Subject: RE: Depositions in the BCRA suit
From: "Adam Lioz" <>
Date: 10/15/2002, 10:33 AM
To: "'election-law @ majordomo . lls . edu'" <>

Slight correction:

I'm told by our lawyers that they never actually filed a motion; but sent a
letter challenging the confidentiality designations.  The challenge would
have resulted in a motion had Senator McConnnell's attorneys not agreed to
"un-designate" his testimony.

I apologize for the confusion.


Adam Lioz
Democracy Advocate

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Adam Lioz
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 11:35 AM
To: 'Ed Still'; 'election-law @ majordomo . lls . edu'
Subject: RE: Depositions in the BCRA suit

In reaction to a motion filed by the National Voting Rights Institute on
behalf of the Adams v. FEC plaintiffs (the suit challenging the increases in
hard money contribution limits enacted as part of BCRA), McConnell's
attorneys have agreed to make his entire deposition public.

We believe this is a victory for the public interest and will allow us to
expose certain portions of the proceedings that put Senator McConnell in the
uncomfortable position of defending his desire to increase contribution
limits well beyond the level that average Americans could conceivably

Adam Lioz
Democracy Advocate

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Ed Still
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:23 AM
To: election-law @ majordomo . lls . edu
Subject: Depositions in the BCRA suit

<a href="">Roll
Call </a>reports that Sen. McConnell is seeking to have large portions of
his deposition as well as portions of Sens. McCain's and Feingold's
depositons sealed.  The parties to the suit agreed that anyone could declare
portions of his own deposition as confidential to prevent political foes
using it, but apparently McConnell is sealing portions of depositions that
make charges against him.

Edward Still