[EL] The Likely Issue in the Trump Campaign's Supreme Court Petition out of PA

Marty Lederman Martin.Lederman at law.georgetown.edu
Tue Sep 22 11:40:13 PDT 2020

Does anyone have a link to the similar application by the Pennsylvania
RNC?  And to the briefs on the merits in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court?

On Sep 22, 2020, at 2:17 PM, Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu> wrote:

Pennsylvania Republican Legislators File Pa. Supreme Court Document Teeing
Up SCOTUS Review of Extension of PA Voting Rules [Link to Brief]

Posted on September 22, 2020 11:16 am
<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=115580> by *Rick Hasen*

The brief
of John Kruzel) makes two arguments:

*First, the decision violates federal law, which establishes “the Tuesday
next after the 1st Monday in November” as a single Federal Election Day,
which falls on November 3rd this year. 2 U.S.C. § 7; see also 2 U.S.C. § 1;
3 U.S.C. § 1. These provisions mandate holding all elections for Congress
and the Presidency on a single day throughout the Union. However, Footnote
26 and page 63 of this Court’s Slip Opinion extend Election Day past
November 3, 2020. It does this by forcing election officials to accept
ballots received after election day even if these ballots lack a legible
postmark. This permits ballots to be both voted and counted after election
day, extending the General Election past November 3, 2020. This clearly
violates 2 U.S.C. § 7….*

*Second, the decision violates the Elections Clause, Article I, § 4 cl. 1
of the United States Constitution, by seizing control of setting the times,
places, and manner of federal elections from the state legislature.
Although this Court has the final say on the substantive law of
Pennsylvania, the Elections Clause of the United States Constitution vests
the authority to regulate the times, places, and manner, of federal
elections to Pennsylvania’s General Assembly, subject only to alteration by
Congress, not this Court. U.S. Const. Art. I, § 4. The General Assembly has
not delegated authority to alter these regulations to the Pennsylvania
Judiciary, yet this Court’s decision fundamentally changes the policy
decisions inherent in the General Assembly’s duly enacted election laws.
This Court has substituted its will for the will of the General Assembly
and this substitution usurps the authority vested in the General Assembly
by the Elections Clause. U.S. Const. Art. I, § 4.*

The Hill:

*Republicans plan to ask the Supreme Court to review a major Pennsylvania
state court ruling that extended the due date for mail ballots in the key
battleground state, teeing up the first test for the Supreme Court since
the death of its liberal leader Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
<https://thehill.com/people/ruth-ginsburg>. *

*The GOP legal strategy, which was revealed in a pair of court
<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dqqasjda3x1OH-BtOnEXpXN-MVxgLghp/view> filed
overnight and Tuesday morning, has not been previously reported.*

*The development comes after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court dealt
Republicans a major blow last week in a bitterly partisan election lawsuit
that could help determine whether President Trump
<https://thehill.com/people/donald-trump> or Democratic nominee Joe Biden
<https://thehill.com/people/joe-biden> takes the Keystone State, which
Trump won in 2016 by just over 44,000 votes.*

*The expected petition to the Supreme Court comes just days after
Ginsburg’s death from cancer last Friday injected further uncertainty into
a chaotic 2020 presidential contest that is on track to be the most
intensely litigated election cycle in U.S. history.*

*“This could be a big first test for the post-RBG Supreme Court and where
it will stand on election issues,” said Rick Hasen, an election law expert
and law professor at the University of California Irvine. “There’s little
reason to believe that the conservative-liberal divide will disappear with
Justice Ginsburg’s death.”*


Posted in Uncategorized <https://electionlawblog.org/?cat=1>

*From: *"Levitt, Justin" <justin.levitt at lls.edu>
*Date: *Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 10:23 AM
*To: *"Pildes, Rick" <rick.pildes at nyu.edu>, Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>,
Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
*Subject: *RE: The Likely Issue in the Trump Campaign's Supreme Court
Petition out of PA

It’s always possible that the Trump campaign will raise the argument Rick
P. suggests.  But given the far narrower RNC v. DNC stay decision
<https://clearinghouse.net/chDocs/public/VR-WI-0019-0021.pdf> in April, I’m
not sure why the Court would indulge that argument at the moment.

If the Court were to seriously engage the argument that the “legislature”
in this context means “only the legislature, exclusively,” and not “the
state lawmaking power, including a state constitutional role for courts to
interpret state law,” there are a host of additional consequences that
would seriously upend the election.  The Court would have to determine when
judicial action involves a construction of state law rather than an
alteration of it, which depends in turn on your theory of what it is a
legislature is doing when it legislates in a way that’s inconsistent with
underlying state constitutional commands.  (Or when legislation is
generally consistent with underlying state constitutional commands, but
inconsistent in certain external contexts.)  And the consequence of a Court
decision in this context isn’t limited to Pennsylvania.  I’ve catalogued 250
cases involving COVID-19 and the election process
<https://electionlawblog.org/?p=111962> this year; while they don’t *all*
raise this issue, most of them involving court-ordered relief do.  Indeed,
the consequence of a Court decision in this context isn’t limited to the
courts: there are additional questions about whether ballot initiatives
could ever modify the rules by which states choose electors, or whether
legislation vetoed by a governor now suddenly represents the law of the
land for voting on Presidential electors but not state candidates.  Unless
the Court somehow magically declared that whatever principle were used to
resolve the fight in Pennsylvania could not be used to file any other suit
in any other state, deciding this one case would prompt hundreds more.

I’ve (obviously) got views on the underlying substance.  (And I know that
Mark S., for example, disagrees.)  But *whatever* your take on the
underlying substance, my point is that it’s really hard to write a decision
finding that the PA Supreme Court unconstitutionally interfered with the
state legislature’s power without also either 1) answering a whole host of
additional questions or 2) instantly destabilizing the election
infrastructure nationwide.

In the litigation over the Arizona redistricting commission, I offered a
list of questions
like those above, that would have become quite prominent had the Arizona
case come out the other way.  Some of them are avoidable or
distinguishable; others are, at least as a matter of logic (and not power),
not.  The Court doesn’t do its best work in a hurry, and there is no
question that we’re in a hurry to get the rules clear right now.  And while
a decision on this issue in Pennsylvania itself might be seen to restore a
pre-existing status quo, the potential for radical destabilization would
instantly upend a much more established status quo in almost every state in
the country.

Again, it’s entirely possible that the Trump campaign would tee up the
issue – they’ve raised it in the Pennsylvania federal court litigation (and
others this cycle) before.  Given the April precedent, though, even if the
Court is interested in reviewing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision
generally, I’m just not sure why this Court would want the issue Rick P.
flagged, right now.


*From:* Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> *On
Behalf Of *Pildes, Rick
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:28 AM
*To:* Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>; Election Law Listserv <
law-election at uci.edu>
*Subject:* [EL] The Likely Issue in the Trump Campaign's Supreme Court
Petition out of PA

In a post a bit ago, Rick Hasen flagged the news that the Trump campaign
will go to the Supreme Court to seek review of the PA Supreme Court’s
decision to order the state to accept absentee ballots up to 5 days after
Election Day.  I put up this point identifying the major issue – and it is
a big one – I expect this petition to focus on:

I expect the main constitutional issue the Trump campaign will raise in
this petition to be the argument that the PA Supreme Court
unconstitutionally interfered with the state legislature’s power in Art.
II, Sec. 1, cl. 2 of the Constitution. That provision states the
“legislature” in each state may direct the “manner” by which a state
appoints its electors to the Electoral College. The petition will argue, I
expect, that when the PA Supreme Court held that the state constitution
required PA to accept absentees up to 5 days after Election Day, when the
enacted state election law requires those absentees to be received by 8 pm
on Election Day, the state court (and the state constitution, in essence)
unconstitutionally interfered with “the legislature’s” power to direct the
method of selecting electors.

This is potentially a huge issue — perhaps, in fact, the single most
important legal issue that could arise before the election. If the Supreme
Court were to take the case and accept this argument, it would mean that
there would be federal constitutional oversight over how state courts apply
any state law (either through statutory interpretation or, as here, through
interpretation of the state constitution) governing voting in the
presidential election. This is an argument that three Justices of the
Supreme Court endorsed in *Bush v. Gore *(CJ Rehnquist and Justices Scalia
and Thomas).

Not having seen the petition, I have no prediction about whether the Court
would choose to hear the case — assuming I’m right about the central issue
it will raise.



Richard H. Pildes

Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law

NYU School of Law

40 Washington Square So.

NYC, NY 10014

212 998-6377

*From:* Law-election [mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu
<law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>] *On Behalf Of *Rick Hasen
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:58 AM
*To:* Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
*Subject:* [EL] ELB News and Commentary 9/22/20

“Has the President Handicapped His Own Party’s Efforts on Absentee Voting?”

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:52 am
 by *Rick Hasen*


*The North Carolina Republican Party spent $213,000 on glossy mailers sent
out in August to voters believed to be supporters of President Trump.*

*“Urgent Notice,” the mailers warned, alongside a photo of the president.
On the flip side, voters found a tear-off application for an absentee

*“Are you going to let the Democrats silence you?” the mailers asked,
urging Republicans to fill out the application and send it in to obtain a
mail-in ballot.*

*Similar appeals have flooded mailboxes in Georgia, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin
and other battleground states, part of a multimillion-dollar effort by
state Republican parties to promote absentee voting, reinforced by
text-message blasts and robocalls from Mr. Trump’s campaign and its

*Yet those efforts may have been undercut by Mr. Trump himself, whose
repeated assertions that the mail-in voting is rigged, including several
focusing on North Carolina, may have scared away his own supporters. His
messaging could be one reason Republicans lag far behind Democrats in
requesting mail ballots in North Carolina and elsewhere, experts said.*

*“It’s unbelievable and obviously at cross purposes with maximizing the
Republican vote,” said Bill Weld, a former Republican governor of
Massachusetts who challenged Mr. Trump for the Republican nomination this
year. “The president is definitely inflicting a leak below the water line.”*

*Historically, Republicans led in efforts to capture absentee votes,
devising a program to identify Republicans who might vote by mail,
particularly in Florida, and make sure they sent in their ballots,
according to Stuart Stevens, a longtime Republican operative.*


Posted in absentee ballots

“In secret recording, trainer for Unlock Michigan advises on unlawful

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:46 am
 by *Rick Hasen*

Detroit Free Press:

*The company collecting signatures to strip Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of her
emergency powers coached paid petition circulators on giving voters false
information, illegally collecting signatures without witnessing them,
trespassing on private property, and even lying under oath, a secretly
recorded videotape shows.*

*The video showing Erik Tisinger, a trainer for the California signature
company In the Field, Inc., was secretly recorded Sept. 4 by a
representative of Keep Michigan Safe — the group opposing the Unlock
Michigan effort — and made available to the Free Press.*

*The profanity-peppered training session provides an inside look at the
world of paid signature gatherers and could potentially pose problems for
Unlock Michigan’s attempts to certify the close to 500,000 signatures the
group hopes to collect. It is the second example of irregularities in the
Unlock Michigan signature collection process the Free Press has

*“This can be a real shady job,” Tisinger tells the trainees. “And when I
say shady, I mean, people do all sorts of illegal s— all the time and never
get caught. It’s really hard to get caught doing s— except for, like,


Posted in chicanery
, direct democracy

“Even Trump’s Own Census Director Doesn’t Know Who Ordered The Count Rushed”

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:35 am
 by *Rick Hasen*


*The Trump administration’s decision to truncate the 2020 census “poses a
myriad of risks” to the count’s accuracy and completeness, an inspector
general report said Monday.

*Top Census Bureau officials, including its President Trump-appointed
director Steve Dillingham, are still not sure who within the administration
made the decision to speed up the count. Their “consensus” view within the
bureau is that the acceleration will “negatively impact the accuracy,”
according to Commerce Department Inspector General Peggy E. Gustafson’s

*The Trump administration currently faces multiple lawsuits challenging the
move. In the litigation, the Justice Department has blamed Congress — and
its refusal to extend the statutory deadlines that the Census Bureau faces
for delivering the count’s data — for why the Census Bureau is now forced
to rush through the census’ final phases.*


Posted in census litigation

“UCI Law Chancellor’s Professor of Law Richard L. Hasen Receives Grant from
Craig Newmark Philanthropies for Work on New Book on Cheap Speech and
American Elections”

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:28 am
 by *Rick Hasen*


*Richard L. Hasen (Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of California,
Irvine School of Law (UCI Law)
has received a grant from Craig Newmark Philanthropies for work on a book
project entitled, “Cheap Speech: Saving American Elections in the
Disinformation Age.” The $45,000 gift will help cover Prof. Hasen’s Fall
2020 teaching leave as he completes research and writing on his manuscript.
The book is under contract with Yale University Press.*

* “The 2020 election season has shown us that misinformation,
disinformation, the loss of local news coverage, and manipulation of
political views through social media platforms threaten the competence of
American voters in making electoral decisions. I am grateful that Craig
Newmark Philanthropies is generously supporting my work diagnosing these
problems and proposing real solutions,” Hasen said. “American democracy is
under attack, and we all need how to defend ourselves. Rick Hasen’s new
book helps us work together to defend the best of our country,” said *

*Craig Newmark
the Founder of Craig Newmark Philanthropies. In addition to the Craig
Newmark Philanthropies grant, Prof. Hasen received support for the Cheap
Speech project from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as part of
a larger national grant
support universities, think tanks and advocacy organizations to
conduct independent research into issues at the forefront of national tech
policy debates. UCI Law received $170,000 from Knight – of which Hasen
received $85,000 — to support two research projects on the destabilizing
effects of digital speech on American democracy and models of
self-regulation and multi-stakeholder governance of content moderation on
digital platforms.*

* “We are so thankful for the generosity of Craig Newmark Philanthropies
and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation,” said L. Song Richardson
Dean and Chancellor’s Professor of Law at UCI Law. “The work Rick is doing
is impactful and important to protect the integrity of our elections and
our democracy.”*


Posted in Uncategorized

“Supreme Court expected to forge ahead with eight justices after Ginsburg’s

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:25 am
 by *Rick Hasen*

Todd Ruger
Roll Call.


Posted in Supreme Court

“What Could Go Wrong With The Election? Well, Everything”

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:20 am
 by *Rick Hasen*

Refinery 29

*This is especially true for swing states. “If mail-in balloting is slowing
down the process in a few swing states, then we may all be waiting for
weeks as those key states count their absentee ballots,” Stetson University
law professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, who contributed to University of
California Irvine’s report of recommendations
preserving a fair presidential election in 2020, told Refinery29. Election
Day determines when a vote must be cast, but courts are still litigating
when mail-in votes must be received in order to count. In the swing state
of Pennsylvania, for example, the state supreme court recently extended
deadline for mail-in ballots to three days after Election Day in order to
accommodate potential postal service delays. *


Posted in Uncategorized

“How the Supreme Court Could Affect Voting Rules on Election Day”

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:16 am
 by *Rick Hasen*


*A Texas lawsuit over the mailing of absentee ballots to everyone over 65
but no one else. A Nevada case on whether to count mail ballots that lack
postmarks. A Florida lawsuit over the right of former felons to vote.*

*Any number of legal battles over the rules for the Nov. 3 election could
wind up this fall before a Supreme Court whose liberal minority was further
diminished by the death on Friday of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
And any Supreme Court ruling in some of those cases could resonate
nationwide, influencing similar suits filed in other jurisdictions.*

*But whether Justice Ginsburg’s death could shape the outcome of the
presidential race is no simple question, some experts on election law said
on Monday. Her loss shifts further to the right a court that already took a
largely conservative stance on questions of voting rights and election
procedures, especially when Election Day is close.*

*Absentee and early voting in the general election are already underway in
some states, and Justice Ginsburg’s death has made the court itself a
central issue in the most bitterly partisan presidential race in memory.
And that makes it less clear that the justices would want to risk fanning
those partisan fires by taking on cases where its rulings might be seen as
overtly political, some election scholars said.*

*“I think Chief Justice Roberts is very sensitive to perceptions of the
legitimacy of the court,” Nathaniel Persily, a Stanford University law
professor and an expert on constitutional and election law, said of John G.
Roberts Jr. “Whether it’s deciding to take a case, or how they end up
deciding it, he knows that if it’s seen as breaking along partisan lines or
taking advantage of the death of Justice Ginsburg, that is a real threat”
to the Supreme Court’s public standing.*


Posted in Supreme Court

Tweet of the Day (Penn Profs That Didn’t Have Their Absentee Ballots Count
in PA Because of Voter Error)

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:12 am
 by *Rick Hasen*

Jonathan Lai:


Posted in absentee ballots

“Mike Bloomberg raises $16 million to allow former felons to vote in

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:10 am
 by *Rick Hasen*


*Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg and his team have raised more than
$16 million to pay the court fines and fees of nearly 32,000 Black and
Hispanic Florida voters with felony convictions, an effort aimed at
boosting turnout for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden

*The money will go to fund a program organized by the Florida Rights
Restoration Coalition to pay the fines, fees and restitution costs for
former prisoners who are already registered to vote in Florida but barred
by law from participating in the election because of those outstanding

*Bloomberg, who has committed at least $100 million
electing Biden in the state, raised the money from individuals and
foundations over the last week, his advisers said. He saw the donations as
a more cost-effective way of adding votes to the Democratic column than
investing money to persuade voters who already have the right to vote, a
Bloomberg memo said.*


Posted in felon voting

“Secret CIA assessment: Putin ‘probably directing’ influence operation to
denigrate Biden”

Posted on September 22, 2020 7:05 am
 by *Rick Hasen*

Josh Rogin WaPo column:

*Russian President Vladimir Putin and his top aides are “probably
directing” a Russian foreign influence operation to interfere in the 2020
presidential election against former vice president Joe Biden, which
involves a prominent Ukrainian lawmaker connected to President Trump’s
personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani, a top-secret CIA assessment concluded,
according to two sources who reviewed it.*

*On Aug. 31, the CIA published an assessment of Russian efforts to
interfere in the November election in an internal, highly classified report
called the CIA Worldwide Intelligence Review, the sources said. CIA
analysts compiled the assessment with input from the National Security
Agency and the FBI, based on several dozen pieces of information gleaned
from public, unclassified and classified intelligence sources. The
assessment includes details of the CIA’s analysis of the activities of
Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach to disseminate disparaging information
about Biden inside the United States through lobbyists, Congress, the media
and contacts with figures close to the president.*

*“We assess that President Vladimir Putin and the senior most Russian
officials are aware of and probably directing Russia’s influence operations
aimed at denigrating the former U.S. Vice President, supporting the U.S.
president and fueling public discord ahead of the U.S. election in
November,” the first line of the document says, according to the sources.*


Posted in chicanery

Trump Campaign Appears Ready to Petition SCOTUS on Pennsylvania Supreme
Court Postmark Ruling in First Post-RBG Election Case

Posted on September 21, 2020 10:03 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

This development
by Democratic lawyer Marc Elias is in line with my theory that PA is one of
the two states to watch in terms of pre- and post-election litigation by
the Trump campaign.

how the Philly Inquirer described the holding of the Pa Supreme Court that
will apparently be challenged at the U.S. Supreme Court:

*State law says mail ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day,
but the high court said Thursday that ballots will be counted if they are
received by 5 p.m. the Friday after the Nov. 3 election. To count, ballots
arriving after Election Day must either be postmarked by Nov. 3 or have no
proof they were sent afterward. Ballots that arrive by the new deadline
with missing or illegible postmarks would still be counted.*

I haven’t been able to find the filing yet to see what federal question
might be raised in this petition.


Posted in Supreme Court

“Trump flips, now encouraging Michigan residents to vote absentee”

Posted on September 21, 2020 5:41 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

Detroit News

*In an about face on mail-in voting in Michigan, President Donald Trump
took to Twitter Monday to encourage voters to request absentee ballots
vote early. *

*Trump’s latest messaging on mail-in voting marks a mercurial swing from
May, when the president threatened to withhold funding
Michigan after Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson mailed absentee
ballot applications to all of Michigan’s 7.7 million qualified voters.
“Mail-in ballots are very dangerous. There’s tremendous fraud involved and
tremendous illegality,” he said at the time without providing evidence. *


Posted in Uncategorized

In What I Consider to Be Among the Most Important Election Law Cases Before
the November Election, Trump Campaign Renews Federal Challenge to
Pennsylvania Voting Rules (with a Note on Nevada)

Posted on September 21, 2020 5:28 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

The federal case that had been put on hold pending the resolution of a
parallel case in the Pa Supreme Court
now back on following the Pa. Supreme Court’s resolution of related state
law claims. Here’s the Trump Campaign’s game plan
in the federal case for what claims it plans to pursue and an aggressive
timetable to get it done.

It still might be too late to get any relief given the Purcell Principle
but I see Pa. as the Hail Mary pass for the Trump campaign. Pa. is kind of
the perfect storm if the race is close enough. You’ve got a state with poor
election administration struggling
 during the pandemic
a state supreme court mostly changing rules along party lines to make it
easier to vote, a Republican legislature that might try to exercise some
rights to choose electors, and a path to the Supreme Court through this
federal case. The Trump campaign is focusing on Pa
as the polling is closer there than in some other states.

On the merits I think the Trump campaigns claims are generally quite weak,
as they are premised on fears of fraud that are not backed up by an
evidence. They argue against drop boxes for example because of
unsubstantiated fears of fraud. But of course the Supreme Court has allowed
states to pass restrictive voting laws in the past
proof of an actuality (or even realistic potential for fraud). (This of
course is a different procedural posture: it is a *challenge* to a state
law on grounds that the state law promotes fraud.)

The other state I’m watching is Nevada, primarily because it is another
swing state. It has a Democratic governor (but Republican Secretary of
State) and it is doing an all-mail election for the fall. Both the
President and AG Barr
made unsubstantiated claims of fraud in relation to Nevada. A federal
district court just held
the Trump Campaign had no standing in the Nevada case, in part because its
voter fraud claims are speculative. This could end up in SCOTUS too.

If the election is not close in the electoral college, these cases won’t
matter. But if it is close, increasingly PA and NV seem to be the play.


Posted in election administration
, The Voting Wars

“Voter Registration Has Plummeted in 2020; The Brennan Center finds that
voter registration has declined by an average of 38 percent in 17 of the 21
states analyzed when compared with 2016 registration rates.”

Posted on September 21, 2020 3:24 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

New report


Posted in voter registration

“How ‘naked ballots’ in Pennsylvania could cost Joe Biden the election”

Posted on September 21, 2020 2:12 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

Jonathan Lai
the Inquirer:

*The state Supreme Court in Pennsylvania, a critical battleground state
seen as increasingly likely to determine who wins the White House
last week ordered officials to throw out what’s known as “naked ballots” —
mail ballots that arrive without inner “secrecy envelopes.” Pennsylvania
uses a two-envelope mail ballot system: A completed ballot goes into a
“secrecy envelope” that has no identifying information, and then into a
larger mailing envelope that the voter signs. “Naked ballots” are those
sent without the inner envelope.*

*It’s unclear how many naked ballots there will be, because this is the
first year any Pennsylvania voter can vote by mail, and most counties
counted them in the June primary without tracking how many there were.*

*But Philadelphia’s top elections official warned Monday that the court’s
ruling “is going to cause electoral chaos,” lead to tens of thousands of
votes being thrown out, and put the state at the center of “significant
post-election legal controversy, the likes of which we have not seen since
Florida in 2000.”*

*The decision ordering them thrown out was part of a trio of rulings
which, among other things, extended the deadline for voters to send mail
ballots back, permitted the use of drop boxes for voters to return them,
and removed the Green Party’s presidential ticket from the Nov. 3 ballot

*Taken together, those rulings were seen as likely to give Democratic
presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign a boost, since Democrats are
expected to vote by mail in far greater number than Republicans this year.*

*But throwing out naked ballots could be costly for Biden, in a state
President Donald Trump won by by only about 44,000 votes in 2016, or less
than 1 percent.*

*“While everyone is talking about the significance of extending the mail
ballot deadline, it is the naked ballot ruling that is going to cause
electoral chaos,” Lisa Deeley, chair of the Philadelphia city
commissioners, wrote in a letter to state legislative leaders urging them
to change the law to allow the ballots to be counted.*

*Deeley warned there will likely be tens of thousands thrown out — maybe
more than 100,000.*


Posted in absentee ballots

Ohio SOS LaRose Argues Courts Should Defer to His “Reasonable”
Interpretation of Ohio Law to Allow Only One Drop Box for Absentee Ballots
Per County; He Should Favor an Interpretation Enfranchising Voters

Posted on September 21, 2020 1:59 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

You can find the brief at this link

This is disappointing from Secretary LaRose. The brief argues that to the
extent the statute is ambiguous, the courts should give his interpretation

Yet Secretary LaRose has said he favored
use of drop boxes if they are legal. Now he’s using a legal argument
against them when they could well be legal to the extent the court should
defer to his interpretation.

More importantly, there is a longstanding rule of statutory interpretation
(which I’ve called the “Democracy Canon
which counsels that in the case of an ambiguous election law, courts should
put a thumb on the scale favoring voters and enfranchisement. That should
have led the Secretary to the opposite conclusion in this case.

LaRose also said
the lower court that one drop box per county is equitable. But we have
equality of voters, not counties. See my article, When is Uniformity of
People, Not Counties, Appropriate in Election Administration? The Cases of
Early and Sunday Voting


Posted in absentee ballots

“DOJ Seeks to Deny Birthright Citizenship in U.S. Territories in 10th
Circuit Argument”

Posted on September 21, 2020 1:49 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

Equally American blogs.


Posted in Uncategorized

Federal Court Extends Wisconsin Deadline for Receipt of Ballots Postmarked
by Election Day

Posted on September 21, 2020 1:47 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

(The order makes other changes as well.)

Update: The opinion is here


Posted in Uncategorized

Federal Court Rules Trump Campaign Has No Standing to Challenge Move to
All-Mail Voting in Nevada

Posted on September 21, 2020 1:46 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

Opinion here.


Posted in Uncategorized

“Can Congress Salvage RBG’s Voting Rights Legacy?”

Posted on September 21, 2020 12:13 pm
 by *Rick Hasen*

I have written this piece
Slate. It begins:

*Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an unparalleled champion
voting rights. One of her most famous dissents in a voting case came
in Shelby County v. Holder
the 2013 Supreme Court case holding that Congress no longer had the power
through enforcement of the Voting Rights Act to require states with a
history of racial discrimination in voting to get federal approval before
making changes in their voting rules.*

*Justice Ginsburg’s Shelby County dissent correctly warned that voter
suppression would make a return with federal voting protection gone. And
she said that the ball was in Congress’s court to pass major federal voting
rights legislation under the ample powers granted to it in the
Constitution. If President Donald Trump follows through with his plan to
name Ginsburg’s replacement, vote suppressers will likely be emboldened by
a new conservative supermajority on the court. Efforts to make it harder to
vote could be supercharged in the years ahead without major action by
Congress. A new Democratic Congress may well act to expand voting rights in
2020, but that legislation could face significant headwinds at the Supreme

*The umbrella line is a classic for the ages, but there’s another part of
Justice Ginsburg’s Shelby County dissent that is equally worthy of mention
but gets little attention: her belief that Congress has a great reservoir
of power to protect voting rights, a reservoir Democrats must draw from
they take back control of the Senate and the presidency in November.*

*Justice Ginsburg’s second footnote in Shelby County reads:*

*The Constitution uses the words “right to vote” in five separate places:
the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty–Fourth, and Twenty–Sixth
Amendments. Each of these Amendments contains the same broad empowerment of
Congress to enact appropriate legislation” to enforce the protected right.
The implication is unmistakable: Under our constitutional structure,
Congress holds the lead rein in making the right to vote equally real for
all U.S. citizens. These Amendments are in line with the special role
assigned to Congress in protecting the integrity of the democratic process
in federal elections.*

*As University of Michigan Law School assistant professor Leah Litman and I
explained in a recent article
the 100**th anniversary of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment—as part
of a Georgetown Law Journal symposium
also featured a conversation with Justice Ginsburg
sparse footnote is momentous. In it, Justice Ginsburg was offering a thick
and muscular reading of the Constitution that provides a road map for
greater congressional protection for voting rights.*

*In footnote 2 of her Shelby County dissent, Justice Ginsburg was saying
that we should read the Constitution synthetically as a message of
expanding voting rights: for Black Americans, for women, for
18-21-year-olds, and for the poor. More than that: each time that the
United States amended the constitution to expand voting rights, the
amendment provided an “enforcement” section giving Congress the power to
protect these new voting rights. As Congress passed the Nineteenth
Amendment enfranchising women, for example, it specifically rejected a
proposal to allow only states to enforce the amendment. The idea was that
we need the national government to stop laggard states from discriminating
in voting. That was true when Congress passed the Voting Rights Act in
1965, when it decided Shelby County in 2013, and today….*


Posted in Supreme Court
, Voting Rights Act


Rick Hasen

Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science

UC Irvine School of Law

401 E. Peltason Dr., Suite 1000

Irvine, CA 92697-8000

949.824.3072 - office

rhasen at law.uci.edu



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