election-law_gl-digest Monday, August 27 2001 Volume 01 : Number 060
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 09:40:25 -0700
From: Rick Hasen <rick.hasen@lls.edu>
Subject: L.A. Times: Court Scrutinized for Supreme Intervention
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Here's an article about post-Bush v. Gore books.
- --
Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax
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Court Scrutinized for Supreme Intervention
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<SPAN CLASS=3D"cHeadline1">Court Scrutinized for Supreme Intervention</SP=
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if" hspace=3D"3" vspace=3D"2" height=3D"6" width=3D"6" alt=3D"*"> Law: Th=
e Florida recount is long over. But its legal legacy lives on in academia=
and in books.<BR><BR></SPAN>
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<span class =3D"relatedmenu"><b>Books on Bush vs. Gore Case</b=
<font size=3D"-1" face=3D"arial, helvetica">
<B>"Bush vs. Gore: The Court Cases and the Commentary"</B><br>
Edited by E.J. Dionne Jr. and William Kristol. Brookings Institution Pres=
s, Washington. A source book that includes the various court decisions an=
d newspaper opinion pieces.<br><br>
<B>"When Elections Go Bad: The Law of Democracy and the Presidential Elec=
tion of 2000"</B><br>
By Samuel Issacharoff, Pamela Karlan and Richard Pildes. Foundation Press=
, New York. A textbook for law classes.<br><br>
<B>"Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked the Election"</B>=
By Alan M. Dershowitz. Oxford University Press. Bestseller.<br><br>
<B>"The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constit=
ution and Chose Our President"</B><br>
By Vincent Bugliosi. Paperback by Thunder's Mouth Press, New York. Bestse=
<B>"The Vote: Bush, Gore and the Supreme Court"</B><br>
Edited by Cass Sunstein and Richard A. Epstein. University of Chicago Pre=
ss. Essays by 11 law professors. To be published in October.<br><br>
<B>"Breaking the Deadlock: the 2000 Election, the Constitution, and the C=
By Richard A. Posner. Princeton University Press. To be published in Sept=
<B>"The Votes That Counted: How the Court Decided the 2000 Presidential E=
By Howard Gilman. University of Chicago Press. A USC political science pr=
ofessor offers a step-by-step account, analysis of the Florida election d=
ispute. To be published in October.<br><br>
<B>"The Unfinished Election of 2000"</B><br>
Edited by Jack Rakove, a Stanford University historian. Basic Books. Essa=
ys by law professors and historians. Due out this year.<br><br>
<B>"The Longest Night: Polemics and Perspectives on Election 2000"</B><br=
Edited by Arthur Jacobson and Michel Rosenfeld. University of California =
Press. Essays by law professors. To be published next year.<br><br>
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By DAVID G. SAVAGE, Times Staff Writer<BR><BR>
<div class=3D"content">
The Supreme Court's Bush vs. Gore ruling may have brought a quick=
end to the disputed presidential election of 2000, but the legal battle =
lives on, fought out in the pages of six books coming out this year.<br>
Most are written by law professors, who remain sharply split over whether=
the high court was right to halt the Florida recount.<br>
"Constitutional law professors form a different breed, with longer memori=
es and deeper resentments," said University of Chicago law professor Rich=
ard A. Epstein in introducing a book of 11 essays, called "The Vote: Bush=
, Gore and the Supreme Court."<br>
At least a half-dozen books focusing on the Bush vs. Gore case will be ou=
t by fall, most published by university presses. While hardly classic bea=
ch-reading fare, two of the books have hit the bestseller lists this summ=
er. And several more are due out by year's end. They will find a ready ma=
rket in law schools and political science departments, some professors sa=
"If you teach constitutional law, you can't avoid teaching Bush vs. Gore,=
" said New York University law professor Richard Pildes, co-author of "Wh=
en Elections Go Bad." "It's clearly one of the momentous decisions in the=
court's history. And students are interested in hearing about it."<br>
Said Georgetown University law professor Mark Tushnet: "Everybody is usin=
g the case, either to talk about the role of the court or to focus on equ=
al protection. I plan to use the University of Chicago book this fall. It=
's a good way to talk about the role of the court in a democracy."<br>
Both best-selling books, one by Harvard law professor Alan M. Dershowitz =
and the other by former Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, are scat=
hing attacks on the court's five conservative justices--William H. Rehnqu=
ist, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony M. =
Kennedy--painting them as lawless and partisan.<br>
In "Supreme Injustice," Dershowitz argues that the court's 5-4 decision t=
o halt the Florida recount was an egregious error of a special sort. The =
ruling is "the single most corrupt decision in Supreme Court history, bec=
ause it is the only one that I know of where the majority justices decide=
d as they did because of the personal identity and political affiliation =
of the litigants." Had George W. Bush been the one trailing by a few hund=
red votes and seeking a recount, the conservative justices certainly woul=
d not have intervened to stop it, he writes.<br>
Bugliosi is the outspoken former Los Angeles deputy district attorney bes=
t known for prosecuting cult murderer Charles Manson. More recently, he w=
rote in "Outrage" that O.J. Simpson got away with murder.<br>
This year, he is calling the five conservative justices "criminals" for t=
heir decision that ended Al Gore's recount quest and effectively put Bush=
in the White House.<br>
"The stark reality is that the institution Americans trust the most to pr=
otect its freedoms and principles committed one of the biggest and most s=
erious crimes this nation has even seen--pure and simple, the theft of th=
e presidency," Bugliosi writes in "The Betrayal of America."<br>
On Dec. 9, the day after the Florida judges ordered a statewide hand coun=
t of the untabulated paper ballots, the Supreme Court, on a 5-4 vote, iss=
ued an emergency order to stop the counting. Late on Tuesday, Dec. 12, th=
e court handed down an unsigned opinion ruling that, because the state ha=
d no precise standards for deciding what is a legal vote, its recount vio=
lated the Constitution's guarantee of "equal protection of the laws."<br>=
The surprising success of Dershowitz's and Bugliosi's books may signal a =
new publishing phenomenon. Over the last decade, the bestseller lists hav=
e regularly featured books by conservatives that pilloried various libera=
ls--their favorite targets, Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and anyone a=
ssociated with them. But these new bestsellers suggest there are plenty o=
f angry liberals willing to buy books that roast conservatives.<br>
The academic books are more reserved in tone, and many of the law profess=
ors engaged in a type of soul-searching.<br>
The conservative professors, while agreeing with the court's decision, ad=
mit that they had to struggle to defend its reasoning. For the liberal pr=
ofessors, who think the court erred, the struggle was determining the eff=
ect of its decision on the court itself and the rule of law. Was this a o=
netime mistake, prompted by an extraordinary sequence of events, or does =
it prove, as Dershowitz contends, that the Rehnquist court is an "activis=
t, right-wing Republican court" not worthy of trust?<br>
Harvard law professor Frank Michelman takes a middle ground in an essay t=
itled "Suspicion." The court will remain on probation in the minds of man=
y for its actions in December, he said. "A great many Americans suspect t=
hat a certain five justices of the Supreme Court . . . were prompted in t=
heir actions by a prior personal preference for a Bush victory," he said.=
Elizabeth Garrett, a dean for academic affairs at the University of Chica=
go, said the high court should have followed the law and allowed politici=
ans in the Florida Legislature and Congress to resolve the dispute. A pre=
sidential race had been deadlocked before, she pointed out.<br>
After the disputed Hayes-Tilden election of 1876, Congress passed the Ele=
ctoral Count Act, which set rules for resolving such disputes. States wer=
e given deadlines for finalizing their slates of electors, and disagreeme=
nts were to be decided in the House and Senate. The law's sponsor, Sen. J=
ohn Sherman, was adamant in saying that the Supreme Court should play no =
"It would be a very grave fault indeed and a very serious objection to re=
fer a political question in which the people of the country are aroused .=
. . to this great tribunal," Sherman said on the Senate floor in 1887. "=
It would tend to bring that court into public odium of one or the other o=
f the two great parties."<br>
Ironically, Sherman's law was used but his advice ignored last year. On N=
ov. 24, the Supreme Court cited the Electoral Count Act as its legal basi=
s for intervening in the Florida election dispute.<br>
The conservatives offer different defenses of the court's ruling. Epstein=
, a free-market conservative, said the majority's conclusion that the han=
d recount violated the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution is a=
"non-starter at best, which deserves much of the scorn that has been hea=
ped on it." Instead, he said it was the "sorry performance" of the Florid=
a Supreme Court that justified the Rehnquist court's action.<br>
In "Breaking the Deadlock," Judge Richard A. Posner of Chicago, a Reagan =
appointee also known for his free-market conservatism, argues that the co=
urt's ruling can be best defended as a "pragmatic" decision, not a legal =
one. It saved the nation from a "looming political and constitutional cri=
Because the Florida judges had "butchered" their state law to order recou=
nts, the justices were justified in reversing them, Posner adds. "What th=
e court wrought was a kind of rough justice."<br>
Still another defense is offered by University of Utah law professor Mich=
ael McConnell. He says the court's equal-protection ruling was "both sens=
ible and persuasive." There is no justification for using different stand=
ards to count legal ballots, he says.<br>
But McConnell then argues that the high court should have allowed the han=
d recount to continue. "I think the decision to halt the recount was inco=
rrect as a matter of law," he writes in an essay that first appeared in t=
he Wall Street Journal and appears in expanded form in a University of Ch=
icago book.<br>
"The 5-4 split created the appearance--whether or not justified--that the=
Court voted its politics instead of the law," he writes.<br>
He also faulted Bush's lawyers in Florida for resisting hand recounts. Us=
ing fair and uniform rules, Bush would have prevailed in the recount, he =
says. "If Bush's position had been a little more accommodating, he might =
have obtained a more secure mantle of leadership."<br>
McConnell's candor was not held against him, however. When President Bush=
announced his first round of 11 judicial nominees in May, McConnell was =
there, selected to sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver.
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ight=3D90 width=3D120 alt=3D"Southland Funbook"></a>
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