[EL] State-level continuity of governance-

D. A. Holtzman d at LAvoteFIRE.org
Sun Mar 15 14:00:57 PDT 2020

To gather signatures I would turn the tabling table 90 degrees to have a 
short end facing me and put hand sanitizer and 
lit/clipboards/petitions/pens at the other end.
Conversations can be had over a couple yards'/meters' distance.
Totally would attract attention, and Lord knows people are out shopping!

On 3/15/2020 10:24 AM, David Segal wrote:
> Thanks, Rob.
> Another issue related to elections that came to mind after a 
> conversation I had yesterday is ballot access. Still lots of states 
> out there where people are supposed to be collecting signatures to get 
> on the ballot at various points over the course of the spring. Not 
> sure if there are any alternative methodologies for this out there 
> anywhere, or if anybody's even thought deeply about alternatives. (To 
> move to them would require state lawmakers to be able to function.)

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