[EL] Voting Rights In US Territories

John Tanner john.k.tanner at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 15:24:02 PST 2021

Yes.   See US v Reading

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 10, 2021, at 4:54 PM, Steven John Mulroy (smulroy) <smulroy at memphis.edu> wrote:
> I thought that citizens living in Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories could not vote in federal elections, either for Congress or for the President. 
> But there appears to be this language in the Voting RIghts Act:
> Voting rights act of 1965” Sec. 4(e)(2) No person who demonstrates that he has successfully completed the sixth primary grade in a public school in, or a private school accredited by, any State or territory the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in which the predominant classroom language was other than English, shall be denied the right to vote in any Federal, State, or local election because of his inability to read, write, understand, or interpret any matter in the English language, except that in States in which State law provides that a different level of education is presumptive of literacy, he shall demonstrate that he has successfully completed an equivalent level of education in a public school in, or private school accredited by, any State or territory, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in which the predominant classroom language was other than English.”  
> Doe this refer to people who got educated in a territory but then moved to reside in a U.S. state? 
> Steven J. Mulroy
> Bredesen Professor of Law
> University of Memphis
> 1 N. Front St. Memphis, TN 38103
> 901-678-4494
> Author of  Rethinking US Election Law https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/rethinking-us-election-law-9781839106699.html
> Check out my scholarship at https://www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en/ 
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> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 16:34:27 +0000
> From: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
> To: Election Law Listserv <law-election at uci.edu>
> Subject: [EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
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> From: Election Law Blog <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 8:32:05 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
> To: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
> Subject: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
> Kate Ackley for Roll Call: The 2022 midterm elections, one year from now, won?t just decide control of the House and Senate but will also provide the first major test of Americans? confidence in the integrity of their electoral system? Continue ...
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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> [Election Law Blog]
> Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary
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>   1.  ?2022 races will put election integrity to the test; After 2020 Trump claims, will voters accept midterm results??<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125730>
>   2.  Wisconsin: ?Election audit errors feed partisan spin ? Michael Haas and Maribeth Witzel-Behl?<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125728>
>   3.  ?Trump cannot shield White House records from Jan. 6 committee, judge rules?<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125726>
>   4.  ?Donors threatened to shun the GOP after Jan. 6. Now, Republicans are outraising Democrats.?<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125723>
>   5.  ?Trump Officials Illegally Campaigned While in Office, Watchdog Finds?<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125721>
>   6.  ?Jan. 6 committee subpoenas more Trump aides, including Miller, McEnany and McEntee?<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125719>
>   7.  ?Small Donors, Fair Elections: The Changing Nature of Financing D.C. Elections?<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125716>
>   8.  Breaking News: Orange County, CA?s Excellent Election Administrator, Neal Kelley, Is Retiring<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=125713>
> ?2022 races will put election integrity to the test; After 2020 Trump claims, will voters accept midterm results??<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943570&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 10, 2021
> Kate Ackley<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~www.rollcall.com/2021/11/10/2022-races-will-put-election-integrity-to-the-test/> for Roll Call: The 2022 midterm elections, one year from now, won?t just decide control of the House and Senate but will also provide the first major test of Americans? confidence in the integrity of their electoral system? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125730>
> Wisconsin: ?Election audit errors feed partisan spin ? Michael Haas and Maribeth Witzel-Behl?<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943572&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 10, 2021
> Wisconsin State Journal oped:<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~madison.com/wsj/opinion/column/election-audit-errors-feed-partisan-spin----michael-haas-and-maribeth-witzel-behl/article_3428484d-1761-5bd0-a1f4-0d3232f8364f.html> For decades, Wisconsin?s Legislative Audit Bureau served as an important check and balance, keeping politicians honest and financial books clean. It prides itself on being nonpartisan, independent and accurate.But the bureau?s recent ?Election Administration? report fails? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125728>
> ?Trump cannot shield White House records from Jan. 6 committee, judge rules?<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943576&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 10, 2021
> Politico:<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~www.politico.com/news/2021/11/09/trump-executive-privilege-court-ruling-kings-520512?nname=playbook&nid=0000014f-1646-d88f-a1cf-5f46b7bd0000&nrid=0000014e-f109-dd93-ad7f-f90d0def0000&nlid=630318> A federal judge has rejected former President Donald Trump?s effort to block Jan. 6 investigators from accessing White House records related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, determining that he has no authority to overrule President Joe? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125726>
> ?Donors threatened to shun the GOP after Jan. 6. Now, Republicans are outraising Democrats.?<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943578&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 09, 2021
> WaPo:<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~www.washingtonpost.com/politics/republican-fundraising-insurrection-january6-nrsc/2021/11/09/1e260f2a-3753-11ec-9a5d-93a89c74e76d_story.html> One day after rioters ransacked the Capitol in a bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Republican lobbyist Geoff Verhoff sent a searing email to top GOP officials.Verhoff, a bundler who works at the lobbying firm Akin Gump,? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125723>
> ?Trump Officials Illegally Campaigned While in Office, Watchdog Finds?<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943582&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 09, 2021
> NYT<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~www.nytimes.com/2021/11/09/us/politics/trump-officials-illegal-campaigning.html>: Thirteen of President Donald J. Trump?s most senior aides ? including his son-in-law and his chief of staff ? campaigned illegally for Mr. Trump?s re-election in violation of a law designed to prevent federal employees from abusing the? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125721>
> ?Jan. 6 committee subpoenas more Trump aides, including Miller, McEnany and McEntee?<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943584&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 09, 2021
> WaPo<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~www.washingtonpost.com/politics/january-6-trump-committee/2021/11/09/2bb70d22-419b-11ec-9ea7-3eb2406a2e24_story.html>: The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol issued subpoenas Tuesday to 10 Trump administration officials, including some of former president Donald Trump?s closest advisers who were in the White House that day.Those? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125719>
> ?Small Donors, Fair Elections: The Changing Nature of Financing D.C. Elections?<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943586&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 09, 2021
> Craig Holman has written this draft<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~www.citizen.org/wp-content/uploads/Small-Donors-Fair-Elections3.pdf>. Here is the abstract: The District of Columbia experienced its first full election cycle in the 2020 elections under its new small donor public financing program, known as the Fair Elections Program (FEP).? Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8010912_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=125716>
> Breaking News: Orange County, CA?s Excellent Election Administrator, Neal Kelley, Is Retiring<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181943588&f=1116553&c=8010912&u=102231511>
> By Rick Hasen, November 09, 2021
> Huge blow to the OC. Let?s hope they can find someone with Neal?s stellar reputation for competence and integrity:
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