[EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Sat Jul 10 08:57:37 PDT 2021

From: Election Law Blog <feedblitz at mail.feedblitz.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2021 8:56:58 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
To: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
Subject: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

NYT: Republicans in the Texas Legislature on Thursday fully unveiled their plans to overhaul the state’s election apparatus, outlining a raft of proposed new restrictions on voting access that would be among the most far-reaching election laws passed ...
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[Election Law Blog]
Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

  1.  “Texas Republicans Reveal Bills of Far-Reaching Voting Restrictions”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123308>
  2.  “The Democrats’ New Voting-Rights Obstacle”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123306>
  3.  “Correspondent Pam Fessler Bids Farewell After 28 Years At NPR”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123304>
  4.  “Few companies stick with pledge to shut off funding for GOP objectors”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123302>
  5.  BPC’s Business Alliance for Effective Democracy<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123300>
  6.  “The Biggest Threat to Democracy Is the GOP Stealing the Next Election”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123298>
  7.  “Political Fragmentation and the Decline of Effective Government”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123296>
  8.  CAP Fund Event on July 20: “Democracy at Work: How States Are on the Front Line of Protecting the Right to Vote”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123293>
  9.  “Four States Start Inquiries Into Recurring Donation Tactics of Both Parties”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123291>
  10. Monday’s Congressional Hearing on the Elections Clause<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123289>
  11. “The Revenge of John Roberts”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123287>
  12. “Brnovich v. DNC, The Supreme Court, and Voting Rights”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=123285>

“Texas Republicans Reveal Bills of Far-Reaching Voting Restrictions”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179393801&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 10, 2021
NYT<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.nytimes.com/2021/07/08/us/politics/texas-voting-bill-restrictions.html>: Republicans in the Texas Legislature on Thursday fully unveiled their plans to overhaul the state’s election apparatus, outlining a raft of proposed new restrictions on voting access that would be among the most far-reaching election laws passed this… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123308>

“The Democrats’ New Voting-Rights Obstacle”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179393805&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 10, 2021
Ron Brownstein in the Atlantic<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/07/democrats-supreme-court-voting-rights/619380/>: [T]here is a gnawing anxiety among voting-rights advocates that even if Democrats find a way to roll back the Senate filibuster<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/07/supreme-court-voting-rights-filibuster/619341/> and pass new federal legislation safeguarding access to the ballot, the Republican-appointed majority… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123306>

“Correspondent Pam Fessler Bids Farewell After 28 Years At NPR”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179393811&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 10, 2021
Au revoir Pam<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.npr.org/2021/07/10/1014914861/correspondent-pam-fessler-bids-farewell-after-28-years-at-npr>. We in the election law community will miss you.

“Few companies stick with pledge to shut off funding for GOP objectors”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179393813&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
The Hill<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/562189-few-companies-stick-with-pledge-to-shut-off-funding-for-gop-objectors>: Among the 10 biggest corporate PAC donors that pledged to pause their contributions to election objectors, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Verizon have followed through on their promises, according to the most recent Federal Election Commission filings.Other top… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123302>

BPC’s Business Alliance for Effective Democracy<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179393817&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
>From yesterday’s press release<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~bipartisanpolicy.org/press-release/bipartisan-policy-center-launches-business-alliance-for-effective-democracy/>: The Bipartisan Policy Center today announced the launch of the Business Alliance for Effective Democracy, a select group of major U.S. corporations seeking improvements to the policies and laws that impact our democracy. The alliance… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123300>

“The Biggest Threat to Democracy Is the GOP Stealing the Next Election”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179393823&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
You’ve seen many headlines like this in the past few months, but this Atlantic commentary<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/07/democracy-could-die-2024/619390/> by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt (authors of How Democracies Die) is definitely worth reading. It begins: The greatest threat to American democracy today is… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123298>

“Political Fragmentation and the Decline of Effective Government”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179382773&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Richard Pildes, July 09, 2021
That’s the title of a new article of mine. Here’s the abstract and the link<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3868421>: What is the most fundamental challenge facing democracies today? One major concern is democratic backsliding, regression, or the rise of “illiberal democracies.” Another concern,… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123296>

CAP Fund Event on July 20: “Democracy at Work: How States Are on the Front Line of Protecting the Right to Vote”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179379157&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
With Stacy Abrams, John Podesta, and Ari Berman. Details here<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.americanprogressaction.org/events/2021/06/23/180368/democracy-work-states-frontline-protect-right-vote/>.

“Four States Start Inquiries Into Recurring Donation Tactics of Both Parties”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179379161&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
NYT<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.nytimes.com/2021/07/08/us/politics/prechecked-boxes-donations-winred-act-blue.html>: Four state attorneys general have begun looking into the online fund-raising practices of both political parties, specifically seeking information about the use of prechecked boxes to enroll contributors in recurring donation programs that spurred a wave of fraud… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123291>

Monday’s Congressional Hearing on the Elections Clause<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179377401&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
On Monday at 1:00 ET, the House Administration Committee will hold a hearing on “The Elections Clause: Constitutional Interpretation and Congressional Exercise.” It will conducted virtually. You can find a witness list and view the livestream at this link<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~cha.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/elections-clause-constitutional-interpretation-and-congressional>.… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123289>

“The Revenge of John Roberts”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179377095&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
Rolling Stone<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/supreme-court-john-roberts-voting-rights-brnovich-dark-money-1194487/?sub_action=logged_in>: “Combined, the AFPF and Brnovich decisions continue the Roberts court’s decade-plus track record of undermining the hard-fought voting laws enacted during the Civil Rights Movement and the anti-corruption reforms passed in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal.… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=123287>

“Brnovich v. DNC, The Supreme Court, and Voting Rights”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=179377097&f=1116553&c=7816943&u=102231511>
By Dan Tokaji, July 09, 2021
A We the People podcast<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7816943_/~constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/podcast/brnovich-v-dnc-the-supreme-court-and-voting-rights> from NCC, featuring Rick H, Ilya Shapiro, and Jeffrey Rosen.
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