Dear Colleagues:
I just wanted to update you on progress on the Federal Elections
Project. As you may know, the National Science Foundation has funded
the collection by myself and Steve Voss of the University of Kentucky of
precinct election data from the 2000 general elections for federal
offices. We are also gradually attempting to match this data with
racial data from the 2000 U.S. Census. The data is being put up on our
web site as we gather it and can be downloaded for free. The web site
location is:
I am pleased to report that we have posted precinct election data for
federal elections from 30 states and the District of Columbia. For many
states, we have posted data from additional elections held on the same
day, including elections for other statewide offices and the state
legislature, and votes on consitutional amendments.
Now that the U.S. Census has released the racial data from the 2000 U.S.
Census, we have begun the difficult process of matching this data to the
precinct data. We have already posted election data matched with racial
data from the Census for Texas and Virginia. In addition, many other
states covered by the Voting Rights Act collect data on the race (and
also the party, age, and gender) of registered voters. We have posted
election data matched with racial registration data for North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana.
I hope you find the data useful. Feel free to pass along this
information to others.
David Lublin
David Lublin
Department of Government
School of Public Affairs
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016-8130