[EL] (no subject)

Pildes, Rick rick.pildes at nyu.edu
Thu Jan 7 12:28:54 PST 2021

Thanks to all – I just put up a post featuring Brian’s article and posting the abstract of it.


Richard H. Pildes
Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law
NYU School of Law
40 Washington Square So.
NYC, NY 10014

From: Kenneth Mayer [mailto:krmayer at wisc.edu]
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 3:16 PM
To: Pildes, Rick <rick.pildes at nyu.edu>; Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: Re: [EL] (no subject)

William Blount.

U.S. Senate: The First Impeachment<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.senate.gov_artandhistory_history_minute_The-2DFirst-2DImpeachment.htm&d=DwMF_Q&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=v3oz9bpMizgP1T8KwLv3YT-_iypxaOkdtbkRAclgHRk&m=qlJAvDfvfKgMUWYaL5vzJsQhJO-Tf6eQ1uWn2258Unk&s=ITguQP6ZD12z1fhxc02hjg1kmtiAn5yoghD9hBwERgI&e=>
A signer of the U.S. Constitution, William Blount became one of Tennessee's first two senators in 1796. A year later, on July 3, 1797, President John Adams notified Congress that his administration had uncovered a conspiracy, spelled out in an incriminating letter, involving several American citizens who had offered to assist Great Britain in an improbable scheme to take possession of the ...

Kenneth R. Mayer
Professor of Political Science
Affiliate Faculty, La Follette School of Public Affairs
110 North Hall/1050 Bascom Mall
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI  53706

צדק, צדק תרדוף

From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu<mailto:law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu>> on behalf of Pildes, Rick <rick.pildes at nyu.edu<mailto:rick.pildes at nyu.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 1:51 PM
To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu<mailto:law-election at uci.edu>>
Subject: [EL] (no subject)

Has Congress ever impeached/convicted a federal official after they have left office?  They have the power to do so, in order then to disqualify them from holding future office.  But does anyone know if that has been done ever?



Richard H. Pildes

Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law

NYU School of Law


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