Subject: election-law_gl-digest V1 #85
From: (election-law_gl-digest)
Date: 10/13/2001, 6:00 PM

election-law_gl-digest   Saturday, October 13 2001   Volume 01 : Number 085


Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 09:58:07 -0400
From: Edward Still <>
Subject: election administration in other democracies

For a paper I am writing, I am seeking information on election
administration in other democracies.  I am looking for the following
topics: (1) creation of the electoral roll (or registration of voters);
(2) staffing of the polling stations; (3) absentee voting; (4)
handling voters who are at the wrong polling place; (5) challenge of
voters by election officials or others; (6) provisional ballots; (7)
counting ballots; (8) recounts and

Being linguistically challenged, I need documents or books in English
that I can get on the Internet, at a Washington DC area library, or
through inter-library loan.

Thanks for your help.

- --
Edward Still
voting rights attorney
Washington DC


End of election-law_gl-digest V1 #85