Subject: Re: Hypothetical Question
From: Karl Manheim
Date: 10/15/2002, 4:12 PM
To: Frank Askin

This is a fairly complex question that has prompted 2 constitutional
amendments (12th in 1804 and 20th in 1933) and, more recently,
congressional hearings in the 1990s.

For a literary and somewhat amusing answer, see Jeff Greenfield, The
People's Choice (Plume, 1996).

For a more serious answer, one has to divide the quadrennial
presidential election into several distinct time periods: 1) prior to
general election; 2) between general election and meeting of electoral
college; 3) between meeting of electors and opening and counting of
votes in congress; and 4) between certification by congress and

I'm not sure we have a "president-elect" before congress meets (usually
on Jan. 6 of the year following a presidential election).  We certainly
don't have one before the electoral college meets.  As to what happens
if a victorious candidate withdraws before the electors cast their
votes, that is one of the great "constitutional holes."


Karl Manheim
Loyola Law School
919 S. Albany St.
Los Angeles, CA  90015
Tel:   213-736-1106
Fax:   240-414-7747

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