Subject: Is the Electoral Count Act Unconstitutional?
From: "Vasan Kesavan" <>
Date: 7/15/2002, 4:50 PM

Last fall, I posted a short message to this discussion group on the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act. My thoughts on that subject are now in print in the June 2002 issue of the North Carolina Law Review in an article entitled "Is the Elector
al Count Act Unconstitutional?" The citation is 80 N.C. L. Rev. 1653 (2002). I'd be happy to send anyone who is interested in the subject a reprint or an e-reprint, and I'd be even more interested in discussing (on or off list) the constitutionality of th
e statutory scheme with anyone who thinks that the Electoral Count Act is in fact constitutional. My email address is

Vasan Kesavan