Subject: Hypothetical Question
From: "Paul Ryan" <>
Date: 10/15/2002, 11:31 AM
To: "Election Law List Serve" <>

A playwright friend of mine has a hypothetical election law question I
agreed to pose to list serve members.  In the event that a presidential
candidate won the general election but decided on the day after the election
not to take office, who would become the president?  I assume it would be
the presidential candidate's vice presidential running mate, but am not
familiar enough with the workings of the Electoral College to be confident
in this assumption.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan
Project Director

Center for Governmental Studies
10951 West Pico Blvd., Suite 120
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Ph. (310) 470-6590 ext. 115
Fax (310) 475-3752
