[EL] UK election and what "mandates" mean in U.S.-style plurality voting system

Benjamin Forest, Prof. benjamin.forest at mcgill.ca
Fri Dec 13 12:14:53 PST 2019

Here is a graph showing the (preliminary) results of the UK election compared to others in the post-war period. The outcome (in terms of the seat-vote ratio) looks to be in line with the pattern of prior elections.


On Dec 13, 2019, at 7:20 AM, Rob Richie <rr at fairvote.org<mailto:rr at fairvote.org>> wrote:

Hi, Folks,

The UK elections are a fascinating example of how a plurality voting system is not the same thing as a majoritarian voting system. Here was my tweet about it just now, linking to my piece last month anticipating yesterday's results.

I'll note that a ranked choice voting district by district might not have changed the outcome, as geographic dispersion of votes matters as well as winning districts by majorities rather than pluralities. But if you add up the parties associated with Remain, it's a clear majority, with the Conservative Party (43.6%), its Northern Ireland allies and Brexit party (2.0%) combining for about 46% of the vote.


Benjamin Forest
Associate Professor                |  Professeur agrégé
Undergraduate Affairs Chair        |  Chaire affaires de premier cycle

Department of Geography            |  Département de géographie
Member, Centre for the Study       |  Chercheur, Centre pour l'étude de la
of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC)   |  citoyenneté démocratique (CÉCD)
Associate Member, Department of    |  Membre associé, département de
Political Science                  |  science politique

McGill University                  |  Université McGill
Department of Geography            |  Département de géographie
805 Sherbrooke Street West         |  805, rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0B9           |  Montréal (Quebec) H3A 0B9
Canada                             |  Canada

Tel/Tél: 514-398-4953
Fax/Téléc: 514-398-7437

Email/Courriel: benjamin.forest at mcgill.ca<mailto:benjamin.forest at mcgill.ca>
Web: www.benjaminforest.info<http://www.benjaminforest.info/>

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