[EL] Question for the list about tabulation of early in-person votes

D. A. Holtzman d at LAvoteFIRE.org
Thu Aug 20 17:00:03 PDT 2020

Why not wait until the next morning, say at 10 O'clock, so everybody can 
get some rest, start fresh, and focus well on the task at hand?

On 8/20/2020 11:08 AM, Mary Hill wrote:
> Dear Pamela,
> For my Vote Center county in CA, all votes are being processed as they 
> come in. We have a few 30 day vote centers, so any votes received 
> (whether early in-person or a Vote by Mail ballot) on E-20 will be 
> processed well before Election Day. We do our best to keep up as best 
> as we can with ballots We just don’t *tabulate* any of the votes 
> (VBM/Early in-person votes/Etc) until 8pm Election Night. Once 8pm 
> hits, all of our processed, scanned, and adjudicated ballot results 
> are tabulated and we can start updating our live voter turnout site. 
> (linked below)
> https://www.livevoterturnout.com/SanMateoCA/LiveResults/en/Index_3.html
> If anyone decides to ask for more information we can look into our 
> Tenex ePollbook results to see how many early in-person votes we 
> receive (in total, or per day), and I’m sure we have the same for VBM, 
> that’s just not my department.
> Let me know if this helps!
> /---/
> /Mary Hill   [she/her]/
> Elections Specialist
> (Office: (650) 655-6246| 📱 Mobile: (650) 722-8100
> //
> /Registration & Elections Division/
> /40 Tower Road, San Mateo 94402/
> *_http://www.smcacre.org/_*
> *__*
> From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>> on behalf of 
> Pamela S Karlan <pkarlan at stanford.edu <mailto:pkarlan at stanford.edu>>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 1:11 AM
> To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu 
> <mailto:law-election at uci.edu>>
> Subject: [EL] Question for the list about tabulation of early 
> in-person votes
> How are early, in-person votes tabulated if people vote early at 
> county office buildings or voting centers or the like? Do those votes 
> get attributed or sent to a voter's precinct for processing before 
> election day itself, or are they somehow included in the election day 
> total?
> Many thanks for any information y'all have. I'm writing a short piece 
> that discusses, among other things, the blue shift and wonder whether 
> these votes play into that one way or another.
> Pamela S. Karlan
> Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law
> Co-Director, Supreme Court Litigation Clinic
> Stanford Law School
> karlan at stanford.edu <mailto:karlan at stanford.edu>
> 650-725-4851
> _______________________________________________
> Law-election mailing list
> Law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
> https://department-lists.uci.edu/mailman/listinfo/law-election

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