[EL] FW: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

Rick Hasen rhasen at law.uci.edu
Tue Mar 8 08:32:23 PST 2022

From: Election Law Blog <feedblitz at mail.feedblitz.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 8:32:10 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
To: Rick Hasen <rhasen at law.uci.edu>
Subject: Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

In connection with today's release of my Cheap Speech book, and following up on my NY Times opinion piece yesterday. I have written this piece for Slate. It begins: In the last six years, confidence in our fragile… Continue reading
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[Election Law Blog]
Election Law Blog: ELB News and Commentary

  1.  My New One in Slate Tied to Release of “Cheap Speech:” “How Supreme Court Radicalism Could Threaten Democracy Itself”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=128047>
  2.  “Lawmakers may change how Kansas Supreme Court justices are picked as redistricting case looms”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=128027>
  3.  Today’s Supreme Court Order Upholding the North Carolina Supreme Court’s Ungerrymandering of the State’s Congressional Districts, Could Well Be Temporary and Points to Big, Bad Election Law Precedent Potentially Coming Down the Line<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=128039>
  4.  Breaking News: Supreme Court Declines to Stay Redistricting Decisions from NC and PA Supreme Courts<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=128030>
  5.  My New One in the NY Times: “How to Keep the Rising Tide of Fake News From Drowning Our Democracy”<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=128023>
  6.  Read Wisconsin’s Emergency Supreme Court Petition Seeking to Overturn Redistricting Maps Approved by State Supreme Court<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904/https://electionlawblog.org/?p=128021>

My New One in Slate Tied to Release of “Cheap Speech:” “How Supreme Court Radicalism Could Threaten Democracy Itself”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=184455386&f=1116553&c=8243904&u=102231511>
By Rick Hasen, March 08, 2022
In connection with today’s release of my Cheap Sp<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~sites.uci.edu/cheapspeechbook/>eech book, and following up on my NY Times opinion piece <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~www.nytimes.com/2022/03/07/opinion/cheap-speech-fake-news-democracy.html> yesterday. I have written this piece <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/03/supreme-court-radicalism-threatens-democracy.html> for Slate. It begins: In the last six years, confidence in our fragile… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=128047>

“Lawmakers may change how Kansas Supreme Court justices are picked as redistricting case looms”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=184455388&f=1116553&c=8243904&u=102231511>
By Richard Pildes, March 07, 2022
The Topeka Capital-Journal<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~www.cjonline.com/story/news/state/2022/03/07/kansas-legislators-consider-changing-supreme-court-nominating-process-senate-redistricting/6972565001/> makes an appearance: Lawmakers are considering changes to a six-decade-old system of selecting judges to the Kansas Supreme Court, at a time when the high court is on the cusp of hearing a landmark challenge to a… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=128027>

Today’s Supreme Court Order Upholding the North Carolina Supreme Court’s Ungerrymandering of the State’s Congressional Districts, Could Well Be Temporary and Points to Big, Bad Election Law Precedent Potentially Coming Down the Line<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=184455392&f=1116553&c=8243904&u=102231511>
By Rick Hasen, March 07, 2022
Rick Pildes already flagged<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=128030> today’s Supreme Court order<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21a455_5if6.pdf> in the North Carolina partisan gerrymandering case. And I agree with his bottom line conclusion that the Court is almost certain to take this case, when it comes up in the regular… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=128039>

Breaking News: Supreme Court Declines to Stay Redistricting Decisions from NC and PA Supreme Courts<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=184455396&f=1116553&c=8243904&u=102231511>
By Richard Pildes, March 07, 2022
In a 6-3 decision, the Court declined to issue a stay of the NC state supreme court decision that had overturned legislatively drawn redistricting maps for Congress (without comment, the Court also declined to act in a similar case from… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=128030>

My New One in the NY Times: “How to Keep the Rising Tide of Fake News From Drowning Our Democracy”<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=184455402&f=1116553&c=8243904&u=102231511>
By Rick Hasen, March 07, 2022
I have written this guest essay<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~www.nytimes.com/2022/03/07/opinion/cheap-speech-fake-news-democracy.html?smid=tw-nytopinion&smtyp=cur> for the NY Times, tied to the release of my Cheap Speech<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~sites.uci.edu/cheapspeechbook/> book tomorrow. It begins: The same information revolution that brought us Netflix, podcasts and the knowledge of the world in our smartphone-gripping… Continue reading <https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/?p=128023>

Read Wisconsin’s Emergency Supreme Court Petition Seeking to Overturn Redistricting Maps Approved by State Supreme Court<https://p.feedblitz.com/r3.asp?l=184455408&f=1116553&c=8243904&u=102231511>
By Rick Hasen, March 07, 2022
The claim in this petition<https://p.feedblitz.com/t3.asp?/1116553/102231511/8243904_/~electionlawblog.org/wp-content/uploads/21A471-WI-Legislature-v.-Commission-Application.pdf> relates to the Voting Rights Act and racial gerrymandering claims.
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