Subject: Re: Election-Law request
From: George Rajapaksa
Date: 4/2/2002, 9:20 AM
To: Benjamin Forest

Dear Mr. Ben Forest,
You have been un subscribed from the digest list.

Benjamin Forest wrote:

Dear Mr. Rajapaksa,

I would like to set my subscription to the election-law listserver to
NODIGEST. Last April you changed it to DIGEST for me, but I would now like
to change it back.

Thank you.

Ben Forest

Dear Mr. Forest,

Your subscription has been changed to the digested version of the list.
George Rajapaksa.

Benjamin Forest wrote:

Dear Mr. Rajapaksa,

I would like to set my subscription to the election-law listserver to
digest. According to a 4/30/01 message from Rick Hasen, you can make this
change for me. Thanks very much.

Best wishes,

Ben Forest