[EL] Question for the list about tabulation of early in-person votes

Edward Still still at votelaw.com
Wed Aug 19 06:51:13 PDT 2020

In Alabama, a voter may cast an absentee ballot by going to the office of
the absentee ballot manager, or by mailing the ballot back to the ABM.

Upon receipt of the absentee ballot, the absentee election manager must
record such on the absentee list and safely keep the ballots without
breaking the seal of the affidavit envelope until election day. Beginning
at noon on election day, the absentee election manager must deliver the
sealed affidavit envelopes to the election officials designated for
counting absentee ballots.

An absentee ballot submitted by hand delivery to the absentee election
manager must be received in person from the voter no later than the close
of the last business day before the day of election, or, in the case of a
voter under the emergency voting procedure, delivered by the medical
emergency designee to and received by the absentee election manager no
later than noon on the day of the election.


Edward Still
429 Green Springs Hwy, STE 161-304
Birmingham AL 35209
205-320-2882 (phone & fax)
still at votelaw.com
www.linkedin.com/in/edwardstill <http://www.linkedin.com/edwardstill>
Twitter: @edwardstill

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 1:12 AM Pamela S Karlan <pkarlan at stanford.edu>

> How are early, in-person votes tabulated if people vote early at county
> office buildings or voting centers or the like?  Do those votes get
> attributed or sent to a voter's precinct for processing before election day
> itself, or are they somehow included in the election day total?
> Many thanks for any information y'all have.  I'm writing a short piece
> that discusses, among other things, the blue shift and wonder whether these
> votes play into that one way or another.
> Pamela S. Karlan
> Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law
> Co-Director, Supreme Court Litigation Clinic
> Stanford Law School
> karlan at stanford.edu
> 650-725-4851
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