Subject: California redistricting opinion online
From: Mike Alvarez
Date: 6/13/2002, 9:53 AM
To: "Lowenstein, Daniel" <>
CC: "Election-law Listserver (E-mail)" <>

I have a pdf copy of the Cano v. Davis decision on my website:
http://www.hss.caltech/edu/~rma/home.html.  It is a very large
file, but an interesting read.

Michael Alvarez

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win free stuff!

R. Michael Alvarez				(O) 626-395-4422
Professor of Political Science			(F) 626-405-9841 
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125                     

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Lowenstein, Daniel wrote:

	I now have a pdf file containing the three-judge court's opinion
upholding the California congressional and senate redistricting plans, but
was unable to post it to the list because it is too long.  If anyone would
like a copy of the pdf file, please send an e-mail to Karen Mathews at:


	Daniel H. Lowenstein
	UCLA Law School