Subject: election-law_gl-digest V1 #142
From: (election-law_gl-digest)
Date: 2/16/2002, 6:00 PM

election-law_gl-digest   Saturday, February 16 2002   Volume 01 : Number 142


Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 13:01:51 -0800
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Issacharoff op-ed on redistricting

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Here is a link to Sam Issacharoff's op-ed in today's N.Y.
Times on the topic of redistricting.
- --
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax

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<h2>In Real Elections, There Is Competition</h2>
<NYT_BYLINE  version=3D"1.0" type=3D" "><h5>By SAMUEL ISSACHAROFF</h5></N=
<NYT_TEXT><font class=3Dtsa><P><IMG SRC=3D"
ages/dropcap/t.gif" ALIGN=3D"left" ALT=3D"T">o no one's surprise, the Rep=
ublicans in Albany's Senate majority have just gerrymandered themselves o=
nce again into districts designed to last for life, while the Democrats c=
ontrolling the Assembly have done the same. The next, inevitable step is =
legal challenge by legislators or groups on the losing end of the fight =97=
 with taxpayers picking up much of the tab.</p>
<P> A simple question arises every 10 years, with each replay of redistri=
cting: Why should political insiders be able to conjure up cartographic f=
antasies to keep themselves in office? For political insiders, the result=
 is to lock in political power. For voters, it is dreary elections withou=
t meaningful competition.</p>
<P> Real competition, where a challenger to an incumbent might have some =
actual chance of winning, is evidenced in elections that are won by margi=
ns of less than 10 percent of the vote. Those results are notably absent =
in New York legislative races. In 1996, for example, 201 of the state's 2=
11 legislative seats were won by margins of more than 10 percent.</p>
<P> Races for Congress =97 with districts drawn by state legislatures wor=
king to guard party interests =97 are also overwhelmingly noncompetitive.=
 In 1996, of the 113 members of Congress who were first elected in the 19=
80's, all 113 won =97 109 of them by at least 10 percent and 75 by 30 per=
cent or more.</p>


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		<P> Despite the fashionable worry about low voter turnout, the wonder i=
s that anyone bothers to participate at all in such hollow elections.</p>=

<P> The redistricting process will not be reformed from within. No politi=
cian has incentive to change a system by which he or she obtained office =
and that dramatically enhances the prospect of remaining there.</p>
<P> In some states, voter initiatives have changed things. Arizona, for e=
xample, passed a proposition in 2000 setting up a nonpartisan redistricti=
ng commission and directing it to work without reference to partisan info=
rmation and without regard to incumbent political bases. In New York and =
most other states, however, there is no initiative process allowing voter=
s to bypass the legislature.</p>
<P> Court challenges to political control would seem a promising path to =
reform, but unfortunately, current constitutional doctrine does not reach=
 partisan gerrymandering unless it "consistently degrades" the political =
process =97 an exacting standard never once reached since it was announce=
d by the Supreme Court in 1986. Court oversight is allowed only for quest=
ions of numerical equality of voting districts and impermissible consider=
ations of race. Nowhere does the court address partisan-inspired, systemi=
c degradations of the competitiveness of the political process.</p>
<P> Where voters do have access to the initiative process or are able to =
mobilize politically and force legislative action, self-interested redist=
ricting is often a target. Already, 12 states have created special tribun=
als or administrative processes to handle redistricting away from the dir=
ect control of the legislature. These systems vary in their effectiveness=
, depending on who chooses appointees to the redistricting bodies and how=
 insulated they are from political oversight. Hawaii and Montana go so fa=
r as to make commission plans final without any legislative review. Iowa =
relies upon an administrative, nonpartisan agency, the Legislative Servic=
e Bureau, much like the Boundary Commissions that handle redistricting in=
 Britain. In order to prevent improper political considerations, the Iowa=
 agency conducts redistricting without reference to voter registration da=
ta, partisan election results or the residency of incumbents. (The main c=
riteria used are contiguity, compactness, and municipal and county lines.=
<P> But the states using these commissions remain a minority. Unless cour=
ts are prepared to address the competitive integrity of the electoral pro=
cess as a constitutional issue, New York voters and most voters in this c=
ountry will remain captives of rigged political systems.<BR> <BR> <BR> <B=
R> <BR> </p>
<p><em>Samuel Issacharoff is a professor at Columbia Law School and an au=
thor of "The Law of Democracy."</em></p>
</font></NYT_TEXT><br clear=3Dall>

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