[EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Sun Oct 3 08:32:53 PDT 2021

From: Election Law Blog <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
Sent: Sunday, October 3, 2021 8:32:03 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
To: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
Subject: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

“The Lawyer Behind the Memo on How Trump Could Stay in Office” NYTimes: John Eastman’s path from little-known academic to one of the most influential voices in Donald J. Trump’s ear in the final days of his presidency began… Continue reading
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[Election Law Blog]
Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

  1.  More on John Eastman<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7950372/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=124983>
  2.  “John Eastman Speaks About the Eastman Memo”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7950372/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=124981>

More on John Eastman<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181185026&f=1116553&c=7950372&u=102231511>
By Richard Pildes, October 02, 2021
“The Lawyer Behind the Memo on How Trump Could Stay in Office” NYTimes<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7950372_/~www.nytimes.com/2021/10/02/us/politics/john-eastman-trump-memo.html>: John Eastman’s path from little-known academic to one of the most influential voices in Donald J. Trump’s ear in the final days of his presidency began… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7950372_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=124983>

“John Eastman Speaks About the Eastman Memo”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=181185028&f=1116553&c=7950372&u=102231511>
By Richard Pildes, October 02, 2021
At Equal Citizens.US <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7950372_/~equalcitizens.us/discussing-the-john-eastman-memo-with-john-eastman/> John Eastman spoke at length with Matt Seligman of the Campaign Legal Center and Larry Lessig. The Washington Post also has a story<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/7950372_/~urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.washingtonpost.com_lifestyle_media_sullivan-2Deastman-2Dmemo_2021_09_29_68d93000-2D211f-2D11ec-2D9309-2Db743b79abc59-5Fstory.html&d=DwMFAg&c=slrrB7dE8n7gBJbeO0g-IQ&r=v3oz9bpMizgP1T8KwLv3YT-_iypxaOkdtbkRAclgHRk&m=HcgUw-fYLThxib73aL2zLAZahK9aL6JxYSmVjy_IkII&s=k_wmPCip800ndxiVgaheoegZU28iyyuyl_UZa2yRmok&e=> on the limited coverage this memo has received.
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