[EL] Kleinfelds’ proposal
Jeff Hauser
jeffhauser at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 05:55:37 PDT 2020
" Federal funding would no doubt help make the decision to expand absentee
voting easier, but lack of funding is not an absolute barrier."
The literature on "states rights" and the history of access to voting in
this country strongly suggests federal action is necessary. House Democrats
are necessary to keeping GOP leaning business owners/equity holders afloat,
and it strikes me as both necessary and proper that funding such efforts be
tied to de facto voting rights.
On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 8:47 AM Sean Parnell <sean at impactpolicymanagement.com>
> It’s probably worth noting that states generally fund and run their own
> elections, so there’s no real need to go through McConnell and Trump to
> expand absentee voting and other options. Federal funding would no doubt
> help make the decision to expand absentee voting easier, but lack of
> funding is not an absolute barrier.
> Sean Parnell
> *From:* Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> *On
> Behalf Of *David Segal
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 8, 2020 10:29 PM
> *To:* Eric J Segall <esegall at gsu.edu>
> *Cc:* Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [EL] Kleinfelds’ proposal
> It's good that they are pushing and I think a patchwork of purple, and
> even some red, states might implement procedures along these lines. (Hard
> to imagine that all would, which might implicate the POTUS race and would
> certainly have impacts on Congress and state and local races.)
> But it's very hard for me to see a path under any circumstances through
> McConnell and Trump, even if Congressional Ds prioritize this more in
> negotiations.
> Do other folks here think otherwise, re: the politics of the bulk of
> R-controlled states and Congress, and if so would you be able to speak to
> what it looks like in more detail?
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 9:59 PM Eric J Segall <esegall at gsu.edu> wrote:
> Yes. excellent piece, great ideas, and thanks Ilya for supporting it.
> Best,
> Eric
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 8, 2020, at 8:28 PM, Ilya Shapiro <IShapiro at cato.org> wrote:
> I thought this was solid and would get bipartisan support:
> https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/04/coronavirus-response-holding-elections-during-pandemic/
> <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalreview.com%2F2020%2F04%2Fcoronavirus-response-holding-elections-during-pandemic%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cesegall%40gsu.edu%7C119d6d922e124261fa9008d7dc1cf8fa%7C515ad73d8d5e4169895c9789dc742a70%7C0%7C0%7C637219889314052158&sdata=4s3OdhFO8WLQxHc0JJqmIRohy3lAafOZxuD09D9fQSY%3D&reserved=0>
> Ilya Shapiro
> Director
> Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies
> Cato Institute
> 1000 Mass. Ave. NW
> Washington, DC 20001
> (o) 202-218-4600
> (c) 202-577-1134
> Twitter: @ishapiro
> http://www.cato.org/people/shapiro.html
> <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cato.org%2Fpeople%2Fshapiro.html&data=02%7C01%7Cesegall%40gsu.edu%7C119d6d922e124261fa9008d7dc1cf8fa%7C515ad73d8d5e4169895c9789dc742a70%7C0%7C0%7C637219889314062151&sdata=grQ9OqFvGz001aj76eTzlUJUNjTU20RD%2BUsdz5IBl%2BI%3D&reserved=0>
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