Subject: election-law_gl-digest V1 #59
From: (election-law_gl-digest)
Date: 8/24/2001, 6:00 PM

election-law_gl-digest     Friday, August 24 2001     Volume 01 : Number 059


Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 16:30:06 -0400
From: "Eugene Volokh" <>
Subject: now available for students; please keep submitting new topics! -- the law review note topic / seminar paper topic
clearinghouse -- is now available for students to use; please let your law
school's journalsknow about it.

	Please, however, keep submitting new topics, and urge your colleagues to do
the same.  The site can only operate if lawprofs like us (and also lawyers
and judges, but primarily lawprofs) submit topics for students to write
about.  If you find that your students are taking advantage of this
resource, please give something back to it by submitting some ideas; it'll
only take a few minutes.

	Thanks in advance for your help,

	Eugene Volokh
	UCLA School of Law


End of election-law_gl-digest V1 #59