[EL] [Lawcourt-l] My piece in The Hill: US House v Trump: The case law favors Congress

Eric J Segall esegall at gsu.edu
Fri May 10 16:32:16 PDT 2019

He absolutely could get away with it because his base would say “better the death of one person than 1,000,000 babies.” I am quite sure he wouldn’t lose his base Scott.


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On May 10, 2019, at 6:53 PM, Scott Gerber <s-gerber at onu.edu<mailto:s-gerber at onu.edu>> wrote:

Sandy writes: "their purported champion who could indeed murder someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it."

I respectfully disagree with Sandy that President Trump could get away with that.

I'm not sure why Sandy continues to use such hyperbole.


On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 6:27 PM Levinson, Sanford V <SLevinson at law.utexas.edu<mailto:SLevinson at law.utexas.edu>> wrote:
I suspect Lief is right. Trump’s strategy is to heighten the contradictions inherent in our vaunted separation of powers/checks and balances system that incentivizes constitutional hardball and a sense of constitutional crisis among the people who care about such things. But Trump’s base will dismiss the controversy as simply lawyers shouting at one another and stick with their purported champion who could indeed murder someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. Indeed, my wife and I saw the new production of “Oklahoma” in New York on Tuesday, and the denouement of this production is that “oh what a beautiful morning” Curly gets away with the cold-blooded murder of Jud, the creepy loner, because the good folks of the town run the equivalent of a reverse kangaroo court and acquit him because of “self-defense.”  I suspect much the same would happen today among these denizens of law-and-order with regard to those unlike themselves.


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From: lawcourt-l-bounces at legal.umass.edu<mailto:lawcourt-l-bounces at legal.umass.edu> on behalf of Lief Carter (R) <lhcarter at coloradocollege.edu<mailto:lhcarter at coloradocollege.edu>>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 4:14 PM
To: Schultz, David
Cc: Law and Courts list; law-election at department-lists.uci.edu<mailto:law-election at department-lists.uci.edu>
Subject: Re: [Lawcourt-l] My piece in The Hill: US House v Trump: The case law favors Congress

When I game the current confrontations in DC, I can’t help reaching the conclusion that Trump WANTS the House to impeach him.  Whether this is a smart strategy for Trump is another question, but it will certainly be the ultimate distraction and will be red meat to his base.  In this game scenario, whom the book-law favors is almost irrelevant.  Trump simply needs to keep 20 or so senators on his side to avoid conviction.

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On May 10, 2019, at 3:42 PM, Schultz, David <dschultz at hamline.edu<mailto:dschultz at hamline.edu>> wrote:

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Hi all:
My piece in The Hill:  US House v Trump:  The case law favors Congress

David Schultz, Professor
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Department of Political Science
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Scott Douglas Gerber, Ph.D.
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