of choosing a presidential nominee.
At a closed-door session of the Rules and By-Laws Committee on Thursday, the DNC told the panel that experts convened by the party were able to hack into a conference call among the committee, the Iowa Democratic Party<https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/0575837D:US> and Nevada Democratic Party, raising concerns about teleconferencing for virtual caucuses, according to three people who were at the meeting.
Posted in Uncategorized<https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=1>
Looking Forward To Participating on this APSA Breaking News Panel: Trump, Constitutional Crisis, and American Democracy<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107056>
Posted on August 24, 2019 5:16 pm<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107056> by Rick Hasen<https://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>
Breaking News Panel: Trump, Constitutional Crisis, and American Democracy
Thu, August 29, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott, Salon 3
Session Submission Type: Roundtable
Session Description
Breaking News Panel: Trump, Constitutional Crisis and American Democracy
Sub Unit
· Theme Panel<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+Load+Selected+Focus&selected_sub_unit_id=61687&program_focus=browse_by_sub_unit_submissions&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· David Karol University of Maryland<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10113848&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Josh Chafetz Cornell University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10110612&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Richard L. Hasen UC Irvine School of Law<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10119145&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Henry Olsen Ethics and Public Policy Center<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10070373&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Victoria Nourse Georgetown University Law Center<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10116116&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Matthew Glassman Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10111315&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
UPDATE: And Ilya Somin<https://reason.com/2019/08/24/my-upcoming-speaking-engagements-3/>!
Posted in Uncategorized<https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=1>
APSA Panels Sponsored by the Law and Political Process Study Group<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107053>
Posted on August 24, 2019 5:14 pm<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107053> by Rick Hasen<https://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>
Bruce Cain and I , who organize the panels for the Law and Political Process Study Group, hope to see many of you at these:
The Electoral College: New Theoretical and Empirical Thinking
Thu, August 29, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott, Taft
Session Submission Type: Created Panel
Session Description
Interest in the Electoral College has grown with the continuing possibility of a split between the popular vote and Electoral College vote for President. This panel considers arguments for, critiques of, and empirical analysis regarding the Electoral College in our current polarized political era.
Sub Unit
· Related Groups / Law and Political Process Study Group<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+Load+Selected+Focus&selected_sub_unit_id=61742&program_focus=browse_by_sub_unit_submissions&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
Individual Presentations
· A Very “Unpopular” Argument: The Left Case for the Electoral College – Amel F. Ahmed, University of Massachusetts, Amherst<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1540246&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Presidential Elections and Majority Rule – Edward B. Foley, Ohio State University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1543203&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· A Modern Defense of the Electoral College – Michael T. Morley, Florida State University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1543117&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· A Bug in Democracy: Mythical and True Flaws in the Electoral College – Samuel S.-H. Wang, Princeton University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1543204&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Richard L. Hasen UC Irvine School of Law<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10119145&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Jennifer L. Lawless University of Virginia<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10109845&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Lawrence Lessig Harvard University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10116488&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
Restoration and Suppression: The Contemporary Frontiers of Voting Rights
Sat, August 31, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Omni, Council Room
Session Submission Type: Created Panel
Session Description
The current war over voting rights has two fronts. The first is the effort to expand voting rights to those who lost them as the result of violating the law. The second is the contraction or suppression of voting rights by means of more restrictive qualifications for the alleged purpose of preserving voter integrity. With respect to the former, the question is whether and to what degree the restoration of voting rights to ex-felons has successfully enhanced their political participation and engagement. With respect to the latter, the question whether there is a constitutional basis for protecting against those who would use the pretext of preventing fraud to suppress the voting participation of political rivals?
Sub Unit
· Related Groups / Law and Political Process Study Group<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+Load+Selected+Focus&selected_sub_unit_id=61742&program_focus=browse_by_sub_unit_submissions&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
Individual Presentations
· The Elephant in the Room: Intentional Voter Suppression – Lisa Marshall Manheim, University of Washington<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1543820&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Barriers to Registering Returning Citizens in Florida – Daniel A. Smith, University of Florida<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1544244&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Voting Rights Restoration for Individuals with Past Criminal Convictions in Va. – Emily Zhang, Stanford University<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Paper&selected_paper_id=1543821&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Michael C. Herron Dartmouth College<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10118301&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Martha E. Kropf University of North Carolina at Charlotte<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=10011781&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
· Bertrall Ross UC Berkeley<https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/apsa/apsa19/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Person&selected_people_id=11076567&PHPSESSID=fhs9v6ttnlld2od6ugf1p9mv43>
Posted in Uncategorized<https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=1>
“NC officials vote against new election-security rules, citing time crunch for 2020 election”<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107051>
Posted on August 23, 2019 2:28 pm<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107051> by Rick Hasen<https://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>
News and Observer:<https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article234315442.html>
North Carolina elections officials upset a packed room of advocates for election security Friday, voting down a proposal to require stricter anti-hacking provisions in the 2020 elections and beyond.
The State Board of Elections approved three new types of voting machines that counties will have the option to buy. The main difference among them, and the source of much controversy, is whether voters will be using machines that create paper records they can review after they vote to make sure the machine was accurate, or if they will see only a bar code.
Board of Elections member Stella Anderson, who first proposed banning bar codes by requiring “human-readable” records in a meeting last month, brought it up for a vote at the board’s meeting Friday.
Posted in voting technology<https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=40>
“Google Puts Curbs on Political Debate by Employees Company frowns on ‘disrupting the workday to have a raging debate over politics’”<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107049>
Posted on August 23, 2019 9:37 am<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=107049> by Rick Hasen<https://electionlawblog.org/?author=3>
WSJ reports<https://www.wsj.com/articles/google-puts-curbs-on-political-debate-by-employees-11566576970?mod=djemalertNEWS>.
Posted in Uncategorized<https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=1>
Rick Hasen
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
UC Irvine School of Law
401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000
Irvine, CA 92697-8000
949.824.3072 - office
rhasen at law.uci.edu<mailto:rhasen at law.uci.edu>
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