[EL] Fwd: Advertisement for Clinical Position - Democracy and the Environment

Ciara C Torres-Spelliscy ctorress at law.stetson.edu
Wed Feb 2 15:59:27 PST 2022

Here's a clinical job opening at Stetson that may be of interest. Please email Ellen Podgor with inquiries.


Ellen S. Podgor

Gary R. Trombley Family White-Collar Crime Research Professor

Professor of Law
Stetson University College of Law
1401 61st Street South
Gulfport, Florida 33707
Office # 727-562-7348
Mobile # 404-915-0800
epodgor at law.stetson.edu<mailto:epodgor at law.stetson.edu>

My blog:  https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/whitecollarcrime_blog/
My research on my SSRN author page at: http://ssrn.com/author=56876

Follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/whitecollarprof

Student Appointments: calendly.com/epodgor

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