[EL] Colorado College cancels classes for Election Day

Levitt, Justin justin.levitt at lls.edu
Fri Sep 25 10:37:01 PDT 2020

That’s spectacular, Thurgood.  Thank you for raising the profile of this effort … and to Colorado College, a hearty welcome aboard.

From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> On Behalf Of T Marshall Jr
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 9:45 AM
To: law-election at department-lists.uci.edu
Subject: [EL] Colorado College cancels classes for Election Day

Dear Colleagues - I want to share with you the following Colorado College announcement that they will be treating Election Day as a campus holiday so that students can fully participate in the electoral process.   I have also attached a copy of the letter that prompted this announcement, authored by friend and Colorado College student Bennett Okun.

From:Claire Garcia <cgarcia at coloradocollege.edu<mailto:cgarcia at coloradocollege.edu>>
Sent:Friday, September 25, 2020 10:29 AM
To:ALLFAC Mailing List
Cc:Bennett Okun (S) <b_okun at ColoradoCollege.edu<mailto:b_okun at ColoradoCollege.edu>>
Subject:Cancelation of Classes on Election Day

Dear Community:

Colorado College will be canceling classes on Election Day—3 November. As everyone is well aware, this is a particularly momentous election that is already testing our democracy in unprecedented ways. It makes starkly clear how important the responsibility is of every citizen to participate in this process. Most modern democracies make election day a national holiday or hold the vote on a weekend to enable all of its citizens to go to the polls—a gesture not only signifying the gravity of the duty, but also maximizing access.

CC is canceling classes so that our students may have the time to focus on their role in the process, whether it be volunteering to work at the polls in a year when fewer people are available to volunteer because of the threat of COVID-19 or simply having the time to wait in lines that may be hours long to vote. Preparing thoughtful, engaged and active citizens is a primary goal of a 21stcentury liberal arts education and allowing the students to devote their time and attention to the electoral process underscores this commitment.

​Polling indicates the issues that are most important to college students are different from those that are held by the overall population. ​For them, ​the candidates’ positions on racial justice, the environment and healthcare ​are most determinative in how students vote. High participation by student voters sends a message to candidates and those elected regarding what is important to the future of our country. As turnout this year could reach record numbers, students across the country need to act now to make sure that everyone is afforded an equal and fair opportunity to vote.

Colorado College students can register ​to vote in Colorado or in their home states. Even if you think you are registered, please confirm that your information is correct well before Election Day. If you have registered in Colorado but are not here, make sure you get your ballot delivered to you.

With classes canceled, students should consider volunteering at the polls. ​You can go to https://www.eac.gov/election-officials/poll-worker-resources<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.eac.gov-252Felection-2Dofficials-252Fpoll-2Dworker-2Dresources-26data-3D02-257C01-257Cb-5Fokun-2540ColoradoCollege.edu-257C4fb1709307a745eef0ed08d860fac9b8-257Ccfc7b13c12964387b3085de08fd13c99-257C1-257C0-257C637365977529162095-26sdata-3Dm-252BTQneiNiEEoBZYyC0KFLlR7EALMaZ-252BqTMn0tHgqn6k-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=GQX6Qa-np3jcWw9AL51MKqR55B7sSh0jPp_nvdBOY8o&m=4RtC9IeTc27udm9CD8G50FmK8cP3LquoX4xuE03oj98&s=udh19pkVOm8Rs1AYrJTTexnU4sfKTJYEfwRwEj2XDNM&e=> to see what you need to do to get registered as a poll worker, either in Colorado or wherever you may be. ​The National Association of Secretaries of State is another good resource https://www.nass.org/can-i-vote/become-a-poll-worker<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.nass.org-252Fcan-2Di-2Dvote-252Fbecome-2Da-2Dpoll-2Dworker-26data-3D02-257C01-257Cb-5Fokun-2540ColoradoCollege.edu-257C4fb1709307a745eef0ed08d860fac9b8-257Ccfc7b13c12964387b3085de08fd13c99-257C1-257C0-257C637365977529172091-26sdata-3DX3mwq5xMoIGA0634JjkGRfiHLKU1GSOX1gs5QPAIGtI-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=GQX6Qa-np3jcWw9AL51MKqR55B7sSh0jPp_nvdBOY8o&m=4RtC9IeTc27udm9CD8G50FmK8cP3LquoX4xuE03oj98&s=G668JBeDt8BVQ4kvnRWGZFyx17KePAyLndu_7C8Mxvo&e=>.

Participate in the process and make your voice heard!

Bennett Okun, Class of 2023

Claire Oberon Garcia

Dean of Faculty and Acting Provost

104 Cairnhill Road Singapore, Singapore 229696
Mr. Mike Edmonds and Mr. Robert Moore Acting Co-Presidents
Colorado College
14 E. Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
August 31, 2020
Dear Co-Presidents Edmonds and Moore:
Colorado Springs, CO 80946
Bennett Okun
902 N. Cascade Ave, WB#1549
I respectfully request Colorado College declare Election Day a school holiday in order for students to have the opportunity to serve the national interest by being poll workers.
Elections require participation to ensure our democracy functions as the founders intended.
Many poll workers, the majority aged 61 and older, will be unable or unwilling to work at voting stations this year.
The idea of declaring election day a holiday is not radical, Wayne State University has already done so. In 2018, Loyola Marymount gave its students the day off for the midterm elections and the law students went to the polls to answer questions that voters had.
Colorado College could join them as leaders in the country by cancelling classes on Election Day, to allow us to not have to choose between our studies and picking-up the baton so that our democracy carries forward.
While Colorado Springs may not lack poll workers, Denver will likely need our help. By giving students Monday off as well, we can travel to Denver the day beforehand to work at polling locations the next day which open at 6am.
As turnout this year could reach record numbers, students across the country need to act now to make sure that everyone is afforded an equal and fair opportunity to vote.
COVID has required CC to change our studies with detrimental effect. Let’s not require students to have the pandemic force us to choose between class and democracy.
Thank you for your consideration in making Election Day a school holiday. Sincerely,
Bennett Okun
Class of 2023

Thurgood Marshall Jr
3529 Winfield Lane NW           |      5750 Little Falls Road
Washington DC 20007-2378  |      Arlington VA 22207-1527
tmarshall.jr at comcast.net<mailto:tmarshall.jr at comcast.net>        |      703-237-9339

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Thurgood Marshall Jr
3529 Winfield Lane NW           |      5750 Little Falls Road
Washington DC 20007-2378  |      Arlington VA 22207-1527
tmarshalljr7 at gmail.com<mailto:tmarshalljr7 at gmail.com>.        |      703-237-9339

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