Subject: Re: Fwd: Column: Election Law Reforms -- A Federal Role Is Needed
From: Craig Oren
Date: 5/7/2001, 12:21 PM
To: Charlene Simmons

Thanks for the column. Two reactions:

* I hear that optical screens are not as great as Peirce advertises, but I
have not heard any specifics. Any comments?

** Federal money for elections technology means that the federal
government will come to have a very strong influence on the conduct of
elections. He who pays the piper . . . This may result in the state and
localities finding themselves saddled with mandates that won't necessarily
be paid for by the feds and with much less flexibility than at present. If
I were a state official, I'd think long and hard about whether I want
federal intervention.

 Professor Craig N. Oren                    telephone *856-225-6365
 Rutgers School of Law-Camden               fax  *856-969-7921
 Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey
 217 N. 5th Street
 Camden, N.J. 08102-1203          

*please note the new area code.