[EL] call for survey experiments on free expression

Hersh, Eitan D Eitan.Hersh at tufts.edu
Thu Mar 18 09:39:31 PDT 2021

Hi All,
Please see below for those interested in running survey experiments on the topic of freedom of expression. Share with others you know who might be interested.
Thank you!
Eitan Hersh

Call For Proposals: Survey Experiments on Freedom of Expression
Profs. Eitan Hersh (Tufts) and Yanna Krupnikov (Stony Brook), along with the Knight Foundation, invite proposals for survey experimental studies on the topic of "freedom of expression," defined broadly. Any affiliated academics in social science fields may apply.
In the summer of 2021, the Knight Foundation, working with a survey company, will field a survey to 5,000 U.S. adults, with oversamples of non-white identifiers. Profs. Krupnikov and Hersh are academic advisors to the study. The study will include a battery of demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal questions asked to all respondents. Four to five scholars whose proposals are accepted will be able to contribute additional survey experiments. Applicants can expect to ask questions to 50% of the sample and can have up to 2.5 minutes of survey time. We will also consider proposals that require less time but require the full 5,000-person sample. Researchers will also have access to the full demographic battery, as well as any other measures included on the survey by Knight.
The Knight Foundation has commissioned surveys<https://knightfoundation.org/topics/freedom-of-expression/> on topics of free expression for 15+ years, which have sought to understand the emerging generation's views on free expression during an era of changing speech, communication and interaction. The latest survey "2020 First Amendment on Campus College Students' Views of Free Expression"<https://knightfoundation.org/reports/the-first-amendment-on-campus-2020-report-college-students-views-of-free-expression/> conducted in partnership with Gallup, revealed significant racial and gender gaps on whether respondents (college students in the particular surveys) see the First Amendment as a safeguard to people like themselves.

The 2021 study will expand on this research. In particular, with this project Knight seeks to explore the nexus of free expression and inclusion in an increasingly digital and diverse society.  Therefore, we will consider proposals on a broad range of topics related to freedom of expression, including but not limited to those related to social media, activism, campus speech, news media, and the relationship between partisanship and understanding of free speech.

Application Submission:
In 1-2 pages, applicants should summarize their proposed research project, how the research bears on the topic of freedom of expression, a theoretical framework, and a clear hypotheses or research question. In subsequent pages, applicants should include an experimental design, including the specific treatments and measures that would be included on the final survey.  Researchers should also include a proposed analysis (including which additional demographic measures the researchers may use). Researchers whose proposals are accepted will be asked to participate in efforts to disseminate findings, which may include a special journal issue, collection of essays, or symposium.
Applicants should email complete proposals in PDF form to kfexpressionapplication at gmail.com<mailto:kfexpressionapplication at gmail.com>
Deadline for submission is April 16 and the survey will be fielded in June 2021. The selected researchers will need to obtain an IRB prior to fielding. If you have any questions, please email us at either yannakrupnikov5 at gmail.co<mailto:yannakrupnikov5 at gmail.con>m or eitan.hersh at tufts.edu<mailto:eitan.hersh at tufts.edu>.

Eitan D. Hersh
Associate Professor, Political Science
Tufts University

108 Packard Hall

Politics is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change<https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Politics-Is-for-Power/Eitan-Hersh/9781982116781>
Available Now.

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