Subject: election-law_gl-digest V1 #69
From: (election-law_gl-digest)
Date: 9/14/2001, 6:00 PM

election-law_gl-digest   Friday, September 14 2001   Volume 01 : Number 069


Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 08:47:19 -0700
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Primary Rescheduled for Sept. 25, With Runoff, if Necessary, Set for Oct. 11

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Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax

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<meta  name=3D"BY_LINE" content=3D"By ADAM NAGOURNEY">
<meta  name=3D"byl" content=3D"By ADAM NAGOURNEY">
<meta  name=3D"FIRSTPAR" content=3D" Mayoral candidates are competing in =
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 <NYT_DATE><font size=3D"-1"><strong>September 14, 2001</strong></font><b=
r></NYT_DATE><NYT_KICKER> <br> <font color=3D"#666666" size=3D"-1"><stron=
g>THE ELECTION</strong></font></NYT_KICKER><NYT_HEADLINE  version=3D"1.0"=
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"left" ALT=3D"T">he New York mayoral primary, halted in midvote after the=
 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on Tuesday morning, was resc=
heduled yesterday for Sept. 25, presenting the candidates with an entirel=
y transformed competition for a job whose demands now seem quite differen=
t than they were when the contest started eight months ago.</P> <P> The c=
hange in date, which applies to all primaries across New York, including =
one for county executive in Nassau County, was approved by the State Legi=
slature during a special session in Albany. A runoff, should one prove ne=
cessary if none of the Democratic mayoral candidates win at least 40 perc=
ent, would be held on Oct. 11, a Thursday.</P> <P> The New York City Boar=
d of Elections met last night to review what officials described as an av=
alanche of problems confronting board officials as they move to arrange a=
 new election. </P> <P> Those include the fact that the company that prin=
ted registration sheets was located in the World Trade Center complex (th=
e board found another printer) and the chance that the Police Department =
would not have enough officers to provide the required posting at each of=
 city's 1,300 polling sites.</P> <P> In addition, the board's offices, wh=
ich house its computers and database, are just two blocks from the trade =
center site, and thus are inaccessible to board members. And in one more =
complication, the new round of voting will have to be arranged without th=
e assistance of the board's executive director, Daniel DeFrancesco. Aides=
 said Mr. DeFrancesco went to a hospital yesterday for what was described=
 as an urgently needed double-bypass operation on his heart.</P> <P> The =
Board of Elections began to collect election machines from around the cit=
y yesterday, except in the area south of 14th Street. The machines will b=
e reset and none of the votes that were cast on Tuesday will be counted. =
The board's spokeswoman, Naomi Bernstein, said the election was being sta=
rted as if Primary Day never happened.</P> <P> Douglas A. Kellner, a memb=
er of the board, said inspectors would be instructed not to look at the m=
achines, to avoid the release of any incomplete results that might tarnis=
h the voting on Sept. 25.</P> <P> The rescheduling of the primary came am=
id a day in which rescue workers picked through the pile of rubble at the=
 World Trade Center and in which bomb threats reverberated across the cit=
y.</P> <P> In this environment, campaign aides said only that there would=
 be no more campaigning for the foreseeable future &#0151; no speeches, n=
o television commercials and no appearances that might even remotely smac=
k of a political campaign. </P> <P> "The campaign is over, and now we'll =
have an election," said Joe DePlasco, a spokesman for one of the Democrat=
s, Mark Green, the public advocate. Mr. DePlasco was speaking from the st=
reet because Mr. Green's campaign headquarters had been evacuated because=
 of a bomb threat at Grand Central Terminal.</P> <P> William Cunningham, =
a spokesman for Michael R. Bloomberg, who is competing with Herman Badill=
o for the Republican mayoral nomination, said Mr. Bloomberg had no plans =
to resume his multimillion-dollar, extensive barrage of television advert=
isements. "I don't think anybody will have a normal, traditional campaign=
 before Sept. 25; the traditional stuff isn't going to work," he said.</P=
<P> Campaign aides and analysts declined to speculate on how this might=
 affect the contest, suggesting that such discussions might be in bad tas=
te now. </P> <P> If hard to quantify, the terrorist attacks, and the way =
they have altered the mood of the city, seemed likely to affect the race =
in ways large and small. What had been the shared emphasis of the candida=
tes &#0151; on reforming the school system &#0151; has almost certainly b=
een taken over by an emphasis on command abilities, campaign aides said.<=
/P> <P> More than a few Democrats said yesterday that voters would compar=
e the Democrats to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who has been on display in =
the last few days. More than a few Democrats expressed concern, albeit fa=
r-fetched, that someone would seek to suspend the city's term limit statu=
te, so that Mr. Giuliani could stay in office.</P> <P> The effect of the =
attacks extends to less sweeping matters as well. Most of the candidates =
had talked about financing housing construction plans by using revenues d=
erived from rents at the World Trade Center.</P> <P> Another question was=
 turnout. The Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, the head of the Campaign Finance Boa=
rd, said that in his opinion, the board should not give the candidates an=
y more city campaign subsides &#0151; except to pay for get-out-the-vote =
operations that were abruptly shut down on Tuesday. </P> <P> Some campaig=
n aides said the huge distraction of the tragedy could further drive down=
 interest in the race. But some advisers, while taking pains to say they =
were not making any predictions, said the events had stirred an interest =
in government that had not been present in American life for a long time.=
</P> <P> "I was in Union Square last night, and for the first time in my =
life, New Yorkers &#0151; Americans &#0151; were talking about current ev=
ents and politics and having arguments and discussions about it," said Jo=
sh Isay, 31, the spokesman for Alan G. Hevesi, a Democratic candidate.</P=
<P> For the most part, the Democrats have been avoiding making any kind=
 of appearances that might risk their being criticized for politicizing t=
he event.</P> <P> Mr. Green toured the attack site yesterday, but did not=
 inform reporters in advance, an aide said. The fourth major Democratic c=
andidate, Peter F. Vallone, the City Council speaker, has become a famili=
ar figure accompanying Mr. Giuliani during many appearances associated wi=
th the attack. </P> <P> In New Jersey, events left one candidate for gove=
rnor stranded overseas and effectively suspended all politicking within t=
he state. Bret D. Schundler, the Republican nominee, was visiting Israel =
as part of a three- day solidarity mission with New Jersey Jewish leaders=
 when the towers were destroyed.</P> <P> Aides said Mr. Schundler said ye=
sterday that his group was waiting for a return flight to the United Stat=
es but was also considering flying to Canada and making the trip from the=
re by land.</P> <P> His Democratic opponent, James E. McGreevey, canceled=
 his campaign schedule at least through tomorrow, a spokesman said.</P>
</NYT_TEXT></td></tr><tr><td> =

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