[EL] County of San Diego Independent Redistricting Commission -- Special Voting Rights Counsel Opportunity

Marguerite Leoni MLeoni at nmgovlaw.com
Sun Sep 12 18:00:33 PDT 2021

Greetings.  I am General Counsel for the County of San Diego Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC).  The IRC is required by statute (Cal. Elec. Code sec. 21550, et seq.) to redraw the boundaries of the county's supervisorial districts after receipt of the adjusted 2020 Census data.  The IRC is seeking independent special counsel to advise on compliance of draft redistricting maps and the IRC's final adopted redistricting map with the requirements of the federal Voting Rights Act.  The IRC is inviting applicants to apply. The RFQ can also be found here<https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/redistricting/docs/procurement-files/vra-counsel/RFQ%20for%20Special%20VRA%20Counsel%20Services_County%20of%20San%20Diego%20IRC.pdf>

My contact information is:

Marguerite Mary Leoni
2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250
San Rafael, California 94901
t: 415.389.6800 * f: 415.388.6874
e: mleoni at nmgovlaw.com<mailto:mleoni at nmgovlaw.com>

Marguerite Mary Leoni
2350 Kerner Boulevard, Suite 250
San Rafael, California 94901
t: 415.389.6800 * f: 415.388.6874
e: mleoni at nmgovlaw.com<mailto:mleoni at nmgovlaw.com>
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