Subject: election-law_gl-digest V1 #77
From: (election-law_gl-digest)
Date: 10/2/2001, 6:00 PM

election-law_gl-digest    Tuesday, October 2 2001    Volume 01 : Number 077


Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 09:51:13 -0700
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Latino Group Sues Over Redistricting

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Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax

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	Latino Group Sues Over Redistricting
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<meta name=3D"description" content=3D"A statewide Latino political organi=
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<SPAN CLASS=3D"cHeadline1">Latino Group Sues Over Redistricting</SPAN><BR=

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if" hspace=3D"3" vspace=3D"2" height=3D"6" width=3D"6" alt=3D"*"> Politic=
s: It says the boundaries for four congressional and two state Senate sea=
ts were designed to keep white incumbents in office. New maps are sought.=


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A statewide Latino political organization filed suit in federal court Mon=
day, challenging redistricting boundaries in a bid to increase Latino rep=
resentation in Sacramento and Washington.<BR><BR>Lawyers for the Mexican =
American Legal Defense and Educational Fund charged that new boundaries f=
or four congressional districts and two state Senate districts were desig=
ned to keep white incumbents in power. They asked a three-judge panel to =
order the lines redrawn and to delay the 2002 primaries from March until =
June to provide time to do it.<BR><BR><!-- Blank placeholder ad -->Althou=
gh only a few districts are involved in the lawsuit, agreement by the fed=
eral judges could conceivably force redistricting of all California distr=
icts in Congress and the state Senate because redrawing can cause a rippl=
e effect. None of the new Assembly district lines was challenged.<BR><BR>=
All the redistricting plans--adopted every 10 years after the U.S. Census=
- --were approved by heavy, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the Leg=
islature last month, and quickly signed by Gov. Gray Davis.<BR><BR>Sixtee=
n of 19 Latino members of the Assembly and all seven Latino state senator=
s voted for them.<BR><BR>But Antonia Hernandez, MALDEF president and chie=
f counsel, said Monday that legislators simply voted for the plans "becau=
se their interests &#91;in their own reelections&#93; were taken care of.=
"<BR><BR>She said the boundaries that were challenged dilute the Latino v=
ote in at least three districts. The net result, she contended, would be =
to reelect white incumbents.<BR><BR>The biggest controversy is in the San=
 Fernando Valley, where redistricting removed many Latino voters from the=
 district long represented in Congress by Howard L. Berman (D-Mission Hil=
ls) and put them in an adjacent district represented by Brad Sherman (D-S=
herman Oaks).<BR><BR>Berman's district also was pushed farther south into=
 predominantly white areas of the Hollywood Hills, while Sherman's distri=
ct was moved north and wrapped around Berman's district, to include many =
Latinos living in Sylmar and some nearby areas.<BR><BR>MALDEF asserts tha=
t this would dilute Latino registered voters in Berman's district from 45=
% to 31% in next year's Democratic primary. The change would about double=
 the number of Latino registered voters in Sherman's district, but still =
leave them far short of the numbers required to threaten the incumbent.<B=
R><BR>Other assertions in the suit are that the redistricting was designe=
d to protect state Sen. Betty Karnette (D-Long Beach) and Rep. Bob Filner=
 (D-San Diego) by reducing the Latino vote in their districts.<BR><BR>Ber=
man's brother, longtime Democratic redistricting consultant Michael Berma=
n, drew up the Senate and congressional redistricting plans approved this=
 year, and many past redistricting plans as well.<BR><BR>However, the cou=
rts have occasionally stepped in to redraw his plans.<BR><BR>'Terribly Di=
sappointed'<BR><BR>Howard Berman said Monday that he is "terribly disappo=
inted" that MALDEF has filed its suit.<BR><BR>"For 30 years in public off=
ice, I have not merely voted for, but have led the legislative battles to=
 enact issues of importance to the Latino community," he said. "I guess f=
or MALDEF, it's more about skin color and ethnicity than the philosophy a=
nd the quality of representation."<BR><BR>Sherman said he did not much li=
ke the redistricting, because it is moving him away from substantial part=
s of his present district, including the 20% proportion now within Ventur=
a County.<BR><BR>Michael Berman, breaking his usual silence in such matte=
rs, said that overall his plan "massively protected Latino voting power" =
statewide.<BR><BR>The redistricting plans would lead to Latinos adding on=
e seat to the six California seats they now hold in Congress, one Assembl=
y seat and two or three state Senate seats, he said.<BR><BR>Michael Berma=
n acknowledged that the redistricting protected incumbents, Democratic an=
d Republican, but he said this was necessary to avoid the long, bitter st=
ruggles of the past when partisan splits sent everything to the courts.<B=
R><BR>Strengthening marginal Democratic seats, protecting seats held by A=
frican Americans and adding voters to underpopulated Los Angeles County d=
istricts were also said to be important principles of the Berman plan.<BR=
<BR>Davis on Monday called MALDEF "a very creditable organization, which=
 certainly is entitled to bring its views into court."<BR><BR>But "while =
no plan is perfect," he said, "I believe the maps are fair and balanced."=
<BR><BR>Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a senior scholar with USC's School of Polic=
y, Planning and Development, said there is nothing unusual about legislat=
ors protecting their own interests in redistricting plans.<BR><BR>She sai=
d she had no idea what the federal court panel will do. Monday, only one =
judge, District Judge Margaret Morrow, had yet been named. MALDEF lawyers=
 said she will now name a second District Court judge, and the U.S. 9th C=
ircuit Court of Appeals will name the third judge.<BR><BR>Jeffe said the =
Berman plan might protect black lawmakers only in the short term. Eventua=
lly, she said, they are apt to be replaced by Latinos, as the overall Lat=
ino proportion of the California population is expected to continue to gr=
ow well beyond the one-third in the 2000 census.<BR><BR>Waiting Until Las=
t Moment<BR><BR>At MALDEF, Hernandez said: "It is unacceptable and illega=
l to jeopardize the voting rights of historically disenfranchised minorit=
y voters. The district lines compromised the basic principles of communit=
y and the electoral process."<BR><BR>In addition, said Antonio Gonzalez o=
f the William C. Velasquez Institute, which is supporting the MALDEF suit=
, legislators waited until almost the last possible moment to unveil the =
redistricting maps--the Friday before Labor Day--and then held a hearing =
the day after Labor Day.<BR><BR>Such procedures left minority representat=
ives outside the Legislature with little capacity to respond, he said.


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Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 15:06:09 -0700
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Baker v. Carr symposium: message from North Carolina Law Review

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The organizers of a symposium at UNC and the North Carolina Law Review
asked me to pass on the following message to the list.  Rick

On November 2-3, 2001, the nation’s pre-eminent constitutional law
scholars will join the North Carolina Law Review in its second annual
legal symposium, Baker v. Carr: A Commemorative Symposium, honoring the
fortieth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Baker v.
Carr.  The symposium commemorates the landmark decision that provided
the foundation of the Court’s political question doctrine and the
promise of truly democratic elections based on the one-person, one-vote
principle. Forty years later, symposium participants will explore the
impact of the decision, both on the Court’s willingness to answer
political questions and our current electoral system.

Participants will include:
· Guy-Uriel Charles, professor, University of Minnesota Law School;
· Adrienne Davis, professor, University of North Carolina School of Law;

· Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law;
· James A. Gardner, visiting professor, State University of New York,
University at Buffalo School of Law, and professor, Western New England
School of Law;
· Heather K. Gerken, professor, Harvard Law School;
· Richard L. Hasen, professor, Loyola Law School;
· Kevin Haynes, professor, University of North Carolina School of Law;
· Sanford V. Levinson, professor, University of Texas Law School;
· William P. Marshall, professor University of North Carolina School of
· Burt Neuborne, director, Brennan Center for Justice, New York
University School of Law;
· Nathaniel A. Persily, professor, University of Pennsylvania School of
· Robert Pushaw, visiting professor, Pepperdine University School of
Law, and professor, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law;
· Melissa Saunders, professor, University of North Carolina School of
· Mark V. Tushnet, professor and associate dean of Research, Georgetown
University Law Center;
· William Van Alstyne, professor, Duke Law School;

For more information or if you are interested in attending the
symposium, you may visit the North Carolina Law Review Web site at to download a registration form.  Additional
questions may be directed to Symposium Editors Michael Barnett and Frank
Eichenlaub at (919) 962-3926 or

- --Boundary_(ID_8XFg3bnU0sXJw2vAOjJpfw)
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The organizers of a symposium at UNC and the <i>North Carolina Law Review
</i>asked me to pass on the following message to the list.&nbsp; Rick
<p>On November 2-3, 2001, the nation’s pre-eminent constitutional law scholars
will join the <i>North Carolina Law Review </i>in its second annual legal
symposium, <i>Baker v. Carr: A Commemorative Symposium</i>, honoring the
fortieth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision <i>Baker v. Carr</i>.&nbsp;
The symposium commemorates the landmark decision that provided the foundation
of the Court’s political question doctrine and the promise of truly democratic
elections based on the one-person, one-vote principle. Forty years later,
symposium participants will explore the impact of the decision, both on
the Court’s willingness to answer political questions and our current electoral
<p>Participants will include:
<br>&middot; Guy-Uriel Charles, professor, University of Minnesota Law
<br>&middot; Adrienne Davis, professor, University of North Carolina School
of Law;
<br>&middot; Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law;
<br>&middot; James A. Gardner, visiting professor, State University of
New York, University at Buffalo School of Law, and professor, Western New
England School of Law;
<br>&middot; Heather K. Gerken, professor, Harvard Law School;
<br>&middot; Richard L. Hasen, professor, Loyola Law School;
<br>&middot; Kevin Haynes, professor, University of North Carolina School
of Law;
<br>&middot; Sanford V. Levinson, professor, University of Texas Law School;
<br>&middot; William P. Marshall, professor University of North Carolina
School of Law;
<br>&middot; Burt Neuborne, director, Brennan Center for Justice, New York
University School of Law;
<br>&middot; Nathaniel A. Persily, professor, University of Pennsylvania
School of Law;
<br>&middot; Robert Pushaw, visiting professor, Pepperdine University School
of Law, and professor, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law;
<br>&middot; Melissa Saunders, professor, University of North Carolina
School of Law;
<br>&middot; Mark V. Tushnet, professor and associate dean of Research,
Georgetown University Law Center;
<br>&middot; William Van Alstyne, professor, Duke Law School;
<p>For more information or if you are interested in attending the symposium,
you may visit the <i>North Carolina Law Review </i>Web site at
to download a registration form.&nbsp; Additional questions may be directed
to Symposium Editors Michael Barnett and Frank Eichenlaub at (919) 962-3926

- --Boundary_(ID_8XFg3bnU0sXJw2vAOjJpfw)--


Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 15:47:11 -0700
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Election law listserv frequently asked questions

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The forwarded message below contains frequently asked questions about
the election law listserv.  (This information has not been up since we
moved the list to Loyola Law School).

I am still working on creation of a database of all election law
subscribers that we can use to contact each other, send reprints, etc.
I will keep you updated on the progress of this project.

- --
Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax

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- --


                                 Welcome to ELECTION-LAW

   The Discussion List for Election Law Professors and Other Interested Participants

             TABLE OF CONTENTS

             The Archives


                + What is ELECTION - LAW?

                + How do I unsubscribe from the list?

                + How do I post messages?

                + Can you tell me more about posting message?

                + How private are my findings?

                + What features should I know about?

                + Whom do I contact for help or additional information?

             What is ELECTION-LAW?

             The ELECTION-LAW list is an Internet Listserv residing at
             Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. This list is for general
             discussion of substantive and pedagogical issues related to
             election law and the design and reform of electoral

             The group is a private one, which consists primarily of
             academics who teach courses or write about questions related
             to these subjects. Legal and political practitioners also may
             join, subject to the approval of the list manager.

             In addition to general issue relating to the subject matter,
             the list is intended to serve as a place where subscribers can
             discuss ideas they have for scholarship, works in progress,
             and problems they are encountering in teaching and conducting
             research. Members also are encouraged to share information
             about new books or articles and new judicial, legislative and
             administrative developments related to election law and the
             design and reform of electoral institutions.

             New members are encouraged to introduce themselves with a
             brief message identifying their curricular and scholarly
             interests, as well as anything else about themselves that
             others might find interesting.


             How do I unsubscribe from the list?

             You may leave the list at any time by entering your email
             address at
             and filling in the appropriate information.

             Or you can simply send an email message to:
    In the body of the message type:

             unsubscribe election-law_gl

             Please note that this command should NOT be sent to the list
             address (this is the address
             you use for posting messages), but to the address


             How do I post messages?

             To send a message to everyone on the list, address your
             message to (or click on):


             If the message is ever rejected, contact the list managers:

             Prof. Rick Hasen at or

             Professor Daniel Lowenstein at


             Can you tell me more about posting messages?

             Please be sure that your name and e-mail address are included
             in any message you post. Many, but not all, mail systems are
             set up to do this automatically.

             If you are responding to a message posted by another list
             member, the usual convention is to quote enough of the earlier
             message to provide an appropriate context for your reply (many
             of us receive dozens of e-mail messages daily, and we may not
             always remember the specifics of your prior posting).

             However, please include only as much of the prior message as
             necessary -- quoting an entire lengthy message in full, when
             you are responding only to a part of it, is annoying to many
             people and is considered bad "netiquette".

             If you are responding to a request for private information, or
             have a reply that would more appropriately go only to the
             person posting the original message, please send it to that
             person directly -- do not send it to the entire list.


             How private are my postings?

             They are not private. Postings on the list are available in
             archived form to the general public at :



             What list features should I know about?

             To get a list of the addresses on the list, you may use the
             "who" command, followed by the name of the list. For example:

             who election-law_gl sent to
             returns an email message with all the list members.

             For additional help on majordomo mailing lists, send the
             command "help" to and an automated
             majordomo information guide will be sent to you.


             Whom do I contact for help or additional information?

             Contact the list managers, Prof. Rick Hasen at
             or Professor Daniel Lowenstein at

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End of election-law_gl-digest V1 #77