Subject: Re: redistricting and election cycle
From: Dave Rausch
Date: 9/9/2002, 8:36 AM
To: Mark Rush ,

Mark (and others):

You want to look up the case of Frank Pecora and the 44th Senatorial
district in Pennsylvania.  The legislature moved his district from the
Pittsburgh area to northern Chester County, and parts of Montgomery,
Berks, and Lehigh Counties.  Some of Pecora's new constituents took the
case to federal court.

The opinion is:
Donatelli v. Mitchell, 2 F.3d 508 (1994).

Hope this helps.

Dave Rausch

Dave Rausch, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Political Science
Dept. of History/Political Science
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX 79016-0001
(806) 651-2423    Fax: (806) 651-2601

My webpage: