election-law_gl-digest Saturday, June 16 2001 Volume 01 : Number 029
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 21:48:33 -0500
From: "McDonald, Michael" <McDonald.Michael@uis.edu>
Subject: Redistricting Scorecard
As the redistricting season progresses, I am tracking redistricting action
on my web site. I've added links to each state's redistricting homepage or
closest approximation, if it exists. (This list is a little more
comprehensive than the NCSL redistricting site). I've included analysis for
the three states (IL, IN, and MO) that have completed congressional plans.
So far I'm calling it a wash, with a Democratic loss in Illinois offset by a
Republican loss in Indiana. And have noted impending redistricting action
where it may occur.
Check it out, and please help me keep it current as more states adopt plans.
- -Mike
Michael P. McDonald
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Springfield http://ilsc.uis.edu/mcdonald/
Legislative Studies Center, PAC 480 mcdonald.michael@uis.edu
P.O. Box 19243 (217) 206-6584 (w)
Springfield, IL 62794-9243 (217) 206-6542
End of election-law_gl-digest V1 #29