[EL] “New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos After Elections Board Counts 135,000 Test Ballots”

sean at impactpolicymanagement.com sean at impactpolicymanagement.com
Wed Jun 30 09:13:06 PDT 2021

Does anybody know WHY the NYC BOE decided to release preliminary results
before they had received and tabulated all of the absentee ballots (plus
finished the cure process)? Why would they do it in an RCV election given
that the elimination process could look very different once those ballots
are received? 


Sean Parnell


From: Law-election <law-election-bounces at department-lists.uci.edu> On Behalf
Of Rick Hasen
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 11:35 AM
To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
Subject: [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary




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Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 8:33:08 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US &
To: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu <mailto:rhasen at law.uci.edu> >
Subject: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

I'm so thrilled about the all-new ELB, with new contributors, a broader
diversity of voices, ELB Book Corner, and much more. Getting this site,
which has been around since 2003, into shape for the current moment and
expansion, took a… Continue reading

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Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary


awblog.org/?p=123046> Just in Time for SCOTUS Election Cases, Welcome to the
All-New ELB–and Some Thank Yous
awblog.org/?p=123044> “Opinion: The Supreme Court will soon rule on a
controversial voting-rights case. Here’s what to look for.”
awblog.org/?p=123042> “Conservatives push voter fraud claims as they recruit
volunteers to police CA recall polls”
awblog.org/?p=122878> “The University of Michigan Guide to Gerrymandering”
awblog.org/?p=123039> “The Meaning, History, and Importance of the Elections
awblog.org/?p=123010> “The Trailer: This law helped the Capitol riot happen.
So why does nobody want to change it?”
awblog.org/?p=123008> “New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos After Elections Board
Counts 135,000 Test Ballots”
awblog.org/?p=122958> “‘Election Subversion’ is Voter Suppression 2.0”
awblog.org/?p=122911> “Arizona ballot audit shows signs of backfiring on
awblog.org/?p=122908> If CJ Roberts Has the Opinion in Americans for
Prosperity v. Bonta, Will He Pull the Same Switcheroo on Exacting Scrutiny
as He Did in McCutcheon?
awblog.org/?p=122906> Walter Olson at Cato: “Congress Should Clarify The
Electoral Count Act Of 1887”
awblog.org/?p=122904> “Pennsylvania Republicans Look To Evade A Veto And
Enact Voter ID By Ballot Measure”
awblog.org/?p=122902> ELB Downtime Today—to Be Ready for July 1
awblog.org/?p=122900> “Threats Against Election Officials Are a Threat to
awblog.org/?p=122896> The draft Colorado legislative maps

Just in Time for SCOTUS Election Cases, Welcome to the All-New ELB–and Some
Thank Yous

By Rick Hasen, June 30, 2021

I’m so thrilled about the
.org/?p=122741> all-new ELB, with new contributors, a broader diversity of
voices, ELB Book Corner, and much more. Getting this site, which has been
around since 2003, into shape for the current moment and expansion, took a…
.org/?p=123046> Continue reading 

“Opinion: The Supreme Court will soon rule on a controversial voting-rights
case. Here’s what to look for.”

By Rick Hasen, June 30, 2021

Jennifer Rubin WaPo
-entail/> column. 

“Conservatives push voter fraud claims as they recruit volunteers to police
CA recall polls”

By Rick Hasen, June 30, 2021

-watchers> LAT: Conservative activists who have long promoted unproven and
often false claims of voter fraud in California are spearheading a major new
effort to capitalize on the upcoming gubernatorial recall vote, attempting
to recruit tens of thousands of volunteers…
.org/?p=123042> Continue reading 

“The University of Michigan Guide to Gerrymandering”

By Derek Muller, June 30, 2021

Former Michigan Supreme Court justice Stephen Markman recently published
icles/the-university-of-michigan-guide-to-gerrymandering-11624656985> this
op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on proposals around Michigan’s
redistricting process. It begins: Michigan is on the verge of adopting what
proponents describe as a “new theory of representation,”…
.org/?p=122878> Continue reading 

“The Meaning, History, and Importance of the Elections Clause”

By Rick Hasen, June 30, 2021

Eliza Sweren-Becker and Michael Waldman have posted
/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3873499> this draft on SSRN (forthcoming,
Washington Law Review). Here is the abstract: Historically, the Supreme
Court has offered scant attention to or analysis of the Elections Clause,
resulting in similarly limited scholarship on…
.org/?p=123039> Continue reading 

“The Trailer: This law helped the Capitol riot happen. So why does nobody
want to change it?”

By Rick Hasen, June 30, 2021

hy-does-nobody-want-change-it/> New Weigel. 

“New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos After Elections Board Counts 135,000 Test

By Rick Hasen, June 30, 2021

k&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage> NYT: The New York City mayor’s race
plunged into chaos on Tuesday night when the city Board of Elections
released a new tally of votes in the
Democratic mayoral primary, and then removed the tabulations from its
website after…
.org/?p=123008> Continue reading 

“‘Election Subversion’ is Voter Suppression 2.0”

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

Day/status/1409856404932993032> John Avlon for CNN: “Election subversion” —
or efforts underway to contest legitimate elections — “is part of a sinister
state-by-state effort by Trumpists to grab power by any means necessary,”
nAvlon?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> @JohnAvlon says in today’s
htag/RealityCheck?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> #RealityCheck.
> https://t.co/g3hLi0JVQt
> pic.twitter.com/ru4TT8PJ02—…
.org/?p=122958> Continue reading 

“Arizona ballot audit shows signs of backfiring on GOP”

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

0000&nlid=964328> Marc Caputo for Politico: When Arizona Republicans first
pushed for a partisan audit of the 2020 presidential ballots cast in the
Phoenix metropolitan area, they argued that they needed to know if any
irregularities or fraud caused President Trump to…
.org/?p=122911> Continue reading 

If CJ Roberts Has the Opinion in Americans for Prosperity v. Bonta, Will He
Pull the Same Switcheroo on Exacting Scrutiny as He Did in McCutcheon?

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

Some reading the tea leaves believe Chief Justice Roberts has the Court’s
opinion in AFP v. Bonta, on donor disclosure. I’m interested in the case
because the decision may affect the constitutionality of campaign finance
disclosure laws, even though AFP…
.org/?p=122908> Continue reading 

Walter Olson at Cato: “Congress Should Clarify The Electoral Count Act Of

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

og/congress-should-clarify-electoral-count-act> Maybe some space for
bipartisan work here. 

“Pennsylvania Republicans Look To Evade A Veto And Enact Voter ID By Ballot

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

oter-id-by-ballot-measu> NPR reports. 

ELB Downtime Today—to Be Ready for July 1

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

We were planning on switching over to the new Election Law Blog theme on the
night of June 30/morning of July 1, but with the big election law-related
opinions coming July 1, we are doing the transition today. So the…
.org/?p=122902> Continue reading 

“Threats Against Election Officials Are a Threat to Democracy”

By Rick Hasen, June 29, 2021

Sue Halpern
cy>  in The New Yorker. 

The draft Colorado legislative maps

By Nicholas Stephanopoulos, June 29, 2021

Colorado’s independent commission just made
olorado.gov/content/prelim-legislative-maps> public its draft state
legislative maps. PlanScore’s analyses of the maps are below. They’re both
lan.html?20210629T144737.921817298Z> impressively
lan.html?20210629T145012.202253736Z> balanced based on every measure of
partisan fairness. 

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