[EL] Query -- mudslinging in early elections
Doug Spencer
dougspencer at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 09:14:27 PST 2020
In case you haven't already seen it, Reason magazine put together a
set of modern-style
campaign ads
several years ago based on the real statements of Jefferson and Adams
(based on the sources Brad cites above). There are some good quotes in
Chernow's biography of Hamilton as well, many of which made their way to
the Broadway stage.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 8:47 AM Svoboda, Brian (Perkins Coie) <
BSvoboda at perkinscoie.com> wrote:
> For the Founders’ era, I might suggest Michael Durey’s “With The Hammer of
> Truth: James Thomas Callender and America’s Early National Heroes,” a
> biography of the Jefferson acolyte who turned on his leader and became the
> most visible proponent of the Sally Hemings charges. That book’s
> doppelganger is “Peter Porcupine in America: Pamphlets on Republicanism and
> Revolution,” an anthology of William Cobbett’s broadsides. And then there
> is William Safire’s “Scandalmonger,” the rollicking novel which introduced
> me to both of these books.
> =B.
> *Brian G. Svoboda* *|* *Perkins Coie* *LLP*
> 700 Thirteenth Street N.W.
> Washington, DC 20005-3960
> PHONE: 202.434.1654
> FAX: 202.654.9150
> E-MAIL: BSvoboda at perkinscoie.com
> IMPORTANT TAX INFORMATION: This communication is not intended or written
> by Perkins Coie LLP to be used, and cannot be used by the taxpayer, for the
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> *From:* Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> *On
> Behalf Of *Smith, Bradley
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 21, 2020 9:25 AM
> *To:* Gardner, James <jgard at buffalo.edu>; Election Law Listserv <
> law-election at uci.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [EL] Query -- mudslinging in early elections
> See if your library has a copy of Kerwin Swint, Mudslingers: The 25
> Dirtiest Political Campaigns of All Time.
> David McCullough has some good tidbits and quotes from the campaign of
> 1800 in his Adams biography.
> The Johny-Cake Papers, published in 1879, quote one anti-Jeffersonian
> describing TJ as "nothing but a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of
> a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father, as was well
> known in the neighborhood where he was raised, wholly on hoe-cake (made of
> course-ground Southern corn), bacon, and hominy, with an occasional change
> of fricasseed bullfrog, for which abominable reptiles he had acquired a
> taste during his residence among the French in Paris, to whom there could
> be no question he would sell his country at the first offer made to him
> cash down, should he be elected to fill the Presidential chair." However,
> the Monticello
> Society has not been able to find contemporary reports of this alleged
> speech.
> *Bradley A. Smith*
> *Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault*
> * Professor of Law*
> *Capital University Law School*
> *303 E. Broad St.*
> *Columbus, OH 43215*
> *614.236.6317*
> *http://law.capital.edu/faculty/bios/bsmith.aspx
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__law.capital.edu_faculty_bios_bsmith.aspx&d=DwMF-g&c=XRWvQHnpdBDRh-yzrHjqLpXuHNC_9nanQc6pPG_SpT0&r=liAVgWK_6sjbUg6EC0f0khf6MyboEmFwaqEV2P3ukag&m=ddglheBLekIcysIiFnriN6-AWjmZE8HyOJde6TuoqRw&s=GMglBld4_BhsQa7A17qX0edwtQtKQHxtzMaaSveGN88&e=>*
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Law-election [law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu] on
> behalf of Gardner, James [jgard at buffalo.edu]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 21, 2020 8:53 AM
> *To:* Election Law Listserv
> *Subject:* [EL] Query -- mudslinging in early elections
> ** [ This email originated outside of Capital University ] **
> Dear Colleagues:
> I’d like to acquaint my students as vividly as possible with the fact that
> mudslinging and character destruction were common tactics in the early
> history of the republic. Can anyone point me to a source that lays out
> some of the juicy details? I’m not looking for a historical source that *
> describes* these elections as dirty; I want the actual insults!
> Thanks for any help.
> Jim
> ___________________________
> James A. Gardner
> Bridget and Thomas Black SUNY Distinguished Professor of Law
> Research Professor of Political Science
> University at Buffalo School of Law
> The State University of New York
> Room 514, O'Brian Hall
> Buffalo, NY 14260-1100
> voice: 716-645-3607
> fax: 716-645-2064
> e-mail: jgard at buffalo.edu
> Faculty page:
> https://www.law.buffalo.edu/faculty/facultyDirectory/GardnerJames.html
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__linkprotect.cudasvc.com_url-3Fa-3Dhttps-253a-252f-252fwww.law.buffalo.edu-252ffaculty-252ffacultyDirectory-252fGardnerJames.html-26c-3DE-2C1-2CEHB87OTX2ZhXsnrTkgy7-2DXdILEYr5olpAnRkkDSkHHqTIO5JL8z70Bg1BOxBBz1QLRyoYNOv5MCkrU36Gsq9JNykqE3p-2Dil-2DkGISQyUo-26typo-3D1&d=DwMF-g&c=XRWvQHnpdBDRh-yzrHjqLpXuHNC_9nanQc6pPG_SpT0&r=liAVgWK_6sjbUg6EC0f0khf6MyboEmFwaqEV2P3ukag&m=ddglheBLekIcysIiFnriN6-AWjmZE8HyOJde6TuoqRw&s=oC7LXGMd3Lzqc-GSOrvNGptbjBNFXBGj634FXb3l9co&e=>
> Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=40126
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__linkprotect.cudasvc.com_url-3Fa-3Dhttp-253a-252f-252fssrn.com-252fauthor-253d40126-26c-3DE-2C1-2CAMmi6IcEp93-5F8Pe2EBkdzlEDNbwsiJAKIiwHosAKPyRGRN4mGsGYaG9W84XtR39UmcYrPzJKjQm6xFvZfyO6XLabZ3WIUOANx6JxBCvSkKMopRA-5FSGK1Ug-2C-2C-26typo-3D1&d=DwMF-g&c=XRWvQHnpdBDRh-yzrHjqLpXuHNC_9nanQc6pPG_SpT0&r=liAVgWK_6sjbUg6EC0f0khf6MyboEmFwaqEV2P3ukag&m=ddglheBLekIcysIiFnriN6-AWjmZE8HyOJde6TuoqRw&s=9lLh6_8oNVabhCblVCB1NPWDNS3_d3k4TifUCT6CuEs&e=>
> ------------------------------
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