Subject: election-law_gl-digest V1 #169
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Date: 3/21/2002, 7:00 PM

election-law_gl-digest    Thursday, March 21 2002    Volume 01 : Number 169


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 20:08:02 -0800
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Statement by the President on McCain-Feingold

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Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax

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<p align="right"><font size="1">
For Immediate Release<br>
Office of the Press Secretary<br>

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#003399" size="3"><b>
Statement by the President 




Like many Republicans and Democrats in the Congress, I support
common-sense reforms to end abuses in our campaign finance
system.&nbsp;&nbsp;The reforms passed today, while flawed in some
areas, still improve the current system overall, and I will sign them
into law.

<p> The legislation makes some important progress on the timeliness of
disclosure, individual contribution limits, and banning soft money from
corporations and labor unions, but it does present some legitimate
constitutional questions.&nbsp;&nbsp;I continue to believe the best
reform is full and timely disclosure of campaign contributions.

<p align="center">###</p>


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Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:15:29 -0800
From: "Dan Johnson-Weinberger" <>
Subject: Software, preferential ballots and San Francisco

We've been working with as many of the vendors as will return our phone
calls on this one. The software to count preferential ballots is relatively
simple. The hard part is making sure that the vendor doesn't try to pass the
cost of developing the software on to the jurisdiction.

In San Francisco, ES&S (Election Systems and Software) is the vendor, and we
had inserted into the RFP (Request For Proposal) when San Francisco shopped
around for a new vendor a requirement that the vendor could handle
preferential ballots. ES&S said they could do it, and now that they actually
have to do it, they are going back and seeing if they already have the
software. I expect it won't be a problem and that the city won't have to pay
extra, but we shall see.

Punch cards generally can not handle preferential ballots, because the
software is rather rudimentary. The way we're trying to get around that
equipment problem in Vermont where there is an active debate to use instant
runoff voting is to consider any election with a non-majority of
first-choice votes to be counted as any RECOUNT election -- just like any
challenged or contested election where a recount occurs a few days or a week
after the election. Most races are decided on the first count (that is, one
candidate earns a majority of first-choice votes.) That is the experience in
Ireland and Australia.

The Department of Elections in San Francisco is just now engaging with the
administrative task on how to conduct instant runoff voting elections. I'll
send along updates to the list for those that are interested.

And I can also send along the AP story on San Francisco that appeared in
lots of Tuesday newspapers, including the NY Times, Boston Globe, Houston
Chronicle and San Diego Union-Tribune if people would like to see it.

Dan Johnson-Weinberger
Center for Voting and Democracy
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "jjohnsto" <jjohnsto@UALBERTA.CA>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: Counting the votes under the Instant Runoff Voting system

I have followed the exchanges regarding the adoption of IRV for local
elections in San Francisco and the available procedures and technology for
counting the votes under that system with some interest. While I am not
personally aware of any computerized technology for tallying the votes,
programming such software should not really provide that much of a problem
itself, especially in cases where IRV [previously and traditionally known
the "alternative vote' (AV)]is applied to filling a single position. The
transfer process there is quite straightforward and does not necessitate
"vote selection" and/or "weighting"
problem as happens when several persons are to be chosen such the members
of a
city council or school board elected at large or from multi-member wards.

The procedure applied in the latter context is generally known as the
transferable vote" system/procedure [STV], although that label should
apply to both instances since a single ballot is marked that is
from one candidate to another in the counting process depending on the
at the previous stage in what is typically a multi-stage process.
votes under STV in multi-seat elections can become rather complicated,
one has two contexts in which such a transfer can take place. One involves
same circumstances as apply in single-seat IRV situations where the lowest
candidate at the latest stage is dropped and that persons votes are
transferred to the next lower choice indicated on those ballots under some
candidate amasses a simple majority of the ballots still active in the
counting process. It is thus a "majoritarian" decision rule and process,
in most instances the outcome does not differ from what would have been
a plurality system such as that previously used in San Francisco. However,
getting elected under in multi-seat elections under STV involves attaining
certain quota of votes and when a given candidate surpasses that quota and
declared elected, the "surplus" of votes he or she attains above the quota
also re-distributed according to the "second" or "further" choices marked
the ballots. If there are surplusses to be redistributed, that action
precedence over dropping the candidate with the fewest votes and who that
person might be at any stage can thus be affected by the outcome of the
transfer of the surplus. The matter is further complicated by the fact
there have been a number of different procedures used to accomplish the
transfer of "surplus" votes. Some procedures transfer the last "N - quota"
votes counted for the candidate declared to have been elected. Others draw
"sample" of votes equal to that number from all of the votes tallied for
elected candidate and a wide variety of "sampling" techniques have been
to select those ballots which, of course, are then transferred to the next
indicated choice in "full vote" measure. Perhaps the fairest and most
"representative" approach is to count the "second" or "next further"
on all the ballots received by the candidate declared elected and then
their transfer to other candidates still in the running by a weight
the ratio of the size of the surplus vote gained by the elected candidate
the total number of votes that person attained. Nicolaus Tideman [from
and his co-author discuss the merits of four different ways to carry out
process and improve on it in a piece included in the edited volume,
in Australia, Ireland, and Malta under the Single Transferable Vote,
edited by
Shaun Bowler and Bernard Grofman [University of Michigan Press, 2000]. All
procedures he considers are at least in principle amenable to

Returning to the use of IRV in San Francisco for single-office elections,
there is one complication that may hinder efficient tallying of the votes.
is that all the ballots would need to be brought [or sent electronically]
to a
common location and counted there, rather than being counted locally in
polling divisions or wards and then combined to get the final outcome.
election officials prefer to take advantage of the personnel working at
local polls to do a first count and then tally those sub-totals at the
election HQ. If this were done under IRV, different candidates might be
dropped at any particular stage in different polls/wards, leading to an
invalid result when those results were cumulated for the entire city. In
logistical terms, this requirement could prove a costly and delaying
to getting a prompt final tally. Beyond that, however, I see no reason why
software could not be written that would produce an appropriate, valied
in an efficient -- and cost-efficient -- fashion.

                                       J. Paul Johnston
                                      Associate Professor
                                Department of Political Science
                                     University of Alberta
                                        Edmonton, Canada



Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:01:52 -0800
From: Rick Hasen <>
Subject: Maine Law Triggers Soft Money Flood

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Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
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</td></tr><tr><td align=3D"left" valign=3D"top"> <p></p>&nbsp;<p></p> <NY=
T_DATE><font size=3D"-1"><strong>March 21, 2002</strong></font><br></NYT_=
DATE><NYT_KICKER></NYT_KICKER><NYT_HEADLINE  version=3D"1.0" type=3D" "><=
h2>Maine Law Triggers Soft Money Flood</h2></NYT_HEADLINE><NYT_BYLINE  ve=
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<p><b>Filed at 1:49 p.m. ET</b></p>
<p>AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) -- Maine's Clean Election Act has not had the clea=
nsing effect some of its supporters had hoped for.</p>
<p>Special interests and political action committees have found a way to =
keep the money flowing in races where candidates run ``clean'' -- that is=
, they receive public campaign funds in exchange for agreeing not to acce=
pt individual contributions.</p>
<p>The money tap was wide open during a hotly contested race to fill a st=
ate Senate seat earlier this month. Lobbyists said they were pressured li=
ke never before to write checks for political action committees, which po=
ured ``soft money'' into the campaigns.</p>
<p>Maine's Clean Election Act was passed by voters in 1996 and went into =
use in 2000. Arizona and Massachusetts have enacted similar laws.</p>
<p>While one purpose of the Maine law is to control escalating campaign s=
pending, especially by special interests, critics say it has simply alter=
ed the path the money takes.</p>
<p>PACs and other advocacy groups can buy ``issue'' ads for their candida=
tes, as they did in Maine's special election for a Portland-area Senate s=
eat. This soft money spending triggered matching disbursements from Maine=
's Clean Election fund for the clean candidates.</p>
<p>The law ended up costing taxpayers more than $11 per vote in the Senat=
e race. Critics predict that the cost will get even higher as more candid=
ates decide to run clean.</p>
<p>Democratic state Sen. John Martin supported the law and was even going=
 to run as a clean candidate until he saw what happened in Portland. Aske=
d about the law's effect on campaign spending, Martin said, ``It now appe=
ars that it's made it worse.''</p>
<p>The March 5 election was the first in which maximum distributions of c=
lean election funds were given to candidates.</p>
<p>Of the five candidates in the race, both the Democrat and the Republic=
an ran clean, as did one independent. The state dispensed nearly $123,000=
 to the clean candidates, though roughly a quarter of that went unspent a=
nd will have to be returned.</p>
<p>At the same time, more than $62,000 in soft money went into the campai=
gn, not counting the issue ads, which do not have to be reported.</p>
<p>Democrat Michael Brennan was conditionally seated as the winner after =
outpolling Republican Sally Vamvakias by 11 votes in a recount, but a Sen=
ate panel was reviewing some disputed ballots.</p>
<p>Arizona voters approved a clean elections system in 1998 and it was fi=
rst used in 2000. But it is under legal attack as a violation of the Firs=
t Amendment right to freedom of expression. In Massachusetts, voters appr=
oved a similar law in 1998, but a legal battle is under way over the Legi=
slature's refusal to release the necessary money.</p>
<p>On Capitol Hill this week, Congress sent President Bush the McCain-Fei=
ngold bill that bans soft money contributions and restricts the broadcast=
ing of issue ads.</p>
<p>William Hain, executive director of the Maine Ethics Commission, which=
 administers the $9 million fund, said the law has not dried up the money=
 PACs and other contributors are willing to spend, but simply altered its=
<p>``We've got this big pile of money out there, looking for a home,'' Ha=
in said.</p>
<p>But Micah Sifry of the group Public Campaign, an advocate for campaign=
 finance reform, said the election actually highlighted the law's positiv=
e effects. The race drew five contestants, suggesting that the law increa=
sed participation, and turnout appeared to be unusually high, Sifry said.=
<p>And Doug Klopp of the Maine Citizens' Leadership Fund, which unsuccess=
fully tried to get the Legislature to restrict soft money, said the law i=
s at least reducing the role of money in politics.</p>
<p>During to the 2000 legislative elections, almost half the members of t=
he Senate and a quarter of those in the House were elected using clean el=
ection funds. Overall spending on legislative races was reduced by 18 per=
cent, while individual donations dropped 50 percent, said Klopp, citing a=
 study by the National Institute on Money in State Politics.</p>
<p>On the Net:</p>
<p>Public Campaign: <virtloc id=3D"" idsrc=3D"" value=3D""></virtloc></p>
<p>Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices: <virtl=
oc id=3D"" idsrc=3D"" value=3D""></virtloc><=
</NYT_TEXT></td></tr><tr><td> =

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