[EL] President Trump, the Virus, and the Election

Chambers, Hank hchamber at richmond.edu
Fri Oct 2 07:46:40 PDT 2020

That may depend on what you mean by early voting.  Does early voting include filling out and mailing a ballot two weeks before election day in a jurisdiction that requires mail-in ballots be received by election day? 

I know many people who are voting for the party rather than the candidate. Nothing that occurs between now and election day will change their mind.  If their early voting takes pressure off of election day voting processes, early voting may yet be helpful.


Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Austin E. Owen Research Scholar and Professor of Law
University of Richmond School of Law
203 Richmond Way
Richmond, Va. 23173
(804) 289-8199
hchamber at richmond.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> On Behalf Of Kelner, Robert
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:27 AM
To: Goldfeder, Jerry H. <jgoldfeder at stroock.com>
Cc: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: Re: [EL] President Trump, the Virus, and the Election

There has probably never been a better example of the fundamental problem with early voting.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 2, 2020, at 10:14 AM, Goldfeder, Jerry H. <jgoldfeder at stroock.com> wrote:

But of course those who vote early in person cannot change their vote.

Jerry H. Goldfeder
Special Counsel

180 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
D: 212.806.5857
M: 917.680.3132

jgoldfeder at stroock.com<mailto:jgoldfeder at stroock.com> | vCard<https://www.stroock.com/people/jgoldfeder/vcard> | www.stroock.com

From: Douglas, Joshua A. <joshuadouglas at uky.edu>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:08 AM
To: Pildes, Rick <rick.pildes at nyu.edu>; Goldfeder, Jerry H. <jgoldfeder at stroock.com>; Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: President Trump, the Virus, and the Election

Apparently 7 states do allow voters to change their absentee ballots, but of course only one vote will count. Those states are Wisconsin; Minnesota; Michigan; Pennsylvania; New York; Connecticut; and Mississippi.


Joshua A. Douglas
Ashland, Inc.-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law
620 S. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40506
joshuadouglas at uky.edu<mailto:joshuadouglas at uky.edu>
Twitter: @JoshuaADouglas

Find me at www.JoshuaADouglas.com<http://www.JoshuaADouglas.com>
From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu<mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>> on behalf of Pildes, Rick <rick.pildes at nyu.edu<mailto:rick.pildes at nyu.edu>>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:03:43 AM
To: Goldfeder, Jerry H. <jgoldfeder at stroock.com<mailto:jgoldfeder at stroock.com>>; Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu<mailto:law-election at uci.edu>>
Subject: Re: [EL] President Trump, the Virus, and the Election

CAUTION: External Sender

With early votes, I’m not sure anything can be done.

With absentees, it would vary by state.



Richard H. Pildes

Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law

NYU School of Law

40 Washington Square So.

NYC, NY 10014

212 998-6377

From: Goldfeder, Jerry H. [mailto:jgoldfeder at stroock.com]
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 10:02 AM
To: Pildes, Rick <rick.pildes at nyu.edu<mailto:rick.pildes at nyu.edu>>; Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu<mailto:law-election at uci.edu>>
Subject: RE: President Trump, the Virus, and the Election

And what happens to the already-cast votes for a candidate who has been replaced?  I imagine not every state has a law that addresses this.

Jerry H. Goldfeder
Special Counsel

180 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
D: 212.806.5857
M: 917.680.3132

jgoldfeder at stroock.com<mailto:jgoldfeder at stroock.com> | vCard<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.proofpoint.com*2Fv2*2Furl*3Fu*3Dhttps-3A__www.stroock.com_people_jgoldfeder_vcard*26d*3DDwMFAg*26c*3DslrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ*26r*3Dv3oz9bpMizgP1T8KwLv3YT-_iypxaOkdtbkRAclgHRk*26m*3DJA0HdGQry6uhxg2dXkv8okWxJQJoNRYfM-KenbRx2T0*26s*3DaJWR9KVv288BD0SdIJUG_lKP5yuLqmCYdj2CsmTcnUg*26e*3D&data=02*7C01*7Cjoshuadouglas*40uky.edu*7C7d44ce5a3fe843fcf69608d866dc5395*7C2b30530b69b64457b818481cb53d42ae*7C0*7C0*7C637372443767451368&sdata=4PjBQ*2B*2FyhVWC8VORJUh8e5Z5Isp2V7*2B5nJ9rm5U8u8c*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!N5JjT8_g!Or69wXaXZSDvKbSWKFm01nXIouY3Iifod3F1xEHy-kIcU58I-RBSIZMHEjKy3yObOQ$> | www.stroock.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.proofpoint.com*2Fv2*2Furl*3Fu*3Dhttp-3A__www.stroock.com*26d*3DDwMFAg*26c*3DslrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ*26r*3Dv3oz9bpMizgP1T8KwLv3YT-_iypxaOkdtbkRAclgHRk*26m*3DJA0HdGQry6uhxg2dXkv8okWxJQJoNRYfM-KenbRx2T0*26s*3DEKhDKlkAmMxVdRjp3uRAHIIJUAx0ElhldfZu931CuLc*26e*3D&data=02*7C01*7Cjoshuadouglas*40uky.edu*7C7d44ce5a3fe843fcf69608d866dc5395*7C2b30530b69b64457b818481cb53d42ae*7C0*7C0*7C637372443767461363&sdata=k7cOWUWKp2dG3ISfFLrjUStIlbVUVLMRjUheSDwjQUU*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!N5JjT8_g!Or69wXaXZSDvKbSWKFm01nXIouY3Iifod3F1xEHy-kIcU58I-RBSIZMHEjIf_ScMEg$>

From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu<mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>> On Behalf Of Pildes, Rick
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 9:02 AM
To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu<mailto:law-election at uci.edu>>
Subject: [EL] President Trump, the Virus, and the Election

I have published this new piece with the Washington Post laying out what would happen if President Trump were to become incapacitated before the election or after the election but, if he were to win, before inauguration day:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/10/02/were-final-stages-presidential-election-what-happens-if-candidate-withdraws-or-dies/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2Fwww.washingtonpost.com*2Fpolitics*2F2020*2F10*2F02*2Fwere-final-stages-presidential-election-what-happens-if-candidate-withdraws-or-dies*2F__*3B!!N5JjT8_g!Oebgw8jrqz0v-O5pWwuTjrPEE0sxcu1phITpRFcV2WP-GntmrtX-WhSZ1pt9Rohtng*24&data=02*7C01*7Cjoshuadouglas*40uky.edu*7C7d44ce5a3fe843fcf69608d866dc5395*7C2b30530b69b64457b818481cb53d42ae*7C0*7C0*7C637372443767471357&sdata=87d0G52bDBTuWekKBED8T0juATzHxZUdYEDXikRO7ss*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!N5JjT8_g!Or69wXaXZSDvKbSWKFm01nXIouY3Iifod3F1xEHy-kIcU58I-RBSIZMHEjJANX12Ug$>

Richard H. Pildes

Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law

NYU School of Law

40 Washington Square So.

NYC, NY 10014

212 998-6377

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